Over this past week I have watched and listened to Members of the House of Representatives from across the aisle.
I am appalled at their arrogance, belligerence, and dishonest rhetoric filled with empty emotional platitudes.
Have they no shame in realizing that their inept, incompetent failures are the reason why we are debating this continuing resolution? They failed to pass a budget during the 111th Congress.
Have they no honor in realizing that their fiscal irresponsibility over the past four years has resulted in our standing on the precipice of a fiscal canyon from which we may not recover?
Also troubling are the events in the state of Wisconsin which mirror those that happened in Greece several months ago. We are witnessing the abject hostility of a unionized entitlement class that is being lauded by the liberal left, seemingly to include our President.
It is such a critical time for our Republic, yet there seems no visionary leadership - it is as if America stopped producing adults.
I have never seen a greater assembly of petulance and sophomoric behavior as what I have witnessed this week during debate on the floor of the House of Representatives.
To those across the aisle, please explain to the American people how your economic policies have created a better environment for long term sustainable growth.
This debate is about jobs and the economy.
It begins with remedying the spending problem on Capitol Hill. It includes tackling the burdensome taxation and regulation policies strangling our country. It is the understanding that Keynesian tax and spend policies did not grow America’s economy, but the indomitable, entrepreneurial spirit of the American People.
Government sets the conditions for job and economic growth, it does not create jobs.
I am pleased that we are having open debate in the people’s house. However, there is clearly something lacking in this discourse - the recognition of the failure of the bureaucratic nanny-state liberal policies.
Rest assured that I will do everything in my ability to stand firm and lead on the principles that make America exceptional.
Allen West
Member of Congress
This man gets my contributions. Kurt Schrader, Oregon Democrat, can wither and rot.
How Do You Spell "Thug?"

Friday, February 18, 2011
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Idiot Savant, or Just Plain Idiot??
I have reached the conclusion, inexorably, that Barack Hussein Obama-Soetoro is not only not a brilliant man, he is quite the opposite: a stupid man who is a gifted liar. I know, that's a terrible thing to say about our President, but his conflicts between his speech and his deeds are proving my position on a daily basis.
First, the trillion-borrowed-dollars for a "stimulus" package which abjectly failed, primarily since most of the borrowed dollars went to replenish barren state coffers in order to further fund idealistic and ineffective welfare programs and long-delayed infrastructure repairs, causing no gain in employment, or to pay back major campaign contributors like the SEIU and UAW. His visit to Intel in Beaverton, OR, is a quest to find out how to "create jobs." Gee, Sir, why don't you ask American Steel, BMC West, Centex Homes, or any of the other bankrupted companies which once employed millions? In a word: TAXES. Throw his unconstitutional health care "reform" into the mix, and you see a man utterly devoid of any touch with the real world, a man who acts out his grandiose Peter Pan fantasies while inferring impoverishment upon all he sees; more like "Yertle the Turtle," truly.
Second, his rejection of those whom he calls "tea-baggers" in derogation when the message "NO MORE TAXES" bounced off his large yet nevertheless deaf ears in November's mid-term elections. He charges right back with another trillion-borrowed-dollars-a year "budget" proposal, and seems furious that anyone dare question his motives: Yertle redux. The man has a penchant for a) fuzzy math, and b) spending other people's money, and c) stretching the bonds of reality to the point of lunacy. Remember Margaret Thatcher's statement: "Socialism only works until you run out of someone else's money." Now even China, COMMUNIST CHINA, is schooling us in capitalism. For that, we pay them 800 billion dollars a year in interest: rather high tuition costs, right, Mr. O? Where do we get our Pell Grant?
Third, even though he "studied foreign affairs in college," ( I think that's code for "I dated a French chick") for which no records have been disclosed to date, not even his high school transcripts, just like his legal birth certificate and Social Security number; the blundering of Egypt; the unpardonable insults to Britain, France, Israel and Germany; The kow-tows to Saudi King Abdullah and the Japanese premier all show a man woefully and completely ignorant of American foreign policy.
Fourth, his utter disdain for our military, you know, those brave men and women who keep his sorry ass alive. The man was never so much as a cub scout, what clue would he have about military matters? His goal seems to put a bunch of interior decorators and hairdressers in charge, then Iraq and Afghanistan would at least be stylish: you know, paisley hijabs with just a spritzing of fuschia for flair at stonings and beheadings.
Finally, and perhaps the most disturbing, is his pro-Muslim, anti-Israel mindset. How he can claim to be a "practicing Christian" and then spit in the eye of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is not only a mystery, but it reveals a deep-set atipathy toward any beliefs contrary to 7th century imperialism posing as a religion. For those unwilling to see that, I suggest you compare the DEEDS of Mohammed and the DEEDS of Jesus. Whom did Mohammed raise from the dead? Whom did Mohammed heal? What blind man was cured? Which leper? Which Samarian? Which Roman conqueror's child? How many did Mohammed feed with one youngster's lunch? How many men, women, and children did Jesus slaughter in battle? How many cities did He besiege? How many relatives did He poison? Yet our President, like an infiltrator, continues to aid and abet terrorists like Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood. Peace by means of the Scimitar, eh, Barry? Or the SCUD missile?
