How Do You Spell "Thug?"

How Do You Spell "Thug?"

Saturday, July 10, 2010


I'm an American citizen, and I must show my "approved" ID whenever I am:
1. Asked for it by the police, whatever their reason.
2. Making purchases on my department store credit card.
3. Keeping a doctor's appointment.
4. Filling out a credit card or loan application.
5. Applying for or renewing a driver's license, fishing license, hunting license, or passport.
6. Applying for any kind of insurance.
7. Filling out college or employment applications.
8. Donating blood.
9. Obtaining certain prescription drugs.
10. Making debit-card purchases, especially if I'm "out-of-state."
11. Cashing any check.
12. Collecting a boarding pass for any airline or train travel.
13. Re-entering my native country from Canada!!!!

I'm sure there are more instances, but the point is that we citizens of the USA are required to prove who we are nearly every day!

Why should illegal aliens in this country be exempt !!!!!

Why shouldn't we guard our borders as closely as every other country in the world does ?

You begged for soldiers to secure the Border, and Obama the Obtuse Organizer sent lawyers to sue you for UPHOLDING FEDERAL LAW!!  
The term "Moron" is wholly inadequate. 

Hat Tip: JOG, USA Ret.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Potpourri du Jour

Locally, Mayor Sam "The Phantom of the Locker Room" Adams has found enough money to replace the old, boring MUZAK you heard while "on hold" during attempted calls to City offices with new boring music as performed by "local" bands who would otherwise doubtlessly languish in their parents' garages without the influx of taxpayer funding.  Thanks for the leg up, Sam.  And I mean that, sincerely.  As in a male dog lifts his leg.

And beleaguered Roosevelt High School just received a 7.7 MILLION dollar promissory note from the Federal government.  Cash it quickly, Rough-Riders:  it's "Obama Money."   Now the school can afford the best multi-cultural poly-lingual gender sensitivity counsellors that money can buy, and two or three new textbooks as boot.  I feel all warm and fuzzy now, don't you?

Nationally, the US Postal Service is once again a bit short on funds, and is making a two-billion-dollar rate hike, the seventh in ten years, at an increase rate just 50% faster than the price of gasoline.  The raise is needed because of the downturn of snail-mail volume since the rest of the planet discovered e-communications which do not require trucks and union contracts in order to succeed.  Did I forget to mention that 80 per cent of USPS' costs are "wages and benefits?"  And that there are currently some $90 BILLION in "unfunded liabilities?"  Unfunded liabilities, for those of you who attended beleaguered public schools like Roosevelt,  are "rubber checks:"  promises to pay current debts with monies derived from illusory fantasies of future incomes.  In this case, the shocked USPS officials discovered that there has been a drop of some 36 billion pieces of mail delivered over the last few years.  Odd that there has been no proportionate drop in the number of employees, no?  And, for my friends who depend upon their USPS pensions:  there may be some bad news headed your way, kind of like the bad news the Teamsters got when three out of five of their past presidents absconded with the union's pension funds.  Only Jimmy Hoffa, it appears, will remain as a concrete part of the foundations of the union movement in America.

Internationally,  the Taliban is very near to caving in and ratting out Osama bin Laden since Stan McChrystal got the axe for telling the truth about his boss Secretary LePetomaine, and David " Live Prisoners, My *$$!" Petraeus is riding in to town on his own "Blazing Saddle;"  Iraq is fast becoming a vacationer's paradise, except for a few insignificant roadside bombs and cell-phone operated IED's and the occasional RPG into the US embassy which is, by the way, the Largest embassy in the known world; and little Georgie Soros has announced his intention to pay off pal Obama's multi-trillion-dollar deficit so "all the little people in America can get good jobs, like in Greece."
-Or not.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

NASA Gets Its PC On

NASA's  Mission Statement (From Their Website):
*To improve life here,
*To extend life to there,
*To find life beyond

Ummmmm, nothing about "reaching out" to Muslims, recognizing Muslim contributions to math and science, nor sharing technologies with our dear friends in, oh, Iran, Syria, Libya, Somalia, Kyrgistan, Pakistan, or Ollieandstan.  Here's a new logo, courtesy of

Barack Obama, the Manchurian/Muslim Candidate, is determined to destroy this country.  Period.  Why else would he hire Joe Biden as a life-insurance policy? 

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