How Do You Spell "Thug?"

Saturday, April 23, 2011
I have come to realize that the President of the United States is a compulsive liar. Mind you, not the "little white lie" type of liar which virtually all of humanity is at one time or another, but he is a man who is fundamentally incapable of honesty. Now, I realize that all politicians are, shall we charitably say, somewhat less than straightforward: it's what politics is all about. Why else would one promise to revise and improve health care by passage of an undisclosed and enigmatic bill? Why else would offshore oil drilling be banned in direct defiance of a Federal court order? Why else would $2.8 Billion dollars be loaned for an oil refinery upgrade in Colombia? Why else would $2 Billion dollars be granted for offshore oil exploration to Petrobras, the Brazillian oil corporation? Why else would we be promised a "Summer of Recovery" while increasing unemployment, raising taxes, and unimaginably wasteful, profligate spending continues? Why else would "saving our economy" include the repurchase of a trillion dollars of debt using newly-printed dollars, which has effectively reduced the value of YOUR Dollar to a spending value of about 78 cents? THAT, my friend, is why gas costs $5 per gallon, and that was caused, not by some eeevil speculators, but by this President's economic stupidity. Keynsian economics only work inside the bubble of the classroom. In the real world, borrowing your way out of debt is insanity, suicidal insanity. But this President, who never buys groceries nor gas, can never understand why the real marketplace is not like a college econ 101 class. Remeber "I studied foreign relations in College?" I'd love to see THAT grade.
Never mind the unbroken string of broken campaign promises, from the forsaken closure of GITMO, to the "seas stopped their rise," which, by the way, even King Canute knew to be solely in the hands of God, Whom Mr. Obama seems willing to usurp. Never mind the fathomless abyss of our current debts, Mr. Obama pledges to spend even more, tax even more, and ignore facts even more.
Never mind the shadow government of unaccountable "czars" and "task forces." Never mind the plans, still in motion, for a "Civilian Security Force" as well-wquipped as the Armed Forces, whose first duty will be to force compliance to a U.N. treaty banning the possession of firearms by citizens. (Mark me well on this one: it will come to pass. The "Negative Liberty" of a "well-armed militia" rising up against a tyrant will be effectively disarmed, and another human right, heretofore granted by Almighty God and guaranteed by the Constitution, will dissipate in the miasma of the Obama Progressive Agenda.)
Never mind the cadre of tax cheats in this Administration, from Timothy "TurboTax" Geithner to Attorney General William "see no Panthers" Holder; you will pay your tax increases, and you will remain silent. The great and Powerful O has spoken.
Mr. Obama will continue to make straw-villains of "the Rich," "the Oil Companies," the "Tea Baggers," and, of course anyone who dares to point out the flagrant nudity of this current Emperor.
Mr. Obama has "accomplished" all these goals in just over two years, all the while blaming his predecessors. now, oblivious to his own failed economic policies and the havoc which his failed policies are wreaking on this nation, he seeks to "sue' the eeevil oil companies for price-gouging. The mindset of a community agitator strikes again.
Have you forgotten Justice Alito's response to the bald-faced lie concerning foreign campaign financing which Mr. Obama put forth in his SOTU speech? Have you ignored his personal slanders against any and all opponents of his agenda, from denigrating Sarah Palin to deriding Paul Ryan to mocking John McCain's battle injuries? We expect this hubris to continue, unabated, until this man is forced to become the "former President-Elect."
The only thing which possibly could be worse for America than the Obama Presidency has been proven to be would be a second term of Obama Presidency. At this point, I'd rather vote for Bucky Katt: at least we KNOW that he's a nut job.
Never mind the unbroken string of broken campaign promises, from the forsaken closure of GITMO, to the "seas stopped their rise," which, by the way, even King Canute knew to be solely in the hands of God, Whom Mr. Obama seems willing to usurp. Never mind the fathomless abyss of our current debts, Mr. Obama pledges to spend even more, tax even more, and ignore facts even more.
Never mind the shadow government of unaccountable "czars" and "task forces." Never mind the plans, still in motion, for a "Civilian Security Force" as well-wquipped as the Armed Forces, whose first duty will be to force compliance to a U.N. treaty banning the possession of firearms by citizens. (Mark me well on this one: it will come to pass. The "Negative Liberty" of a "well-armed militia" rising up against a tyrant will be effectively disarmed, and another human right, heretofore granted by Almighty God and guaranteed by the Constitution, will dissipate in the miasma of the Obama Progressive Agenda.)
Never mind the cadre of tax cheats in this Administration, from Timothy "TurboTax" Geithner to Attorney General William "see no Panthers" Holder; you will pay your tax increases, and you will remain silent. The great and Powerful O has spoken.
