Dear Congressman Schrader:
Thank you for the work you do for Oregon and for the United States.
Thursday's "Healthcare Summit" revealed several salient things about the Presidential agenda, chief among them is the utter disdain for consequences and accountability, and, secondarily, a total disregard for financial realities.
Medicare, the Federal Government's shining example of fiscal ingenuity, established in the mid-1960's is currently some $74,650,607,800,000 or more in the hole, due to "unfunded liabilities;" in laymans' terms, promises to retirees which will never be kept, even though we have been "prepaying" premiums for some 45 years.
The sacrosanct Social Security system, in place since the early 1940's, is doing slightly better, having "unfunded liabilities" of "only" $14,187,985,000.
Given the status of our existing total indebtedness to only these two bastions of Socialism, do you truly believe that it is prudent to add yet another layer of bureaucracy to the Federal government, and to institute yet another "entitlement" which somehow miraculously appeared in the Constitution in the past few years?
Bottom line? This "reform" bill is an out-and-out Ponzi scheme, driven largely by the massive ego of the current President, and wholly transparent to the vast majority of Americans as it intrudes nanny-state governance deeper into our lives than ever before.
Heed this: the supporters of "Obamacare" (or "Pelosicare" or "Democraticare" or whatever psuedonym you choose) will find themselves joining the ranks of the formerly employed come the November mid-term elections.
Even we "sheeple" know when enough is enough.
How Do You Spell "Thug?"

Saturday, February 27, 2010
What's in a Name?
Following today's devastating earthquake in Chile, officials in the Obama administration were quick to rename the gap in the tectonic plates near Santiago: "Bush's Fault."
Friday, February 26, 2010
Taking the First Left Turn: a Letter to Congress
Dear Senator Merkley;
Thank you again for your service to Oregon and to the United States.
After watching seven grueling hours of "debate" on a plan to nationalize medical care for all Americans, and apparently some who are South- or Central-Americans, I find myself wondering why this program is being ramrodded by the President, and particularly at a time when "official" unemployment stands at 10%, when this country is already trillions of dollars behind the proverbial 8-ball? So let's just add a few trillions more of new debt and thinly-veiled tax increases? What does he want, 100% of all our incomes, or does he want more?
A proposed bill some 2,700 pages long is on the surface too all-encompassing, too invasive, and puts far, far too much power into the hands of a select few in Washington. No offense, but much of what the Federal government has "fixed" in past years has progressed from "misaligned" to "train wreck:" Social Security for aliens, billions of dollars in annual Medicare fraud, the Postal Service, Amtrak, the TSA, the Department of Energy, just to mention the tip of the iceberg.
Socialized medicine, by its very nature, demands rationing of care, and guarantees a lower quality of care overall: ask any Briitish citizen. As a "senior citizen," I have been paying FICA and Medicare taxes since 1964. Am I now to be overjoyed that my medical needs exceed those of a 26-year-old and are therefore subject to denial or reduction?
Ability to purchase medical insurance in a truly open market should be mandated by congress, but not the provision of medical insurance. That is NOT Congress' job.
Tort limitations could be mandated by Congress, rather than thoroughly ignored as they are in all forms of "reform bills" to date. Illegal aliens, whether euphemised as "undocumented," or "guest workers," or whatever catchphrase-du-jour is used, should be excluded from any medical care unless paid "up front.:" hospitals can only "write off" so many losses due to flagrant fraud. Ask any hospital administrator in our southern border states.
This debate has always been about the transfer of power to Washington, no matter how altruistic the rhetoric. Whe the President besmirches doctors for "removing tonsils to cure a sore throat," or "amputating a leg" under dubious circumstances, the voters see right through the facade to the heart of the rhetoric: POWER over us all. Thanks, but no thanks. You can keep the Change
Thank you again for your service to Oregon and to the United States.
After watching seven grueling hours of "debate" on a plan to nationalize medical care for all Americans, and apparently some who are South- or Central-Americans, I find myself wondering why this program is being ramrodded by the President, and particularly at a time when "official" unemployment stands at 10%, when this country is already trillions of dollars behind the proverbial 8-ball? So let's just add a few trillions more of new debt and thinly-veiled tax increases? What does he want, 100% of all our incomes, or does he want more?
