Here's a respite from today's moribund headlines to give you a happy weekend:
How Do You Spell "Thug?"

Saturday, October 22, 2011
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Four self-aggrandizing U.S. Senators, and I'll let you guess from which party, but I will give you some clues: Which party orchestrated the Federal takeover of GM and subsequent financial shafting of shareholders and taxpayers alike? Which party forces their concept of an acceptable diet onto all public schools and private restaurants in every city in the United States except Washington, D.C.? Got it? Good. These four guardians of freedom wrote a letter to "ask" that all Major League Baseball players acquiesce to their decidedly non-Constitutional, overreaching demand:
"Tomorrow night, an expected 15 million viewers, including many children, will tune in to watch the first game of the series. Unfortunately, as these young fans root for their favorite team and players, they also will watch their on-field heroes use smokeless tobacco products," wrote the Senators. "During the upcoming negotiations over the bargaining agreement, we write to ask that the Major League Baseball Players Association agree to a prohibition on the use of all tobacco products at games and on camera at all Major League ballparks. This would send a strong message to young baseball fans, who look toward the players as role models, that tobacco use is not essential to the sport of baseball."
Ahh, the new Volstead Act; we all remember how well the original solved the problem of public liquor sales. Or don't you remember Al Capone, Elliot Ness, and "Papa" Joe Kennedy?
The 24k gold answer from former Commissioner of Baseball Clements "Babe" Yastrzemski III?
"For decades hundreds of millions of Americans, including many children, have tuned into the news to watch the American political process at work. Unfortunately, as these young Americans root for the party and players the mainstream media insist are their favorites, they have also learned through non-mainstream media sources that their in-office heroes have all too frequently engaged in extra-marital sex," wrote the ex-Commissioner. "During the upcoming elections over who will hold offices in Washington, we here in baseball are calling on all politicians to agree to a prohibition on extra-marital sex and inappropriate behavior while serving in public office in Washington, D.C. This would send a strong message to young Americans, who we are assured by the mainstream media look to liberal politicians in particular as role models, that sex outside marriage is not essential to the conduct of good government."
I love that guy!
-neon leon
p.s. In a related development, ESPN fired longtime commentator Max Mercy for quickly dubbing a possible agreement between the four senators and Major League Baseball as the "Screw and Chew" rule.
Speaking at a rally to promote a piecemeal provision of President Obama’s "jobs" proposal, Vice President "Clueless Joe" Biden said Wednesday that “people died” and “people’s homes burned to the ground,” because the Bush administration allowed “God-awful Ponzi schemes” on Wall Street.Remember Jan 3, 2007?
(I don't understand WHY the people running for office don't say this in their ads.)
That was the day the Democrats took over your government, not January 22nd 2009;
the Democrats took control over both the House of Representatives and the Senate, at the start of the 110th Congress. The Democrat Party controlled a majority in both chambers for the first time since the end of the 103rd Congress in 1995. For those who are listening to the libtards propagating the fallacy that everything is "Bush's Fault", think about this:
On the day the Democrats took over the Senate and the House:
The DOW Jones closed at 12,621.77
The GDP for the previous quarter was 3.5%
The Unemployment rate was 4.6%
George Bush's "Failed" Economic policies SET A RECORD of 52 STRAIGHT MONTHS of JOB CREATION!
Remember ...
January 3rd, 2007 was the day that Barney Frank took over the House Financial Services Committee and Chris Dodd took over the Senate Banking Committee.
The economic meltdown that happened just 15 months later was in what part of the economy? BANKING AND FINANCIAL SERVICES!
You can thank Congress for taking us from 13,000 DOW, 3.5 GDP and 4.6% Unemployment to this CRISIS by dumping 5-6 TRILLION Dollars of failed loans on the economy from YOUR Fannie Mae
and Freddie Mac fiascos! (BTW: Bush asked Congress a mere 17 TIMES to stop Fannie & Freddie - starting in 2001, because it was financially risky for the U.S. Economy, but no one would listen. The lending laws, promoted and signed by William Jefferson Clinton, were the root cause of the creation of toxic mortgages).
