Tuesday, February 15, 2011
More of Your Tax Dollars Down the Drain. Act Surprised.
The Atlanta Journal Constitution reports the total failure of a taxpayer-subsidized $300 million "cellulosic ethanol" renewable energy plant in Georgia intended to convert pine trees into ethanol fuel. It didn't produce any fuel and has now been shut down.
Want to get stinky-rich? Just follow these easy steps:
a) Form a "green" energy company around spurious "scientific proof."
b) Promise spectacular results with no proof nor example of prior success.
c) Wangle federal tax credits and grants from the Bozos in D.C. particularly the Clown-in-Chief.
d) Pretend to operate prodigiously for a year or so, then:
e) Declare bankruptcy and pocket millions of taxpayer dollars. What could be easier?
f) Repeat as often as possible, since the horses rears in D.C. remain utterly clueless or virulently dishonest. Now there's absolutely no doubt: Both are truisms
Why does $300 million ring a bell? Oh, yeah: Evergreen Solar got their $300 million taxpayer dollars, and moved immediately to China. The cash went elsewhere, by the way.
Want to get stinky-rich? Just follow these easy steps:
a) Form a "green" energy company around spurious "scientific proof."
b) Promise spectacular results with no proof nor example of prior success.
c) Wangle federal tax credits and grants from the Bozos in D.C. particularly the Clown-in-Chief.
d) Pretend to operate prodigiously for a year or so, then:
e) Declare bankruptcy and pocket millions of taxpayer dollars. What could be easier?
f) Repeat as often as possible, since the horses rears in D.C. remain utterly clueless or virulently dishonest. Now there's absolutely no doubt: Both are truisms
Why does $300 million ring a bell? Oh, yeah: Evergreen Solar got their $300 million taxpayer dollars, and moved immediately to China. The cash went elsewhere, by the way.
But wait! There's more! Solyndra, faux solar panel maker and heavy Obama contributor is now penniless after receiving a mere 535 Million of your tax dollars, mostly due to pressure from the Former Community Agitator and Probable Co-Conspirator currently occupying the White House possibly lawfully. And he wants another half-trillion dollars more from you to buy more sand for more fake "jobs creation" ratholes? The only "job" he has ever "created" was the monstrous snow job he suckered America with in 2008. And, worse, he keeps the blizzard in gale force as his credibility vanishes like, well, like snow in the sun. And the list of frauds keeps on growin' in the wind.
Idiot is too kind of a term for him: NO ONE can be that stupid: his ghost-orchestrated pushes toward National Bankruptcy must be deliberate, perhaps in order to usher in the Socialist Utopia which will take complete control over every aspect of your life, from cradle to grave. Why else would he publicly pine for Nancy Pelosi to regain the House Speakership?
Does that sound sane to you??? I refer you to the "Twelve Steps" post from earlier this week.
http://attackwatch.com, ( gotta love the uber-Nixon paranoia in that one) come and get me. Better yet, why don't you refer then to this blog, just to see what happens.