Well, for only the 53rd time this decade (HEY, WAIT A MINUTE, THE DECADE IS ONLY 37 DAYS OLD!) I'm wrong. I think my wife says more often, but she doesn't read this blog.
Anyway, the last post about Mme. Obama's scopious staff of assistants and baggage-handlers contained a few flaws: apparently previous First Ladies have also had entourages nearly as all-encompassing as Mme. Obama, though not nearly so well-paid. how easy it is to spend taxpayers' money when they aren't watching, and, in the case of President-pro-tem Obama, even when they ARE watching.
At any rate, I normally do a better job of fact-checking, and I appreciate reader Liz who set me straight.
How Do You Spell "Thug?"

Saturday, February 6, 2010
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Do as I Say, Not as I Do, Part MMXII
"President Obama's own budget confesses that it would more than triple the national debt from $5.8 trillion at the end of 2008 to $18.6 trillion by 2020.
Indeed, it would almost double the national debt in just four years from 2008, to $11.5 trillion in 2012.
The budget also confesses that under President Obama's first three years, 2009-2011, the federal government will borrow over $4.2 trillion. As the Wall Street Journal reported last week,
‘That is more than the entire accumulated national debt for the first 225 years of U.S. history.'"
There has NEVER been anyone in the White House at any time who has created such an army of staffers whose sole duties are the facilitation of the First Lady's social life.
Indeed, it would almost double the national debt in just four years from 2008, to $11.5 trillion in 2012.
The budget also confesses that under President Obama's first three years, 2009-2011, the federal government will borrow over $4.2 trillion. As the Wall Street Journal reported last week,
‘That is more than the entire accumulated national debt for the first 225 years of U.S. history.'"
"In my own life in my own small way, I have tried to give back to this country that has given me so much," she said. "See, that's why I left a job at a big law firm for a career in public service, "....
Michelle Obama
Michele Obama does not get paid to serve as the First Lady and she doesn't perform any official duties. But this hasn't deterred her from hiring an unprecedented number of staffers in the midst of the Great Recession.
( Mary Lincoln was taken to task for purchasing china for the White House during the Civil War. Mamie Eisenhower had to shell out the salary for her personal secretary from her husband's salary.
Total Personal Staff members for other first ladies, paid by taxpayers:
Mamie Eisenhower: One-- paid for personally.
Jackie Kennedy: One
Rosaline Carter: One
Barbara Bush: One
Hilary Clinton: Three
Laura Bush: One
Michele Obama: Twenty-two
In addition to the salaries shown, these servants of Ms Obama enjoy the same benefits as members of the national security and defense departments. The bill for these assorted lackeys is paid by YOU:
Michele Obama's personal staff:
1: $172,200 - Sher, Susan (Chief Of Staff)
2: $140,000 - Frye, Jocelyn C. (Deputy Assistant to the President and Director of Policy And Projects For The First Lady)
3: $113,000 - Rogers, Desiree G. (Special Assistant to the President and White House Social Secretary for Mrs. Obama)
4: $102,000 - Johnston, Camille Y. (Special Assistant to the President
and Director of Communications for the First Lady)
5: $100,000 - Winter, Melissa (Special Assistant to the President and Deputy Chief Of Staff to the First Lady)
6: $90,000 Medina , David S. (Deputy Chief Of Staff to the First Lady)
7: $84,000 - Lilyveld, Catherine M. (Director and Press Secretary to the First Lady)
8: $75,000 - Starkey, Frances M. (Director of Scheduling and Advance for the First Lady)
9: $70,000 - Sanders, Trooper (Deputy Director of Policy and Project for the First Lady)
10: $65,000 - Burnough, Erinn (Deputy Director and Deputy Social Secretary)
14: $57,500 - Lewis, Dana M. (Special Assistant and Personal Aide to the First Lady11: $64,000 - Reinstein, Joseph B.(Deputy Director and Deputy Social Secretary)
12: $62,000 - Goodman, Jennifer R. (Deputy Director of Scheduling and Events Coordinator For The First Lady)
13: $60,000 Fitz, Alan O.(Deputy Director of Advance and Trip Director
for the First Lady
15: $52,500 - Mustaphi, Semonti M. (Associate Director and Deputy Press Secretary To The First Lady.