And who took the third highest campaign pay-off from Fannie Mae AND Freddie Mac?
Barack Obama. And who fought against reform of Fannie and Freddie??? OBAMA and the Democratic Congress. So when someone tries to "Blame Bush"...
Bush may have been in the car, but the Democrats were controlling the gas pedal and steering wheel: they were driving. Set the record straight on Bush!
As you listen to all the commercials and blamestream media from the Democrats who are now distancing themselves from their voting record, remember how they didn't listen to you when you said you didn't want all the bailouts and takeovers; you didn't want their health care bill; you didn't want cap and trade and "carbon credits;" you didn't want them to continue spending money we don't have..
I'm not forgetting their complicity in getting us into this mess, and I'll be marking my vote accordingly!
--neon leon
Hat Tip: Dr. GOG
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
As I drove past the "Occupy Portland" unlawful encampment last evening, I was struck by the facts that most obviously appeared:
1. No one there was "protesting" anything; all were just wandering, eating, or smoking stuff.
2. Two blocks of Public Parks now have the stench of an open latrine, of a "straddle trench."
3. Electrically-amplified "music" could be heard a block away, due to "free electricity" provided by Taxpayers, without express permission nor public discourse.
4. Police and EMT's were assisting an apparently injured camper into an ambulance, apparently for
transport to a medical facility, all at Taxpayer expense.
5. Police presence was obvious, but minimal, and very "low key."
6. Port-a-Potties were in abundance, but infrequently used.
7. The camp more resembled a music festival ala Woodstock than a "protestation-without-cause."
8. One "Eeevill Capitalist" could not even GIVE jobs to anyone there.
9. The damages to the "Occupied" Taxpayer-Owned Public Park are only a small fraction of the
damages being done to downtown businesses. You know, the ones who pay taxes.
10. Despite a dearth of coherent "protests," flagrant misuse and disuse of public funds is rampant.
Mayor and alleged Police Commissioner "Spineless Sam" Adams, who has already announced, thank heaven, that he will NOT seek re-election, has done NOTHING to enforce a multitude of City codes, policies, and ordinances, with the possible exception of the arrest of ONE pot dealer. Big Whoop, Sam; Big Whoop.
Portland residents, I am requesting a Counter-Protest at City Hall. I want my park and my city back, NOW. I want "Equal Protection Under the Law." If a few dozen sloths can flout the law without consequence, why can't we? Why should WE be obligated pay to park on public streets if THEY don't pay for their patently unlawful "campout" in a public park? Why should WE be jackbooted into obeying traffic signals upon penalties of fines and warrants if THEY are somehow immune to traffic laws, even to the point of barricading a public thoroughfare without permission, authority, nor consequence??
Spineless Sam, there remains a vast "Wall of Separation" between "Free Speech" and anarchy. You, sir, are aiding and abetting anarchy by your indifference to the overwhelming majority of citizens and businesses whose lives and livelihoods are being negatively affected by these ill-mannered, ill-informed, and ill-behaved individuals. You are FORCING your misconceptions about "Public Good" upon the citizens of Portland, and by doing so, abrogating your position as both Mayor and as Police Commissioner.
Lead, follow, or get out of the way, sir.
I endorse and support the latter option.
-neon leon
1. No one there was "protesting" anything; all were just wandering, eating, or smoking stuff.
2. Two blocks of Public Parks now have the stench of an open latrine, of a "straddle trench."
3. Electrically-amplified "music" could be heard a block away, due to "free electricity" provided by Taxpayers, without express permission nor public discourse.
4. Police and EMT's were assisting an apparently injured camper into an ambulance, apparently for
transport to a medical facility, all at Taxpayer expense.
5. Police presence was obvious, but minimal, and very "low key."
6. Port-a-Potties were in abundance, but infrequently used.
7. The camp more resembled a music festival ala Woodstock than a "protestation-without-cause."
8. One "Eeevill Capitalist" could not even GIVE jobs to anyone there.
9. The damages to the "Occupied" Taxpayer-Owned Public Park are only a small fraction of the
damages being done to downtown businesses. You know, the ones who pay taxes.
