Dear Senator Wyden,
Thank you again for your service to Oregon and to the United States.
Can you tell me why the Department of Education is buying tactical shotguns?
I refer to Solicitation # EDOOIG-10-000004, as posted on
Thank You.
How Do You Spell "Thug?"

Friday, March 12, 2010
Dear Congressman Schrader:
This healthcare "reform" bill is no Cadillac, it is not even an Edsel, it is barely a Yugo, but it is priced like a Rolls-Royce Silver Shadow.
Federal medical care "entitlements" are currently 107 TRILLION dollars in the hole, and you want to add 25% MORE recipients? Surely you didn't run your farm nor your practice this way.
Here's a news flash: Billy Mays is dead, but the pitchmen go on and on. We Americans have seen through this cockamamie bill for what it is: a monumental transfer of power to the federal government with negligible benefit to the governed.
Wrong bill, wrong time, wrong reasonings, wrong goals, wrong methods, wrong purposes, wrong costs, wrong bookkeeping, wrong information, wrong promises, wrong services, wrong penalties, wrong threats, wrong for America.
Scrap it.
Start over.
This healthcare "reform" bill is no Cadillac, it is not even an Edsel, it is barely a Yugo, but it is priced like a Rolls-Royce Silver Shadow.
Federal medical care "entitlements" are currently 107 TRILLION dollars in the hole, and you want to add 25% MORE recipients? Surely you didn't run your farm nor your practice this way.
Here's a news flash: Billy Mays is dead, but the pitchmen go on and on. We Americans have seen through this cockamamie bill for what it is: a monumental transfer of power to the federal government with negligible benefit to the governed.
Wrong bill, wrong time, wrong reasonings, wrong goals, wrong methods, wrong purposes, wrong costs, wrong bookkeeping, wrong information, wrong promises, wrong services, wrong penalties, wrong threats, wrong for America.
Scrap it.
Start over.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Havana on the Willamette
Portland's boy-toy mayor, Sam Adams, has diverted twenty million dollars from city sewer construction in order to help implement his grandiose bicycle nirvanna plans: 600 million tax dollars for bike trails, oh, boy.
First of all, if you or I took twenty dollars from an employer's office supplies fund and spent it on cigars, we'd likely get disciplined or fired, right? If you used your employer's "p-card" to expense an evening at Darcelle's, you'd get reamed, and possibly fired, right?
So, why is it now OK to misuse money raised by sewer bonds and rate increases to pay for the mayor's pet projects? Apparently Emperor Adams thinks he has no accountability to the people who, through taxes, fees, fines, and levies, support this city and PAY HIS SALARY.
"Oh, we saved the 20 million by getting lower construction costs." is his position. And the reason that the 20 million couldn't be refunded to the ratepayers would be what, Mayor Adams? Or should we say, Your Highness?
Take a look at Portland's city streets and sidewalks, and ask yourself if funding "bicycle tour routes" is more neccessary than filling the ankle-deep potholes, removing cottonwood forests from cracked sidewalks, or repairing the six-year old landslide on Taylors Ferry Road near the mortuary? SIX YEARS, and still no repairs from "the City That Works." But we got green bike "safety zones," now, and twenty million dollars worth of bike trails from the City that Works for some, just not for the taxpayers. Nice.
First of all, if you or I took twenty dollars from an employer's office supplies fund and spent it on cigars, we'd likely get disciplined or fired, right? If you used your employer's "p-card" to expense an evening at Darcelle's, you'd get reamed, and possibly fired, right?
So, why is it now OK to misuse money raised by sewer bonds and rate increases to pay for the mayor's pet projects? Apparently Emperor Adams thinks he has no accountability to the people who, through taxes, fees, fines, and levies, support this city and PAY HIS SALARY.
"Oh, we saved the 20 million by getting lower construction costs." is his position. And the reason that the 20 million couldn't be refunded to the ratepayers would be what, Mayor Adams? Or should we say, Your Highness?
Take a look at Portland's city streets and sidewalks, and ask yourself if funding "bicycle tour routes" is more neccessary than filling the ankle-deep potholes, removing cottonwood forests from cracked sidewalks, or repairing the six-year old landslide on Taylors Ferry Road near the mortuary? SIX YEARS, and still no repairs from "the City That Works." But we got green bike "safety zones," now, and twenty million dollars worth of bike trails from the City that Works for some, just not for the taxpayers. Nice.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Dear Congressman...part MCMLXXVII
Dear Congressman Schrader:
The current healthcare "reform" bill, as written, no longer bans federal taxpayer funding of abortion. So, if universal health CARE is such right, although never delineated in the Constitution, by what stretch of logic is the funding of the slaughter of human lives of such paramount importance to this bill?