A proposed bill some 2,700 pages long is on the surface too all-encompassing, too invasive, and puts far, far too much power into the hands of a select few in Washington. No offense, but much of what the Federal government has "fixed" in past years has progressed from "misaligned" to "train wreck:" Social Security for aliens, billions of dollars in annual Medicare fraud, the Postal Service, Amtrak, the TSA, the Department of Energy, just to mention the tip of the iceberg.
Socialized medicine, by its very nature, demands rationing of care, and guarantees a lower quality of care overall: ask any Briitish citizen. As a "senior citizen," I have been paying FICA and Medicare taxes since 1964. Am I now to be overjoyed that my medical needs exceed those of a 26-year-old and are therefore subject to denial or reduction?
Ability to purchase medical insurance in a truly open market should be mandated by congress, but not the provision of medical insurance. That is NOT Congress' job.
Tort limitations could be mandated by Congress, rather than thoroughly ignored as they are in all forms of "reform bills" to date. Illegal aliens, whether euphemised as "undocumented," or "guest workers," or whatever catchphrase-du-jour is used, should be excluded from any medical care unless paid "up front.:" hospitals can only "write off" so many losses due to flagrant fraud. Ask any hospital administrator in our southern border states.
This debate has always been about the transfer of power to Washington, no matter how altruistic the rhetoric. Whe the President besmirches doctors for "removing tonsils to cure a sore throat," or "amputating a leg" under dubious circumstances, the voters see right through the facade to the heart of the rhetoric: POWER over us all. Thanks, but no thanks. You can keep the Change
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Mr. Molech Goes To Washington
Eighty-six percent of the people in the United States do NOT want Federal intervention into medical care. Yet President pro-tem Obama insists upon cramming it down our throats: the rationed care, the skyrocketing premiums, the bankrupting taxes, the overwhelming costs, the evisceration of Medicare, the already-bankrupt Federal system now in place, more taxpayer-funded abortuaries (which, oddly enough, would have affected his own birth, had Ms. Dunham been pro-choice), and the prospect of your medical care being placed into the hands of financial geniuses and empathetic paladins like Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, Harry Reid, and Nancy Pelosi, just to name a few.
They. Think. You. Are. "Sheeple:" too stupid and too timid to do anything about it but bleat. And they may be right, unless you pick up the phone and call these switchboard numbers today:
Tell that bunch of miscreants to keep their rapacious, alcohol-soaked, porcine fingers OFF of your medical care. Call as many as you can think of, then go to
and call the ones you don't know. Offer a free cocktail, and they're sure to answer. I won't suggest how to get "Back Door" Barney's attention, but I'm sure you can guess what piques his interest...
Your life may very well be at stake here. Your childrens' and grandchildrens' futures certainly are.
Re-read Orwell's "1984." And Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals."
And hit that phone: it will be the wisest 10 or 20 dollars you will ever spend: it may just save your life.
They. Think. You. Are. "Sheeple:" too stupid and too timid to do anything about it but bleat. And they may be right, unless you pick up the phone and call these switchboard numbers today:
Tell that bunch of miscreants to keep their rapacious, alcohol-soaked, porcine fingers OFF of your medical care. Call as many as you can think of, then go to
and call the ones you don't know. Offer a free cocktail, and they're sure to answer. I won't suggest how to get "Back Door" Barney's attention, but I'm sure you can guess what piques his interest...
Your life may very well be at stake here. Your childrens' and grandchildrens' futures certainly are.
Re-read Orwell's "1984." And Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals."
And hit that phone: it will be the wisest 10 or 20 dollars you will ever spend: it may just save your life.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
When the Blind Lead the Blind
Now that you've seen how Oregon's economy has been "stimulated" by the infusion of 2.2 Billion borrowed Dollars, the great majority of which went to programs already spending taxpayer dollars, a question remains: Why did we "need" to raise taxes via measures 66 and 67? Wasn't 2.2 Billion Dollars enough to get us out of a financial hole? Wasn't that the alleged purpose of the "stimulus?"