10. Despite a dearth of coherent "protests," flagrant misuse and disuse of public funds is rampant.
Mayor and alleged Police Commissioner "Spineless Sam" Adams, who has already announced, thank heaven, that he will NOT seek re-election, has done NOTHING to enforce a multitude of City codes, policies, and ordinances, with the possible exception of the arrest of ONE pot dealer. Big Whoop, Sam; Big Whoop.
Portland residents, I am requesting a Counter-Protest at City Hall. I want my park and my city back, NOW. I want "Equal Protection Under the Law." If a few dozen sloths can flout the law without consequence, why can't we? Why should WE be obligated pay to park on public streets if THEY don't pay for their patently unlawful "campout" in a public park? Why should WE be jackbooted into obeying traffic signals upon penalties of fines and warrants if THEY are somehow immune to traffic laws, even to the point of barricading a public thoroughfare without permission, authority, nor consequence??
Spineless Sam, there remains a vast "Wall of Separation" between "Free Speech" and anarchy. You, sir, are aiding and abetting anarchy by your indifference to the overwhelming majority of citizens and businesses whose lives and livelihoods are being negatively affected by these ill-mannered, ill-informed, and ill-behaved individuals. You are FORCING your misconceptions about "Public Good" upon the citizens of Portland, and by doing so, abrogating your position as both Mayor and as Police Commissioner.
Lead, follow, or get out of the way, sir.
I endorse and support the latter option.
-neon leon
Monday, October 17, 2011
As of Oct. 17, according to data from the Office of Management and Budget and the Congressional Budget Office, here is a snapshot of what's "changed" since January, 2009:
-- The U.S. debt increased by an average of $4.2 billion per day. The total rise in that time breaks down to more than $13,000 in additional debt for every single American.
-- The government has spent more than $9.6 trillion, about 60 percent more than what Washington took in from all sources.
-- The country racked up as much debt in the last 1,000 days as it did in the first 79,135 days. (That's from 1776 to 1993.)
-- In the last 1,000 days, America spent $1.2 trillion in interest on the debt. By itself, that would represent the world's 15th largest economy.
-- 2.22 million jobs have been lost, not "shovel-ready, saved nor created."
-- More than 2.4 million homes were repossessed for failure to pay mortgages.
-- The unemployed are staying out of work longer -- on average about 40.5 weeks, more than double the typical bout of joblessness in January 2009.
-- The jobless rate has been at or above 9 percent for 840 of the last 1,000 days.
-- Thirty-seven states have higher unemployment rates.
-- Washington has spent almost $380 billion of your tax dollars on federal unemployment benefits alone, all of it with borrowed dollars.
-- Since January 2009, 7,076 new "final" regulatory rules were issued.
-- 12 million more Americans are on food stamps.
-- Gas prices are up by more than 80 percent. The average price-per-gallon has exceeded $3 every day in 2011.
Read more:
-neon leon
-- The U.S. debt increased by an average of $4.2 billion per day. The total rise in that time breaks down to more than $13,000 in additional debt for every single American.
-- The government has spent more than $9.6 trillion, about 60 percent more than what Washington took in from all sources.
-- The country racked up as much debt in the last 1,000 days as it did in the first 79,135 days. (That's from 1776 to 1993.)
-- In the last 1,000 days, America spent $1.2 trillion in interest on the debt. By itself, that would represent the world's 15th largest economy.
-- 2.22 million jobs have been lost, not "shovel-ready, saved nor created."
-- More than 2.4 million homes were repossessed for failure to pay mortgages.
-- The unemployed are staying out of work longer -- on average about 40.5 weeks, more than double the typical bout of joblessness in January 2009.
-- The jobless rate has been at or above 9 percent for 840 of the last 1,000 days.
-- Thirty-seven states have higher unemployment rates.
-- Washington has spent almost $380 billion of your tax dollars on federal unemployment benefits alone, all of it with borrowed dollars.
-- Since January 2009, 7,076 new "final" regulatory rules were issued.
-- 12 million more Americans are on food stamps.
-- Gas prices are up by more than 80 percent. The average price-per-gallon has exceeded $3 every day in 2011.
Read more:
-neon leon
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