I am certain that you do not hold your constituents in such contempt as to believe that the current bill now being considered for "reconciliation" without following any of the several mandated processes for legal reconciliation is somehow the best thing for America at this time. Surely you are more astute than that.
Heaven knows, we are.
The current healthcare "reform" bill, as written, no longer bans federal taxpayer funding of abortion. So, if universal health CARE is such right, although never delineated in the Constitution, by what stretch of logic is the funding of the slaughter of human lives of such paramount importance to this bill?
I am certain that you do not hold your constituents in such contempt as to believe that the current bill now being considered for "reconciliation" without following any of the several mandated processes for legal reconciliation is somehow the best thing for America at this time. Surely you are more astute than that.
Heaven knows, we are.
Dear Congressman Boehner
Dear Congressman Boehner,
My own Congressional representatives are dyed-in-the-wool Democrat sycophants, so I am writing to you to express my utter disgust at the Presidential presentation of healthcare "reform," which is not reform at all, but a Socialistic power grab, using medical care as a key link in a new set of chains for all Americans, which chains our founding fathers sacrificed their lives and livelihoods in order to break. Now the current ruling party wishes to enslave America once again, this time to a self-serving plutocracy which views the people as mere sources of tax revenues from which funds for their own lavish lifestyles stem by the sweat of the "commoners'" brows.
Cubans have a "wonderful" public health care system, according to some observers from our own Congress, and yet Cubans still flee in bathtubs, barrels, and any other craft which may float the 90 miles to America. Why?
Canadians have a much-touted healthcare system, a system which absorbs 30 percent of all tax revenues!
Britains' vaunted healthcare system, where teeth ate extracted rather than repaired, where CT scans and MRI diagnoses are nearly nonexistent, and where cancer mortalities are nearly TRIPLE those of the United States, cannot be considered a "success" by any standard.
Our current one-term President promised to focus on JOBS during his insulting state of the Union Speech. And, like some street grifter, as we watched the wrong hand, he pocketed our dime.
This "reform" bill is the WRONG bill at the WRONG time for the WRONG reasons benefitting the WRONG recipients by taxing the WRONG sources for the WRONG amounts and requires the WRONG penalties for non-compliance for the WRONG reasons.
The only thing Right about this bill is that it is currently stalled, and, like some vicious rabid animal, it needs to be permanently euthanized for the good of the American people.
My own Congressional representatives are dyed-in-the-wool Democrat sycophants, so I am writing to you to express my utter disgust at the Presidential presentation of healthcare "reform," which is not reform at all, but a Socialistic power grab, using medical care as a key link in a new set of chains for all Americans, which chains our founding fathers sacrificed their lives and livelihoods in order to break. Now the current ruling party wishes to enslave America once again, this time to a self-serving plutocracy which views the people as mere sources of tax revenues from which funds for their own lavish lifestyles stem by the sweat of the "commoners'" brows.
Cubans have a "wonderful" public health care system, according to some observers from our own Congress, and yet Cubans still flee in bathtubs, barrels, and any other craft which may float the 90 miles to America. Why?
Canadians have a much-touted healthcare system, a system which absorbs 30 percent of all tax revenues!
Britains' vaunted healthcare system, where teeth ate extracted rather than repaired, where CT scans and MRI diagnoses are nearly nonexistent, and where cancer mortalities are nearly TRIPLE those of the United States, cannot be considered a "success" by any standard.
Our current one-term President promised to focus on JOBS during his insulting state of the Union Speech. And, like some street grifter, as we watched the wrong hand, he pocketed our dime.
This "reform" bill is the WRONG bill at the WRONG time for the WRONG reasons benefitting the WRONG recipients by taxing the WRONG sources for the WRONG amounts and requires the WRONG penalties for non-compliance for the WRONG reasons.
The only thing Right about this bill is that it is currently stalled, and, like some vicious rabid animal, it needs to be permanently euthanized for the good of the American people.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Unlawful Entry and Question Number 9
You will soon receive your 2010 Census form. It must be correctly filled in: lying on a census is a violation of Federal law. HOWEVER, there are sections of this year's census wherein you are asked ethnicity questions, and the Federal government has NO LEGITIMATE REASON for asking you this information.
image courtesy
If you are, like myself, an American Citizen, that's all they need to know. Check "Some Other Race," and write in "American" in the space provided. I could honestly say that I am Irish-American, French-American, Hispanic-American, Canadian-American, English-American, Scottish-American, Danish-American, and even Native-American, just to name a few, as I am certain most of us could do.
