There were approximately 2.4 million fewer Americans working in June 2011 than there were when President Barack Obama signed the economic stimulus bill on Feb. 17, 2009, according to data from the Federal Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).
When the "American Recovery and Reinvestment Act" was created, Mr. Obama promised that the then-$787-billion spending package (all of which was borrowed money) would "create or save 3.5 million jobs," saying it would "preserve the American dream” for millions of people.
“We have begun the essential work of keeping the American dream alive in our time,” Obama said on Feb. 17, 2009 in a speech marking the signing of the stimulus bill.
June, 2011 marked the 29th straight month that unemployment has been higher than the 8 percent level Obama promised it would stay below when the stimulus was signed.
However, the Ministry of Truth officially disclaims those facts, saying that "This the REAL 'Summer of Recovery' and there would be far fewer jobs without the Stimulus. The Stimulus is working, citizens! All hail the O, the Great and Powerful!!"
Soooo, how's that whole hopey-changey thing workin' out for you?
Hat Tips: CNS, Federal Government
How Do You Spell "Thug?"

Saturday, July 9, 2011
Friday, July 8, 2011
E-Mailed July 08, 2011 to John Boehner
Dear Mr. Speaker, @
Please do not subject our already-beleagered country to Mr. Obama's financial plans for ruining the rest of America's faltering economy. By that, I am saying that He has engineered an $800 billion "stimulus" package that created nothing but governmental spending, pork-barrel rewards for political favorites of the liberal left, and an even deeper wound to an already bleeding national economy. As if a trillion-dollar "porkulus" bill were not enough, we citizens, you know, all those "little people" that pay His bills, were forced to accept the cost of "bailing out" companies already bankrupted by abysmally poor business practices and labor union thuggery, and, as icing on his fiscal "cake," forced to accept 'Obamacare" under threat of dire penalties for "disobedience." But the best part of this narcissist's quixotic delusions is that the United States of America is now the world's leading DEBTOR**, surpassing Greece, Ireland and Portugal. His ludicrously prodigious spend-then-tax "economic plan" is literally straight out of Marxist philosophy as to the engineering of the RUINATION and TAKEOVER of a resistant government in order to usher the Marxist "Workers' Utopia" which Mr. Obama, with guidance by George Soros, wishes to impose upon a formerly free America. "Hope and Change" my eye!
PLEASE, Mr. Speaker, Please DO NOT "COMPROMISE" on His "budget" plans: NO tax increases, PERIOD. Oh, sure, it's the economic drain caused by retirees living far too long and needing "unfair" access to healthcare. I remind Mr. Obama that seniors such as myself have been FORCED BY LAW to "FEED" a portion of our incomes into the chimeral Trust Fund which now holds a drawerful of Congressional "I.O.U.'s" and no cash. Since the imposition of the "Great Society" we have been FORCED to contribute to Medicare. Gosh, where did all that money go?
Well, gosh, somebody must've "spread it around" and it's all gone now. Sor-ry!
That, Mr. Speaker, is what the REAL world calls "embezzlement," and the perpetrators of such a crime who are not in Government's hallowed halls spend decades in prison for such a crime. Bernie Madoff has nothing on the elites in our nation's Capitol. With 114 TRILLION DOLLARS*** in 'Unfunded Liabilities," Congress should be looking to hold a garage sale, not "debating" about increases in taxation. The time for rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic is long, long past. Blaming Bush, blaming the tsunami, blaming the oil companies, blaming Wall Street, none of that works on the citizenry anymore. This mess is no one's responsibility but the current occupant of the White House, and virtually EVERYONE in this country, among others, recognizes that fact.
Yet Mr. Obama still seeks to demonize any and all who opposes his Peter Pan Syndrome-based pipe dreams. Perhaps he should blame his Treasury Secretary, the one who doesn't understand TurboTax.
It is one thing to be a skilled orator, at least when the Teleprompter is functioning; it is quite another to actually be able to voice a genuine solution to the breakneck pace of forcing this entire country into debtors' prison.
Stand fast, Mr. Boehner, stand fast. If not you, then who? If not now, then when? And how dare you assume that my grandchildren will rejoice over paying a $50,000 annual interest payment on some past President's egotism?