16: $50,000 - Jarvis, Kristen E. (Special Assistant for Scheduling and Traveling Aide To The First Lady)
17: $45,000 - Lechtenberg, Tyler A. (Associate Director of Correspondence For The First Lady)
18: $43,000 - Tubman, Samanth a (Deputy Associate Director, Social Office)
19: $40,000 - Boswell, Joseph J. (Executive Assistant to the Chief Of Staff to the First Lady)
20: $36,000 - Armbruster, Sally M. (Staff Assistant to the Social Secretary)
all paid for by21: $35,000 - Bookey, Natalie (Staff Assistant)
22: $35,000 - Jack son, Deilia A. (Deputy Associate Director of Correspondence for the First Lady)
Total: $1,591,200.00 in annual salaries
There has NEVER been anyone in the White House at any time who has created such an army of staffers whose sole duties are the facilitation of the First Lady's social life.
Note: This does not include makeup artist Ingrid Grimes-Miles, 49, and "First Hairstylist" Johnny Wright, 31, both of whom traveled aboard Air Force One to Europe ..
Copyright 2009 Canada Free Press.Com
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Could This Be True...
A pretty little girl named Suzy was standing on the sidewalk in front of her
Next to her was a basket containing a number tiny creatures; in her hand was a sign announcing FREE KITTENS.
Suddenly a line of big black cars pulled up beside her. Out of the lead car
stepped a tall, grinning man.
"Hi there, little girl, I'm President Obama. What do you have in the basket?"
he asked.
"Kittens," little Suzy said.
"How old are they?" asked Obama.
Suzy replied, "They're so young, their eyes aren't even open yet."
"And what kind of kittens are they?"
"They're Democrats," answered Suzy with a smile.
Obama was delighted. As soon as he returned to his car, he called his PR
advisor Axelrod and told him about the little girl and the kittens.
Recognizing the perfect photo op, the two men agreed that the president
should return the next day, and, in front of the assembled media,
have the little girl talk about her discerning kittens.
The next day, Suzy was again standing on the sidewalk with her basket of
"FREE KITTENS" when another motorcade pulled up, this time followed by
vans from ABC, NBC, CBS and CNN. Cameras and audio equipment were
quickly set up, then Obama got out of his limo and walked over to little Suzy.
"Hello, again," he said, "I'd love it if you would tell all my friends out there
what kind of kittens you're giving away." "Yes sir," Suzy said. "They're Republicans." Taken by surprise, the president stammered, "But... but... yesterday, you told me they were DEMOCRATS." Little Suzy smiled and said, "I know. But today, they have their eyes open."
I apologize for the lack of posts: I have had recurring computer problems, either an ID-ten-T or issues with the hardware between the chair and keyboard. Up an running soon, hopefully.
Monday, February 1, 2010
The Doctrine of Last Things: Eschatology
"The last thing you want to do in the midst of a recession is to raise taxes..." Barack Obama, President pro-tem Aug 5, 2009.
Feb. 2010-(AP), MSLSD: "The Obama administration's proposed budget includes business tax increases on U.S. oil and gas companies, and will also impose nearly $1 trillion in higher taxes on couples making more than $250,000 and individuals making more than $200,000: You know, like those EEEVIL tonsil-removing doctors from his healthcare takeover speeches. And, at least according to unnamed sources, British Petroleum, Royal Dutch Shell, Arco, and Chevron-Texaco spokespersons all agreed that "the last thing we want to do during a recession is to raise prices..."
Apparently Mr. Obama has read the Oregonian and seeks to impose measures 66 and 67 nationally. After all, the EEEVIL oil companies won't pass those tax increases on to YOU at the pump, will they? And if you use Natural Gas or LPG, watch out!! Obamanomics is gonna getcha! Let's see, higher taxes, higher prices for food, oil, gasoline, trucking, shipping, UPS, postage, clothing, rent, utilities, cable TV, newspapers, laundry soap, shoe polish, coats, groats, goats, stoats, rubber boats, shoats, and rabbits.
