How Do You Spell "Thug?"

How Do You Spell "Thug?"

Friday, March 5, 2010

Reading Between the Lines, DC Style

Dear (NeonLeon):

Thank you for contacting me regarding your concerns on environmental issues and global warming. I appreciate your thoughts and concerns over this issue.

I happen to believe that our earth is getting dangerously warmer as a result of human activities. In spite of the complete lack of evidence:  More KoolAid, anyone? Even if one disputes this point, we can all agree that decreasing our dependence on foreign oil is critical to America's long-term energy security. That is precisely why the Carter Administration created the Department of Energy over 40 years ago.  So far, "the system works," right? No new offshore drilling, no new refineries, no drilling ANYWHERE in mainland USA:  really gigantic steps toward oil independence. As a farmer and a steward of the earth, I also believe that we should strive to leave our planet better off for the next generation. And we should confiscate inheritances to "spread the wealth around." Recently the House of Representatives took a dramatic step to combat global warming and securing energy independence by passing, The American Clean Energy and Security Act, (commonly referred to as Cap-and-Trade,  the energy-usage unlimited tax act). This bill took unprecedented steps to limit carbon emissions while potentially creating millions of clean energy jobs in numerous American energy sectors including wind, wave, solar, geothermal, waste to energy, and renewable biomass.  Of course, most, if not all, of the manufacturing for these "green" facilities will be done by our "friends" in China.  And you are already seeing the 20% (so far) rate increase proposals for wind-generated electrical power.  Propane, Natural Gas, Gasoline and Diesel can't be far behind.  Then you can heat your home by wearing woolen underwear, and drive your oxcart to work, if you still have a job in 2012.  Let's all party like it's 1639!!

I take particular pride in authoring a better definition of biomass that puts rural America to work removing dead and diseased trees that burn up every year in catastrophic wildfires across the American west (without allowing the use of any unsavory practices like logging or harvesting the trees, for example). I was also pleased with some of the cost saving measures within the bill. Included provisions would help protect us from exorbitant price increases by allocating over 50 percent of the free carbon allowances to electricity, natural gas, home heating oil, and propane providers with the express mandate they be used to keep rate and price increases down for consumers. So far, a 100% failure.  But it worked on paper.  And a 20% rate increase doesn't seem so exorbitant when you compare it to this year's Congressional spending increases.

Many Americans have also expressed concern over the recent information obtained through the computer hacking of the Climate Research Unit (CRU) at the University of East Anglia. Illegal information obtained through this incident showed certain scientists doubting man-made global warming. I believe that the entire incident, including the hacking, should be investigated. Perhaps, now that Charlie Rangel has some spare time before sentencing, he could lead such an investigation:  he's awfully clever with numbers, after all...However, these events in no way undermine my belief that we need to pursue energy independence and be good stewards of our planet while we are here.

Thank you again for contacting me and I hope you keep in touch on issues that are important to you.  You may count on it, Sir, particularly next November.

Z orro?  ZORRO???  wow.
Member of Congress

This entire post, including my comments, was forwarded to Mr .    Schrader's office via e-mail.

Thursday, March 4, 2010


 Read This:  E-mail the link.  Be prepared.

Make Mine Orange Pekoe, Nancy Will Have the Kool-Aid.

1:  Now that both houses of Congress are lining up to curry the favor of President pro-tem Obama by foisting off his ghastly socialized medicine plot through the use of parliamentary loopholes, it occurs to me that House Speaker Mme. Pelosi has an opportunity to show the nation her "least corrupt Congress," and provide for her longtime colleague as well:  since Charlie Rangel now has some spare time on his hands, at least once the document shredding is completed, why not put him in charge of her promised "elimination of Medicare fraud and waste?"  He seems to be good with  money laund, errr, management.  And:  "it's not like he has endangered national security or anything," to use her own words.  Way to stand up, Nan!

2:  "Millions of families cannot afford adequate healthcare insurance" is the current mantra from the liberals in D.C. and in the White House.   I am fully aware of that factoid.  I am also fully aware that millions of families cannot afford lakeshore estates;  millions of families cannot afford new Lexus SUV's, let alone a Mercedes, a Ferrari, or a Porsche; millions of families have one or more family members in prison; millions of families are affected daily by drug and alcohol abuse, or, as it's called in D.C., "reaching across the aisle;"  and millions of families are sick and damn tired of supporting other millions of families because some pandering pompous plutocrats think they should "spread the wealth around."  Your wealth, not theirs.  Remember, Socialism only works until you run out of somebody else's money.
The LAST thing this country needs is another labyrinthine leviathan of  bureaucracy for ANY purpose, let alone controlling how, and if, you get medical care.  If this proposal by Mr. Obama is so great, why are mandatory prison terms for non-compliance included in the package?  And, excuse me for asking, but doesn't Congress have the responsibility to write laws, and not the Executive branch?  That pesky old Constitution keeps getting in the way of real progress, according to Mr. O's agenda.  And, should you stand up to oppose his "O-genda," you will be labelled as an "obstructionist tea-bagger," or worse.  Make mine Lipton.