Perhaps spending money on the Edith Green-Wendell Wyatt Federal office building to make it "green" by covering exterior walls in ivy does little to solve a sagging economy, particularly when one realizes that ivy will decimate the structure of said walls: that's why we currently spend millions of tax dollars annually to REMOVE IVY from local trees, walks, and BUILDINGS.
Therein lies the fundamental flaw with such "nanny-state" giveaways of YOUR money: any influx of cash to a left-leaning government will be answered with ludicrous spending and the "need" for even more cash to fund even more chimeral "needs" of the self-serving government leviathan, whether it is "Billions for Bikers," or "Gender Realignment" healthcare benefits for unionized City employees. Notice that they are no longer called "civil service" workers, they are Unionized Public Employees, no longer accountable to their benefactors, meaning YOU, the taxpayer.
The State of Oregon teeters on the same financial precipice as California and a host of other liberal-run states: contractual employee costs and perks, coupled with "touchy-feely" useless programs are bankrupting the economy. The only sensible solution is to do what any private industry would do: declare bankruptcy, cancelling all existing union contracts, including healthcare and retirement benefits, firing all union employees, and reformatting on a level playing field. It worked for the Air Traffic Controllers during the Reagan Administration, and it will work in our current situation.
Or, perhaps you would prefer seeing measures 66.2 and 67.2 recur every two years until virtually every business is driven out of this Tax Hell state, but we will still retain the 700,000 or so cush retirement packages now bankrupting all of us. Remember Ross Perot's "giant sucking sound" describing NAFTA? You know, when Mexico got a few hundred formerly American manufacturing plants, from Taylor Guitars to Ford Motors, and we got 12 million drug "mules" in return. By Grebthar's Hammer, what a Bargain!
The time has come, and is indeed well past, for us to "retire" many of our spendthrift politicians, from Sam "Ben Dover" Adams in Portland to "Sleepy Ted" Kulongoski in Salem, to the liberal spenders in D.C. such as Reid, Pelosi, Merkley, Wyden, Schrader, and Wu. Especially Wu.
Lock and Load, voters. November 2010 is growing near. Time to retool America.
Perhaps spending money on the Edith Green-Wendell Wyatt Federal office building to make it "green" by covering exterior walls in ivy does little to solve a sagging economy, particularly when one realizes that ivy will decimate the structure of said walls: that's why we currently spend millions of tax dollars annually to REMOVE IVY from local trees, walks, and BUILDINGS.
Therein lies the fundamental flaw with such "nanny-state" giveaways of YOUR money: any influx of cash to a left-leaning government will be answered with ludicrous spending and the "need" for even more cash to fund even more chimeral "needs" of the self-serving government leviathan, whether it is "Billions for Bikers," or "Gender Realignment" healthcare benefits for unionized City employees. Notice that they are no longer called "civil service" workers, they are Unionized Public Employees, no longer accountable to their benefactors, meaning YOU, the taxpayer.
The State of Oregon teeters on the same financial precipice as California and a host of other liberal-run states: contractual employee costs and perks, coupled with "touchy-feely" useless programs are bankrupting the economy. The only sensible solution is to do what any private industry would do: declare bankruptcy, cancelling all existing union contracts, including healthcare and retirement benefits, firing all union employees, and reformatting on a level playing field. It worked for the Air Traffic Controllers during the Reagan Administration, and it will work in our current situation.
Or, perhaps you would prefer seeing measures 66.2 and 67.2 recur every two years until virtually every business is driven out of this Tax Hell state, but we will still retain the 700,000 or so cush retirement packages now bankrupting all of us. Remember Ross Perot's "giant sucking sound" describing NAFTA? You know, when Mexico got a few hundred formerly American manufacturing plants, from Taylor Guitars to Ford Motors, and we got 12 million drug "mules" in return. By Grebthar's Hammer, what a Bargain!
The time has come, and is indeed well past, for us to "retire" many of our spendthrift politicians, from Sam "Ben Dover" Adams in Portland to "Sleepy Ted" Kulongoski in Salem, to the liberal spenders in D.C. such as Reid, Pelosi, Merkley, Wyden, Schrader, and Wu. Especially Wu.
Lock and Load, voters. November 2010 is growing near. Time to retool America.
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