Dear NeonLeon:
I appreciate your thoughts against prosecuting terrorism suspects in federal courts rather than military tribunals. I must, however, disagree with your conclusion. We can have federal court trials for suspected terrorists while providing for our physical and economic security.
The rights and liberties provided for by the Constitution apply to everybody. We do not get to pick and choose when or to whom the government of the United States applies those principles.
Kurt Schrader,
Member of Congress
Dear Congressman Schrader:
Thank you for your timely response in regard to granting First and Fifth Amendment rights to foreign nationals who have been captured by our military in foreign battlefields as those foreign nationals supported and abetted the enemies of the United States, whether in-or out of-uniform.
I appreciate your position, untenable though it may be, that our Constitution offers certain clearly defined and limited protections to Citizens as well as to sojourners: the so-called "Miranda Rights" are exemplary of that concept.
However, enemy combatants are just that, combatants who are our sworn enemies. They are not pickpockets, not embezzlers, not burglars. They shoot at, and kill, American soldiers. They fly planes loaded full of innocent travellers into buildings filled with innocent workers. They blow up trains and automobiles and nightclubs and they slaughter by the thousands innocent lives, all for some twisted anti-Semitic, anti-American bloodlust.
Please point out to me the specific passage in the United States Constitution which affords citizen's rights to foreign combatants. Please.
I await your response.
Note: His is the sort of thinking that got us 9/11'd in the first place. But we have a Commander in Chief who has never been even so much as a Cub Scout: what did you expect, another Patton?
How Do You Spell "Thug?"

Friday, January 29, 2010
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Community Organizer-in-Chief and mellifluous purveyor of leftist snake oil Barry M. Enema delivered his first State of the Union speech to wildly receptive Democrats and pointedly solemn Supreme Court last night. The 70-minute speech was best summed up by Justice Alito: "not true!" Key highlights were: the "economic stimulus" saved 1.5 million jobs, 80 to 90 percent of those jobs were in education (taxpayer supported) or other governmental jobs (also taxpayer supported), at least within actual zip codes or real congressional districts; we are going to have a cap-and-tax "climate bill" legislation in spite of mounting evidence that the whole thing is a scam based on deliberately falsified data; we are going to have Federal intervention into the world's best healthcare system in spite of the will of 86 percent of the people; we are going to "invest" in high-speed versions of Amtrak in order to funnel even more money down even larger ratholes at even faster speeds; many "smaller banks," such as the one owned by Representative (and Obama crony) Maxine Waters' husband, will get 30 billions of dollars extorted from the larger and therefore EEVIL banks; said EEVILbanks will continue to be vilified for making risky loans, never mind that they were MANDATED BY A DEMOCRAT CONGRESS to make such opprobrious loans; student loans will be erased for college grads who enter "public service" at a faster rate than if you opt for some less neccessary career like, oh, say, medicine or engineering or business; and, my fave, arrogantly stating that the Supreme Court bungled a recent decision involving campaign financing laws, at least in Mr. wOnderful's humble opinion, which was visibly discounted by a rather disgruntled Justice Alito who mouthed "not true" in front of the entire nation. Not as harsh as "YOU LIE" from Pete Wilson, but closely related. Oh, and the pleasant prospect that all Al Qaeda terrorists will be given taxpayer-paid attorneys and healthcare while in civil, not military, custody. Keep your Glock clean, friends. My favorite audience reaction, by far, was watching Homeland Security Secretary Napolitano dozing off while on duty ....AGAIN. The system still works, eh, Jan?
So, never mind the staggering debt load you are being buried under, pay no attention as that debt TRIPLES in this decade to become $300,000 PER household, never mind the stated intent of Al Qaeda to do "something better" (in their own words) than 9/11, let's ensure THEIR "civil rights:" ignore the monumental fiscal failures of past "stimulus plans," let's do it all again: you "little folks" just go watch the Super Bowl commercials, and drink your Kool-Aid like good little sheeple, and let Big Brother Barry's All-Purpose Elixir soothe all your troubles away.
Oh, and, sleep well: Janet's on the job.
So, never mind the staggering debt load you are being buried under, pay no attention as that debt TRIPLES in this decade to become $300,000 PER household, never mind the stated intent of Al Qaeda to do "something better" (in their own words) than 9/11, let's ensure THEIR "civil rights:" ignore the monumental fiscal failures of past "stimulus plans," let's do it all again: you "little folks" just go watch the Super Bowl commercials, and drink your Kool-Aid like good little sheeple, and let Big Brother Barry's All-Purpose Elixir soothe all your troubles away.
