How Do You Spell "Thug?"

How Do You Spell "Thug?"

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Your Tax dollars at Work, Part MCMDLXVII

Take a look at Rep. Brady's (R-Tx.) chart of the 159 NEW bureaucracies created by "Obamacare.

If YOU can figure it out, you're much smarter than I.  But I DO know the following:

New taxes:  $569 billion, because YOU haven't spread enough of your "wealth" around.
Cuts to Medicare:  $529 billion because "some animals are more equal than others."
People added to Medicare:  16 million because "it's for the CHILDREN."
Major new health insurance mandates:  17 because "we are a nation of LAWS."

Spread that wealth, honey, spread it. YOUR wealth, not theirs, that is!

Monday, August 2, 2010


Oregon's two senators, Ron "Mr. New York" Wyden and Jeff (nickname unprintable) Merkley each voted in favor of the worst campaign-limiting act in history, the feloniously mis-named "Democracy Is Strengthened by Casting Light on Spending in Elections (DISCLOSE) act, otherwise known as the "Screw Every Non-Incumbent Literally Everyway (SENILE) act."  Thankfully, enough semi-ethical members of the Senate voted to close the "Disclose" farce.  I guess incumbents will have to campaign based on their records, and not on one-way spending limitations.

Oregon Congressman Kurt Schrader voted against further funding of the "Overseas Contingency Operating Expenses Plan" bill, but pretty much the rest of the planet  voted in favor of further funding of the "contingency" operations in Afghanistan and Iraq.  This could lead to an all-out war, if not for the expertise of the C.I.C.   No word about funding Arizona's battlefields.  However, Dr. Schrader did vote to fund HUD and DOT operations to the tune of $126 Billion tax dollars.  Gotta keep those streets and hiways safe for our non-English-speaking low-income renters.
You may wish to call your Senator regarding Bill # S.3663, the "Clean Energy Jobs and Oil Company Accountability Act of 2010
Ummmm, you may want to actually read the text of the bill here: 
if and when the actual text becomes available.  It  is sponsored by the Honorable Harry Reid, so it must be safe to pass it, unread, just like the "stimulus" and other similar bills from that source.
Senator Merkley is committed about confirming Elena Kagan as Associate Justice of the Supreme Court, as his last letter to me so indicated, whether or not her legal ethics are, ummm, let's just say "flexible."  She should fit right into D.C. with that kind of quality.

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