How Do You Spell "Thug?"

How Do You Spell "Thug?"

Friday, November 4, 2011


Re: the "99%"

Why are you wilfully ignoring the rights of the 99% of Portland citizens who are NOT illegally camping in Lownsdale square, harrassing and endangering our police forces (whom you have shackled) and our business community;  the 99% who abide by Portland's laws, even the ones considered to be impositional or ill-conceived;  the 99% who PAY YOUR SALARY through exhorbitant taxation. This is truly a case of taxation without representation due largely to your own inadequacy as an executive and impotence as a decision-maker.

Get up, grow or borrow a pair, and end this nonsense NOW! My business is suffering, my city is a laughingstock, I have no access to the "public" property which has been commandeered by a few unwashed, unsanitary, unlawful, anarchistic, hypocritical, ill-informed, bigoted zealots-without-a-cause, and you SIT. Do your damn job or get a job!
Add your own thoughts at:
-neon leon

Thursday, November 3, 2011


Community agitator-in-chief Barack Obama, in one of his interminable campaign speeches regarding his doomed "jobs (read: more taxes) bill," identified his own country's National Motto as: "E Pluribus Unum," having read it somewhere-or-other.  For those of you who studied American history in Portland Public Schools, that phrase is printed on all U.S. currency and coinage and on the obverse of the Great Seal of the United States, as well as other Federal Seals.  It is Latin for "Out of Many, One."  Look at the banner in the eagle's beak.
As a reaction to that latest misquote by the great Historian-in-Chief, Congress reaffirmed "In God We Trust" as the Official Motto of the United States, having been declared as such by Congress in 1956, but, of course, anything which occurred prior to O's birth is now irrelevant, at least as far as he is concerned.
Capitalizing further on his own revisions of American history, last Wednesday the President-pro-tem declared:
"I trust in God, but God wants to see us help ourselves by putting people back to work."  Of course, the authentic Biblical scholar and infallible commentator was referring to Hezekiah 9:11, which was quoted in the New Testament at Phillips 6:66.  Look them up for yourself.
Oddly, that thought runs in direct conflict with the Bible's teachings:
Proerbs 28:26, "He who trusts in his own heart is a fool, But he who walks wisely will be delivered."  -or-
II Corinthians 5:7, "We live by faith, not by sight." -or-
Philllippians 4:19, "And my God shall supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus." -or-
Deuteronomy 32:2b, "Our hand has triumphed; the LORD has not done all this.'"

Pastore Obama's impotent "God" is way too small, even as his own ego is way too large.

-neon leon

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Well, was He a Socialist? What with all the  "99-bots" trashing downtown Portland, aided and abetted by Portland's spineless and thankfully one-term "Mayor" Sam Adams, the statement that "Jesus was a Socialist" has been bandied about by several of those morons as well as by even larger morons such as Joy Behar and Michael Moore.  I ran across an interesting op-ed, which I reprint with permission:

“Not even close. Jesus feeding the masses would be charity. The situation would be socialism only if Jesus were a government bureaucrat who decided who could fish and where, then take the fisherman’s catch and distribute it as the bureaucrat sees fit. And once the socialistic bureaucrat is in control he can change his rules as he sees fit, because in socialism the government always knows better than the individual.

Socialism is a form of government ownership and administration that advocates no private property. Production is owned and controlled by the state. In Marxist theory socialism is the transitional bridge between capitalism and communism. Advocates of socialism and communism are taking advantage of current economic problems by telling you their way is better, when history proves them wrong.

When was the last time you saw a government program (especially one from the ‘compassionate democrats’) that teaches people the fundamentals of how to make money or how to manage it so that it grows for them? You don’t see that, because once people buy into that way of thinking most of them would no longer need the democrat party, which largely promotes dependence on the government, and what you should get from the government instead of self-reliance.
Historically, socialistic and communistic governments have discouraged or crushed religion and tried to replace religion with government. In California we are already experiencing the results of a socialist-leaning, big government philosophy and it is devastating. This state’s massive economy is on the verge of collapse because 40+ years ago its citizens began to let this idiotiic way of thinking creep into their schools, communities, and state government."
-Ann-Marie Murrell

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