The government has NO LEGITIMATE REASON to ask your ethnicity.
It is NOT a part of the Census mandate. DO NOT write that you are "Klingon" (Sorry, Mr.Wu) or "Martian" or "Swedish Muslim" or anything other than AMERICAN. Let the bureaucrats figure out where to throw the darts: that's their job.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Washington's Dealings With EEvill Insurance Companies, Part MCMXVIII
I'll bet you didn't know that in the bowels of the current "compromise" bill for "Obamacare" there is a real gem hidden: the Senate version provides 400 BILLION TAXPAYER DOLLARS to healthcare insurance companies as tax subsidies!! Four Hundred Billion Taxpayer Dollars to the EEvill insurance companies so reviled by our next former President in his every speech. And that's the GOOD news!
The BAD news: the House version of the "reform" bill provides, wait for it, (drumroll, Maestro, if you please):
Well, that should surely drive your cost of Obamacare down!
Look, we don't advocate violence of any kind; no, really, we don't. But if you just stand there like a dumb sheep and let those Ponzi-scheming Plutocrats get away with this sheep-shearing scheme, and should they make this bill into law, well, let's just say that Guy Fawkes was a visionary. And they won't admit to understanding anything less than armed rebellion.
This is America! We operate on a free-market economy, not a government-run totalitarianism, at least, not yet. But, give 'em an inch on this bill, KNOW what's next.
And the Patriots of 1776, 1812, 1864, 1917, 1941, and even 9/11/2001 will all have given up their lives for nothing! NOTHING!
Call Wyden's local office. Call Merkley's local office. Call Schrader's local office. Call Wu's...oh, never mind: he's too busy learning to speak Klingon to care about your petty grievances. But you get the idea.
As Phil Knight says: "Just Do It!"
The BAD news: the House version of the "reform" bill provides, wait for it, (drumroll, Maestro, if you please):
Well, that should surely drive your cost of Obamacare down!
Look, we don't advocate violence of any kind; no, really, we don't. But if you just stand there like a dumb sheep and let those Ponzi-scheming Plutocrats get away with this sheep-shearing scheme, and should they make this bill into law, well, let's just say that Guy Fawkes was a visionary. And they won't admit to understanding anything less than armed rebellion.
This is America! We operate on a free-market economy, not a government-run totalitarianism, at least, not yet. But, give 'em an inch on this bill, KNOW what's next.
And the Patriots of 1776, 1812, 1864, 1917, 1941, and even 9/11/2001 will all have given up their lives for nothing! NOTHING!
Call Wyden's local office. Call Merkley's local office. Call Schrader's local office. Call Wu's...oh, never mind: he's too busy learning to speak Klingon to care about your petty grievances. But you get the idea.
As Phil Knight says: "Just Do It!"
To Senator Jeff Merkley, D-OR
07 March, 2010
Dear Senator Merkley;
Thank you again for your service to Oregon and to the United States.
My familial obligations prevented me from attending your town hall meeting in Sherwood, so I must tell you via e-mail that the vast majority of Oregonians not currently employed by a governmental body are adamantly opposed to "Obamacare" in its current version. The opposition stems from the realization that this is not a "reform" bill, but a "takeover" proposal, and that ceding this much personal choice to the Federal government will usher in a Socialist regime, the "fundamental transforming" of which then-candidate Obama spoke so glowingly.
This debate is NOT about healthcare nor reform: it is about the transfer of power and authority to the Federal bureaucracy, which transfer only the plutocrats of Washington,D.C. wish to accomplish. Not since the Volstead Act have we seen such a devastation-inducing piece of legislation, yet many in Washington are ready to sacrifice their careers in order to instigate this program, knowing that, once a leftist/socialist state has been created, like Frankenstein's creature, it will be all but impossible to destroy. So the 2010 and even the 2012 elections swing toward conservatives, so what? What can a conservative Congress do to change a leftist state? Nothing. The die shall have been cast, the future sealed.
Do I want to live in the Soviet Socialist Republik of Amerika? No. And what of you, sir? Where will you be living? This abominable bill is the proverbial camel's nose into that state. Why else would it be so vehemently and absurdly promoted, replete with its dubious case histories, laughably incorrect and fanciful bookkeeping, and its mandates for prison terms, political payoffs, and irreversible decrees?