Oh, and, sleep well: Janet's on the job.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
The two worst tax bills in history have just been passed by the voters of Oregon. With some 700,000 state employees and retirees stuffing the ballot box, it is no surprise. Now that the genie has been let out of the bottle, how can we stop the teachers' union and the public employees union from voting themselves fat raises every year and padding the already overstuffed PERS retirement mattresses?
"When the people find they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic."- Benjamin Franklin, c. 1776.
Don't say you weren't warned. Or, to paraphrase P.T. Barnum: "No Tax hike ever failed by underestimating the intelligence of the Oregon voter."
And that loud Whooshing sound? That's corporations the size of Nike, Intel, and HP "downsizing" to absorb these onerous fees for doing business in Oregon. Kiss those jobs bye-bye. The other whooshing is the sound of smaller businesses fleeing Tax Hell to go to other states, courtesy of our "Let's kill the Golden Goose" legislature and governor: a larger collection of fiscal morons is only available in Washington D.C.
Ten bucks says they'll be screaming within two years for another increase, "for the children."
"When the people find they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic."- Benjamin Franklin, c. 1776.
Don't say you weren't warned. Or, to paraphrase P.T. Barnum: "No Tax hike ever failed by underestimating the intelligence of the Oregon voter."
And that loud Whooshing sound? That's corporations the size of Nike, Intel, and HP "downsizing" to absorb these onerous fees for doing business in Oregon. Kiss those jobs bye-bye. The other whooshing is the sound of smaller businesses fleeing Tax Hell to go to other states, courtesy of our "Let's kill the Golden Goose" legislature and governor: a larger collection of fiscal morons is only available in Washington D.C.
Ten bucks says they'll be screaming within two years for another increase, "for the children."
President Obama Speaks Again
Jan 10, 2010:
" the overall trend of job loss is still pointing in the right direction."- Barack H. Obama
Facts: Jobs Gained or Lost in 2009
" the overall trend of job loss is still pointing in the right direction."- Barack H. Obama
Facts: Jobs Gained or Lost in 2009
Oct. 2009: -526,000
Nov. 2009: +139,000
Dec. 2009: -589,000
2009 Total: -5,396,000
Ok, so I'm just a bumpkin from Owe-ree-gone, but I must ask: "pointing in the right direction" towards WHAT? Hint: it rhymes with "socialism."
Monday, January 25, 2010
President Obama Speaks:
March 2009: “I will finally end the abuse of no-bid contracts once and for all.”-Barack Hussein Obama
January 2010: The Obama administration this month awarded a $25 million federal contract for work in Afghanistan to a company owned by a prominent Democratic campaign contributor without entertaining competitive bids.
Gee, I HOPE things CHANGE.
January 2010: The Obama administration this month awarded a $25 million federal contract for work in Afghanistan to a company owned by a prominent Democratic campaign contributor without entertaining competitive bids.
Gee, I HOPE things CHANGE.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Senator Merkley Speaks
From the Office of Jeff Merkley, U.S. Senate (D-Oh)
"Moreover, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act will rein in spiraling costs and will reform the health care system in a fiscally responsible manner. The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office reported that the bill will lower our nation's deficit by $130 billion over ten years (or, roughly 0.0000001 per cent of the deficit.)."
More Kool-Aid, anyone?
"Our current health care system is no longer working for far too many Americans. Too many are without insurance; too many others fear they will lose coverage when they need it most; too many families are going bankrupt and too many businesses are hampered because of spiraling health care costs."
(Could you run those numbers by me again, Sir? Your SOLUTION, Mr. Senator? MORE government "intervention"?)
"The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (read: Obamacare) will make needed, important and immediate changes to our health care system including preventing insurance companies from denying health care because of a preexisting condition (you know, AIDS, Cancer, morbid obesity, and the like)or rescinding coverage when an individual gets sick (such as in the case of...?). It will ensure that those who are happy with their health coverage would be able to keep their insurance (providing it meets "government standards"), while improving the range of private insurance options (option 1: comply or be fined and/or imprisoned) for millions of Americans. Additionally, the legislation will provide better options to small businesses struggling with the cost of providing their employees with health insurance by allowing businesses to enter a new marketplace, called health insurance exchanges, where employers can join together to use their combined buying power to get better and more stable pricing, and the opportunity to offer their employees more choices." (You know, choices like gutting Medicare benefits, taxing the bejeezus out of everyone except illegal aliens, and instituting an "advisory panel" for those pesky life-and-death decisions which so few Americans choose...wisely.)"Moreover, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act will rein in spiraling costs and will reform the health care system in a fiscally responsible manner. The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office reported that the bill will lower our nation's deficit by $130 billion over ten years (or, roughly 0.0000001 per cent of the deficit.)."
More Kool-Aid, anyone?
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Send those rat-bastards a bill for your share of that debt, and a "pink slip" for November, 2010.