This man is seeking to sink the United States economically first, and politically second: Unsustainable indebtedness exceeding the Gross Domestic Product within three years, and that's called BANKRUPTCY, folks; paying off existing interest on loans by borrowing more and more and more which precedes every bankruptcy; and undermining domestic security by, well, in a word, NAPOLITANO and/or HOLDER.
This man will be reviled in history for decades to come in the West, and praised by the Mullahs in the Middle East and the Commissars of the Far East, as the man who brought down America.
This man is a menace to America, plain and simple. In days past, he would already be on a wooden rail headed back to Chicago, or wherever, picking feathers out of the tar coating him. Maybe it's not too late.
Feb. 2010-(AP), MSLSD: "The Obama administration's proposed budget includes business tax increases on U.S. oil and gas companies, and will also impose nearly $1 trillion in higher taxes on couples making more than $250,000 and individuals making more than $200,000: You know, like those EEEVIL tonsil-removing doctors from his healthcare takeover speeches. And, at least according to unnamed sources, British Petroleum, Royal Dutch Shell, Arco, and Chevron-Texaco spokespersons all agreed that "the last thing we want to do during a recession is to raise prices..."
Apparently Mr. Obama has read the Oregonian and seeks to impose measures 66 and 67 nationally. After all, the EEEVIL oil companies won't pass those tax increases on to YOU at the pump, will they? And if you use Natural Gas or LPG, watch out!! Obamanomics is gonna getcha! Let's see, higher taxes, higher prices for food, oil, gasoline, trucking, shipping, UPS, postage, clothing, rent, utilities, cable TV, newspapers, laundry soap, shoe polish, coats, groats, goats, stoats, rubber boats, shoats, and rabbits.
This man is seeking to sink the United States economically first, and politically second: Unsustainable indebtedness exceeding the Gross Domestic Product within three years, and that's called BANKRUPTCY, folks; paying off existing interest on loans by borrowing more and more and more which precedes every bankruptcy; and undermining domestic security by, well, in a word, NAPOLITANO and/or HOLDER.
This man will be reviled in history for decades to come in the West, and praised by the Mullahs in the Middle East and the Commissars of the Far East, as the man who brought down America.
This man is a menace to America, plain and simple. In days past, he would already be on a wooden rail headed back to Chicago, or wherever, picking feathers out of the tar coating him. Maybe it's not too late.
O Debt, Where is Thy Sting?
President pro-tem* Obama's proposed Federal Budget for F.Y. 2011 is a whopping 3.8 TRILLION dollars. of which "only" 1/3 is more borrowed money from the bank of China, our dear friends and longtime ally. If you tried to float a home loan with a 1-to-3 debt-to-loan ratio, you'd be run out of the lender's office on a rail, unless of course you had an ACORN representative with you to publicly scream: "PROFILING!" .
This President pro-tem*and this Democrat-run Congress (again, pro-tem) is hellbent on bankrupting this country, make no mistake. The chart here demonstrates the debt of the Eeevil Bush administration
You, Dear Reader, are financially doomed, unless you're already receiving welfare and food stamps and Medicaid and the entire list of Federal teats proffered by this Lunatic Left Congress and their President-pro-tem*. The only budget items noticeably underfunded are: Nuclear Power Development ( remember the campai, er State of the Union Speech/promise?) and Homeland Security, since there are currently no viable threats to our security, at least not since last year. 38 entire days without an attack!! Teh One does marvelous work.
*Emphasis on that pro-tempore, only 3 years to go...should we survive. And by then, we'll be just another third world banana republic ala Venezuela, wherein yet another Obama leftist mentor presides.
This President pro-tem*and this Democrat-run Congress (again, pro-tem) is hellbent on bankrupting this country, make no mistake. The chart here demonstrates the debt of the Eeevil Bush administration
You, Dear Reader, are financially doomed, unless you're already receiving welfare and food stamps and Medicaid and the entire list of Federal teats proffered by this Lunatic Left Congress and their President-pro-tem*. The only budget items noticeably underfunded are: Nuclear Power Development ( remember the
*Emphasis on that pro-tempore, only 3 years to go...should we survive. And by then, we'll be just another third world banana republic ala Venezuela, wherein yet another Obama leftist mentor presides.
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