No. No, ten thousand times NO, good sir. This is the wrong bill at the wrong time covering the wrong things by the wrong people for the wrong reasons, and more than two-thirds of the American people know that it is wrong.
Sadly, I expect you to vote as your party dictates, rather than represent the best interests of the people of Oregon in this matter. At the point of your "yea" vote, it becomes an issue of power, and not of right. And it will usher in the demise of a once-great nation of free men, a nation which was a great beacon of prosperity, of peace, and of liberty will become a nation from which people will flee, even as Cubans, Latvians, Estonians, Poles, Germans, and Russians once fled their Socialist dictatorships. To whence shall we turn when America collapses? And who will be the ones of whom history shall say: "They brought her to her knees?"
How shall you be remembered? And how shall I?
Dear Senator Merkley;
Thank you again for your service to Oregon and to the United States.
My familial obligations prevented me from attending your town hall meeting in Sherwood, so I must tell you via e-mail that the vast majority of Oregonians not currently employed by a governmental body are adamantly opposed to "Obamacare" in its current version. The opposition stems from the realization that this is not a "reform" bill, but a "takeover" proposal, and that ceding this much personal choice to the Federal government will usher in a Socialist regime, the "fundamental transforming" of which then-candidate Obama spoke so glowingly.
This debate is NOT about healthcare nor reform: it is about the transfer of power and authority to the Federal bureaucracy, which transfer only the plutocrats of Washington,D.C. wish to accomplish. Not since the Volstead Act have we seen such a devastation-inducing piece of legislation, yet many in Washington are ready to sacrifice their careers in order to instigate this program, knowing that, once a leftist/socialist state has been created, like Frankenstein's creature, it will be all but impossible to destroy. So the 2010 and even the 2012 elections swing toward conservatives, so what? What can a conservative Congress do to change a leftist state? Nothing. The die shall have been cast, the future sealed.
Do I want to live in the Soviet Socialist Republik of Amerika? No. And what of you, sir? Where will you be living? This abominable bill is the proverbial camel's nose into that state. Why else would it be so vehemently and absurdly promoted, replete with its dubious case histories, laughably incorrect and fanciful bookkeeping, and its mandates for prison terms, political payoffs, and irreversible decrees?
No. No, ten thousand times NO, good sir. This is the wrong bill at the wrong time covering the wrong things by the wrong people for the wrong reasons, and more than two-thirds of the American people know that it is wrong.
Sadly, I expect you to vote as your party dictates, rather than represent the best interests of the people of Oregon in this matter. At the point of your "yea" vote, it becomes an issue of power, and not of right. And it will usher in the demise of a once-great nation of free men, a nation which was a great beacon of prosperity, of peace, and of liberty will become a nation from which people will flee, even as Cubans, Latvians, Estonians, Poles, Germans, and Russians once fled their Socialist dictatorships. To whence shall we turn when America collapses? And who will be the ones of whom history shall say: "They brought her to her knees?"
How shall you be remembered? And how shall I?
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Mark Steyn at NRO
Just finished Mark Steyn's piece on the proposed federal takeover of YOUR medical care, and I urge you to read and comprehend what he writes. We are just one parliamentary counter-punch away from having the Federal government taking absolute control over yet another twenty percent of the nation's total Gross National Product, and 100 percent of your medical care...forever! There will be no way to return or revoke, once this process has begun!
Remember, President pro-tem Obama promised to "fundamentally transform America" while he was yet a candidate. We now see that his concept of "transforming" America is the establishment of a Soviet-styled Socialist economy, controlled by a dictatorial leader, a sycophantic Congress, and a burgeoning behemoth of bureaucracy of which there can be no end. No cadre of Al-Qaeda suicide bombers could do more damage to this nation than this man's Socialistic agenda will bring about, because the "change" he will cause will be irrevocable and will leave America without any "hope" of recovery.
"Because government health care is not about health care, it’s about government."
Remember, President pro-tem Obama promised to "fundamentally transform America" while he was yet a candidate. We now see that his concept of "transforming" America is the establishment of a Soviet-styled Socialist economy, controlled by a dictatorial leader, a sycophantic Congress, and a burgeoning behemoth of bureaucracy of which there can be no end. No cadre of Al-Qaeda suicide bombers could do more damage to this nation than this man's Socialistic agenda will bring about, because the "change" he will cause will be irrevocable and will leave America without any "hope" of recovery.
"Because government health care is not about health care, it’s about government."
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