I await your reply, and I look forward to your sentient actions
Please do not subject our already-beleagered country to Mr. Obama's financial plans for ruining the rest of America's faltering economy. By that, I am saying that He has engineered an $800 billion "stimulus" package that created nothing but governmental spending, pork-barrel rewards for political favorites of the liberal left, and an even deeper wound to an already bleeding national economy. As if a trillion-dollar "porkulus" bill were not enough, we citizens, you know, all those "little people" that pay His bills, were forced to accept the cost of "bailing out" companies already bankrupted by abysmally poor business practices and labor union thuggery, and, as icing on his fiscal "cake," forced to accept 'Obamacare" under threat of dire penalties for "disobedience." But the best part of this narcissist's quixotic delusions is that the United States of America is now the world's leading DEBTOR**, surpassing Greece, Ireland and Portugal. His ludicrously prodigious spend-then-tax "economic plan" is literally straight out of Marxist philosophy as to the engineering of the RUINATION and TAKEOVER of a resistant government in order to usher the Marxist "Workers' Utopia" which Mr. Obama, with guidance by George Soros, wishes to impose upon a formerly free America. "Hope and Change" my eye!
PLEASE, Mr. Speaker, Please DO NOT "COMPROMISE" on His "budget" plans: NO tax increases, PERIOD. Oh, sure, it's the economic drain caused by retirees living far too long and needing "unfair" access to healthcare. I remind Mr. Obama that seniors such as myself have been FORCED BY LAW to "FEED" a portion of our incomes into the chimeral Trust Fund which now holds a drawerful of Congressional "I.O.U.'s" and no cash. Since the imposition of the "Great Society" we have been FORCED to contribute to Medicare. Gosh, where did all that money go?
Well, gosh, somebody must've "spread it around" and it's all gone now. Sor-ry!
That, Mr. Speaker, is what the REAL world calls "embezzlement," and the perpetrators of such a crime who are not in Government's hallowed halls spend decades in prison for such a crime. Bernie Madoff has nothing on the elites in our nation's Capitol. With 114 TRILLION DOLLARS*** in 'Unfunded Liabilities," Congress should be looking to hold a garage sale, not "debating" about increases in taxation. The time for rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic is long, long past. Blaming Bush, blaming the tsunami, blaming the oil companies, blaming Wall Street, none of that works on the citizenry anymore. This mess is no one's responsibility but the current occupant of the White House, and virtually EVERYONE in this country, among others, recognizes that fact.
Yet Mr. Obama still seeks to demonize any and all who opposes his Peter Pan Syndrome-based pipe dreams. Perhaps he should blame his Treasury Secretary, the one who doesn't understand TurboTax.
It is one thing to be a skilled orator, at least when the Teleprompter is functioning; it is quite another to actually be able to voice a genuine solution to the breakneck pace of forcing this entire country into debtors' prison.
Stand fast, Mr. Boehner, stand fast. If not you, then who? If not now, then when? And how dare you assume that my grandchildren will rejoice over paying a $50,000 annual interest payment on some past President's egotism?
I await your reply, and I look forward to your sentient actions
The Vision of the Framers
Hat Tip: Ralph
In a related story, from National Review Online:
The White House is reportedly discussing tax and entitlement reforms in debt-ceiling talks.
The White House is reportedly discussing tax and entitlement reforms in debt-ceiling talks.
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Thursday, July 7, 2011
Monday, July 4, 2011
The ''Wall of Separation,'' and the Abuses Thereof
To: the Department of Veterans' Affairs, Washington, D.C. re:
Why does the Houston National Cemetary, under the direction of one Arlene Acasio, disallow the mention of "God" or "Jesus" in burial services for fallen servicemen and servicewomen even when requested by their survivors?
Why does the Cemetary require greiving families to submit prayers in advance for "official approval?"
Why is the Cross and the Bible no longer available in the Chapel?
Why are services monitored by VA officials in order to ensure compliance with this ban?
And exactly where does that cemetary obtain the authority impose the State's will on the Church's services?
"Oh! thus be it ever when free men shall stand
Between their loved homes and the war's desolation,
Blest with victory and peace, may the Heaven-rescued land
Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation.
Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto, "In God is our trust."
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave."
That, sirs, is the 4th stanza of your own National Anthem which unabashedly thanks God for "making and preserving" this great nation, and provides the words which were later adopted as the American National Motto (examine any dollar bill), "IN GOD WE TRUST." This stanza addresses one of the Constitutional Freedoms for which these soldiers died in order to ensure for you and all citizens of America.
Please respond.
Hat tip: JOG
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