So, instead of painting our faces with woad, donning a kilt, and raising a sword, call your Senator's local office, and politely tell the paid staffer who answers your call that you oppose a Federal takeover of healthcare insurance (or ANY private industry, for that matter).  Why do you oppose it?  Well, does GM build better cars now that YOU own 67% of its stock (minus the dividends that the stock used to earn)?  Can you say "Cobalt?"  I knew you could.
Does the Postal Service perform better than UPS or FedEx or DHL?  Why, no, no it doesn't.
Will Fannie Mae ever be solvent again?  Not in this, nor any subsequent, lifetime.
Which way will my taxes go next year?  In a one-word movie title:  "UP!"
Will my quality of health care improve when the Federal Government controls pricing, repayment for services, methodology, diagnostic testing, availability of providers, availability of specialists, availability of medicines, availability of choices by the individual, and the rest of the questions?  Alex, I'll take:  "two-letter words that rhyme with "NO."  for thireteen trillion dollars.  For the answer, look at Medicare, the VA, and Medicaid, and their current  respective "unfunded liabilities."   Then carry the 10's.

Unless you act, and act quickly, your elected "servants" in both houses of Congress will enact this, the worst piece of legislation since the Volstead Act, and we all have seen how well THAT one worked out.

Call.  Write.  E-mail.  Do ANYTHING to express your stance, within the law.  But do it today.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Wranglin' Rangel

Rascally rapscallion Charles "Mr. Integrity" Rangel has decided to "temporarily step aside" from his chairmanship of the House Ways and Means Committee, the place where tax laws are written, during the final phases of the Ethics Committee's inquest into his, ummm, creative personal financial dealings in order to direct more of his attention toward more urgent matters, such as shredding documents, setting up offshore shell corporations, and asking staff members to fall on their own swords for him. 
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, recovering from the shocking news that a  member of Congress and fellow Democrat may be fundamentally dishonest, was unavailable for comment, fearing such actions could jeopardize her latest blepharoplasty surgery or cause her to spill a drink.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The First and the Second

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. "

Just a little refresher, in case you still think your government is benign.  After all, no one in Washington disagrees with, nor deliberately ignores the Constitution, right?  Right?  Anyone?  

Hmmm. Does freedom "of the press" include the internet?  I mean, who uses printing presses anymore, anyway?  Hallmark? Like, Dude, where's my typewriter?  This phrase is totally archaic: let's toss it!  And why should we worry about how grievances are dressed or re-dressed?  Barney Frank?  No, wait, that's cross-dressed.  Toss it!  A well-regulated Militia?  Isn't that like a posse, or something?  Who uses posses anymore?  Ctrl-alt-delete!

Now we're becoming civilized, just like the President-pro-tem would have us to be. 

I find it odd, even though confronted by black-and-white, ink-on-parchment, that your Senate and House continue to debate these two portions of the Constitution, and yet somehow both have found between-the-lines unwritten references to their responsibility to coerce you into a state-run healthcare-insurance program, and they have the unconscionable hubris to use Social Security and Medicare as shining examples of how well they can run your life.  I guess that's the "Audacity of Hope" we've been hearing about, as in "I hope they never catch on to our audacity!"

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Madame Speaker Decrees

Speaker of the House, Mme. Nancy Pelosi (D.-Granolia: the home of Flakes, Fruits, and Nuts), speaking from the bottom half of a  double Johnnie Walker Red, stated that Congressional Representatives should pass the latest Healthcare "Reform" Bill as proposed by the Executive Branch, regardless if it should anger their constituents enough to boot them out of office in November's mid-term elections.  At last the mask comes off:  this is not about "fixing" American healthcare, it is about grasping POWER.  It is the boldfaced attempt by the leftist cadre in Washington to wrest individual freedom yet further out of reach of the People and deeper into the hands of the Elites in D.C..
You do not NEED "universal healthcare coverage."  You do not have any God-given "right" to "affordable health care."  You  make the choice for yourself!. You!  Neither Nanny Pelosi, Dingey Harry Reid, nor President Pro-Tem Obama has the right nor the responsibility to force you to pay for another gargantuan Federal Ponzi Scheme!
Social Security, begun by FDR, is already"in the red" by TRILLIONS of dollars.  Yet you AND your employers pour fifteen per cent of your wages into its maw every payday since the day you started working for a living.  If you opt out, or your employer doesn't pay up, it's Welcome to Leavenworth for you criminals. 
Medicare, the "Great Society" program of the Kennedy/Johnson years,  is in the red THREE TIMES as much as Social Security, yet you have been pre-paying your "premiums" since 1965. 
Go here and LOOK at the real numbers, not the MS-LSD pap that Keith Overblown feeds you:

Your Federal Government can't figure out how to run a brothel in Nevada at a profit! Google "Mustang Ranch Bankruptcy" and see for yourself.  If they can't figure out how to make money selling booze and broads in NEVADA-fer-cryin'-out-loud, what on earth makes you think they can run a hospital or a chiropractor's office, let alone a nationwide insurance program? Maybe we should all be using Tim Geithner's or Charlie Rangel's accountants, at least then we'd get some benefiit from hiring two bastions of financial and ethical brilliance.
Obama can Keep the Change, and I'll keep my doctor. 
And tell Madame Peloshevik to order another double, she's gonna need it in November.

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