Mr. Obama will continue to make straw-villains of "the Rich," "the Oil Companies," the "Tea Baggers," and, of course anyone who dares to point out the flagrant nudity of this current Emperor.
Mr. Obama has "accomplished" all these goals in just over two years, all the while blaming his predecessors. now, oblivious to his own failed economic policies and the havoc which his failed policies are wreaking on this nation, he seeks to "sue' the eeevil oil companies for price-gouging. The mindset of a community agitator strikes again.
Have you forgotten Justice Alito's response to the bald-faced lie concerning foreign campaign financing which Mr. Obama put forth in his SOTU speech? Have you ignored his personal slanders against any and all opponents of his agenda, from denigrating Sarah Palin to deriding Paul Ryan to mocking John McCain's battle injuries? We expect this hubris to continue, unabated, until this man is forced to become the "former President-Elect."
The only thing which possibly could be worse for America than the Obama Presidency has been proven to be would be a second term of Obama Presidency. At this point, I'd rather vote for Bucky Katt: at least we KNOW that he's a nut job.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
More Fully Upright, But Almost Rewarding TSA stories
On April 10, Bob Seashols, a Coordination Center Officer for the Transportation and Security Administration (TSA) at the Richmond International Airport (RIC) and an administrator for Atheists United’s Facebook page, took part in a coordinated effort to populate pornographic images, extreme profanity, and sexually explicit anti-Christian hate-speech on the Facebook page of Ken Ham, an internationally known Christian ministry leader.
Officials at Richmond’s TSA office declined to comment on Mr. Seashols’ behavior, pending further investigation.
Your tax dollars at work.
I recall the late Dr. Donald Gray Barnhouse: "As a Christian, I may disagree with what you believe, but as an American, I will defend, to the death, your right to make an absolute fool of yourself before the face of Almighty God."
Officials at Richmond’s TSA office declined to comment on Mr. Seashols’ behavior, pending further investigation.
Your tax dollars at work.
I recall the late Dr. Donald Gray Barnhouse: "As a Christian, I may disagree with what you believe, but as an American, I will defend, to the death, your right to make an absolute fool of yourself before the face of Almighty God."
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Your Tax Dollars @ Work.Gov
House Minority Leader Lawrence F. Cafero Jr., R-Norwalk, pictured standing, far right, speaks while colleagues Rep. Barbara Lambert, D-Milford and Rep. Jack F. Hennessy, D-Bridgeport, play solitaire Monday night as the House convened to vote on a new budget. (AP)
The guy sitting in the row in front of these two.....he's on Facebook, and the guy behind Hennessy is checking out the baseball scores.
These are the folks that couldn't get the budget out by Oct. 1, and are about to control your health care, cap and trade, and the list goes on and on….
This is just one of their 3-DAY WORK WEEKS (at a salary is about $179,000 per year).
Monday, April 18, 2011
Hope and Change

Haven't you noticed that virtually all of Mr. Obama's financial promises can't be kept, let alone evaluated, until AFTER he leaves office? Can you truly afford to buy even more snake-oil from this charlatan?
And there is only one possible outcome of such insidious devaluation of your money: Standard and Poor's downgrade of America's creditworthiness is a tiny signal flare amidst an ocean of icebergs, icebergs all caused by the fiscal philandering of a handful of miscreants in Washington D.C., most of whom "shelter" their wealth in trusts and offshore bank accounts. You and I, however, are not afforded such safe havens, and it is you and I who will suffer the greatest when food prices mirror gas prices, and they will, just like in Carter's inflationary purgatory of the late 70's. I watched gas prices triple and rationing begin. The Carter Administration created the Department of Energy at that time in order to "decrease our dependence on foreign oil." Now, 18 BILLION dollars later, we still import 90% of the petroleum used in this country, and we are paying dearly for this administration's fiscal treachery. Gas prices were followed in turn by bread, milk, eggs, and meat, then fresh vegetables and fruit. Next came dry goods: clothing, soaps, toothpaste. Restaurants closed or doubled prices. Wages were the LAST thing to increase, and Americans were playing "catchup" for YEARS. I watched home prices plummet as interest rates skyrocketed from 6% for a FNMA loan to more than 18% for the same loan in less than six months. Are you ready for THAT "change?" It is on the horizon, that I guarantee. Tax cheats Geithner, Dodd, Rangel, and now Holder cannot, and, most perfidious, WILL not do anything to thwart the inevitable.
This is the "change" of which candidate Obama spoke: the deliberate, willful, treasonous destruction of America. I "hope" you're pleased. And I hope you get a preferred spot in the bread line.
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