"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness."
"Pull off the Band-Aid, eat (y)our peas." --BHO
May I just add: "After you, Sir, after you. You have exponentially increased the number of Federal employees, you have buried the middle class under crippling and largely wastrel spending, you have deceived, connived, and flat-out lied about your agenda, your pending sprees, your goal of reducing America to a Western Hemisphere Kenya.
You have used backroom fiat to sell guns to drug lords, and then tout the "statistics" about American-bought guns in Mexico, guns sold to Mexican gangs upon your orders! Guns used in the murders of two Border Patrol Agents whom YOU took an oath to protect! And you have the unmitigated gall to tell the American people that you "agonized" for 16 hours before ordering the taking out of Osama bin Laden! That was a tough call for you? Why wasn't your illicit action against Qadaffi an equally tough call?
You dragged your feet in response to the Gulf oil spill, increasing the environmental damage by weeks of lethargy, your lethargy, and then you sent in a crack team of lawyers, all charged not with cleanup, but "finding whose ass to kick." You desire $10-a-gallon gas for Americans, but free computers and wi-fi for the third world nations which still use elephant dung as cooking fuel. You have promised to "bankrupt" any company foolish enough to establish a "clean coal" (your very words) operation in America, and yet you offer massive tax "incentives" to companies which produce the most expensive and least efficient wind-and-solar-and-"biofuels" which are largely the imaginings of carnival barkers and other snake-oil salesmen.
You have never "saved or created" a damn thing: not a non-taxpayer-supported job, not an authentic "autobiography," not even a birth certificate which wasn't a blatant forgery. You can't even "save face" effectively.
You are adept at voting "present," as your known history proves. You "served" as a Senator for two years, producing less than ONE bill proposal, and another two years campaigning in "fifty-seven states." Without your carefully-scripted and teleprompter-assisted orations, you have a gerbil's grasp of the English language; a faulty and malevolent view of the Constitution, and hubris rivalling Napoleon and Mao. You schmooze with the Saudi's and the "Pock-ee-stahni's" and the Muslim Brotherhood, yet you grossly insult, TWICE, the Queen of England, the Prime Minister of Israel (who, as you surely recall,later took you to the diplomatic woodshed) and the PM of Germany as boot. Do you honestly think that you will be able to offend all of America's allies and woo all of America's sworn enemies without repercussion?
If indeed you are "the smartest guy in the room," your roommates must be Moe, Larry and Curly. Judging by your Attorney General, your Department head of Homeland Security, and your choice to head the CIA, and your personal "life insurance," Joe Biden, it is no great accolade to be "the smartest."
I so eagerly await your removal from the White House and from public view, as you hold only disdain for both.
Goodbye, so long, auf wiedersehen, goodnight, adieu, ta-ta, just Leave, already!"
Hat Tip: Ralph