Word to the man: you telegraph every punch. I actually hope Donald Trump DOES run for President. It would bring me a great joy to hear him say: "Mr. Obama, the voters have spoken: YOU"RE FIRED!"
'toon: Erin Bonsteel
First, the trillion-borrowed-dollars for a "stimulus" package which abjectly failed, primarily since most of the borrowed dollars went to replenish barren state coffers in order to further fund idealistic and ineffective welfare programs and long-delayed infrastructure repairs, causing no gain in employment, or to pay back major campaign contributors like the SEIU and UAW. His visit to Intel in Beaverton, OR, is a quest to find out how to "create jobs." Gee, Sir, why don't you ask American Steel, BMC West, Centex Homes, or any of the other bankrupted companies which once employed millions? In a word: TAXES. Throw his unconstitutional health care "reform" into the mix, and you see a man utterly devoid of any touch with the real world, a man who acts out his grandiose Peter Pan fantasies while inferring impoverishment upon all he sees; more like "Yertle the Turtle," truly.
Second, his rejection of those whom he calls "tea-baggers" in derogation when the message "NO MORE TAXES" bounced off his large yet nevertheless deaf ears in November's mid-term elections. He charges right back with another trillion-borrowed-dollars-a year "budget" proposal, and seems furious that anyone dare question his motives: Yertle redux. The man has a penchant for a) fuzzy math, and b) spending other people's money, and c) stretching the bonds of reality to the point of lunacy. Remember Margaret Thatcher's statement: "Socialism only works until you run out of someone else's money." Now even China, COMMUNIST CHINA, is schooling us in capitalism. For that, we pay them 800 billion dollars a year in interest: rather high tuition costs, right, Mr. O? Where do we get our Pell Grant?
Third, even though he "studied foreign affairs in college," ( I think that's code for "I dated a French chick") for which no records have been disclosed to date, not even his high school transcripts, just like his legal birth certificate and Social Security number; the blundering of Egypt; the unpardonable insults to Britain, France, Israel and Germany; The kow-tows to Saudi King Abdullah and the Japanese premier all show a man woefully and completely ignorant of American foreign policy.
Fourth, his utter disdain for our military, you know, those brave men and women who keep his sorry ass alive. The man was never so much as a cub scout, what clue would he have about military matters? His goal seems to put a bunch of interior decorators and hairdressers in charge, then Iraq and Afghanistan would at least be stylish: you know, paisley hijabs with just a spritzing of fuschia for flair at stonings and beheadings.
Finally, and perhaps the most disturbing, is his pro-Muslim, anti-Israel mindset. How he can claim to be a "practicing Christian" and then spit in the eye of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is not only a mystery, but it reveals a deep-set atipathy toward any beliefs contrary to 7th century imperialism posing as a religion. For those unwilling to see that, I suggest you compare the DEEDS of Mohammed and the DEEDS of Jesus. Whom did Mohammed raise from the dead? Whom did Mohammed heal? What blind man was cured? Which leper? Which Samarian? Which Roman conqueror's child? How many did Mohammed feed with one youngster's lunch? How many men, women, and children did Jesus slaughter in battle? How many cities did He besiege? How many relatives did He poison? Yet our President, like an infiltrator, continues to aid and abet terrorists like Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood. Peace by means of the Scimitar, eh, Barry? Or the SCUD missile?
Word to the man: you telegraph every punch. I actually hope Donald Trump DOES run for President. It would bring me a great joy to hear him say: "Mr. Obama, the voters have spoken: YOU"RE FIRED!"
'toon: Erin Bonsteel
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
More of Your Tax Dollars Down the Drain. Act Surprised.
The Atlanta Journal Constitution reports the total failure of a taxpayer-subsidized $300 million "cellulosic ethanol" renewable energy plant in Georgia intended to convert pine trees into ethanol fuel. It didn't produce any fuel and has now been shut down.
Want to get stinky-rich? Just follow these easy steps:
a) Form a "green" energy company.
b) Promise spectacular results with no proof.
c) Wangle federal tax credits and grants from the Bozos in D.C..
d) Pretend to operate for a year or so, then:
e) Declare bankruptcy and pocket millions of taxpayer dollars.
f) Repeat as often as possible, since the horses rears in D.C.
remain utterly clueless or virulently dishonest.
Why does $300 million ring a bell? Oh, yeah: Evergreen Solar got their $300 million taxpayer dollars, and moved immediately to China. The cash went elsewhere, by the way
Act surprised, just like the Infiltrator-in-Chief vis-a-vis the Muslim Brotherhood's coup-d-etat in Egypt.
Want to get stinky-rich? Just follow these easy steps:
a) Form a "green" energy company.
b) Promise spectacular results with no proof.
c) Wangle federal tax credits and grants from the Bozos in D.C..
d) Pretend to operate for a year or so, then:
e) Declare bankruptcy and pocket millions of taxpayer dollars.
f) Repeat as often as possible, since the horses rears in D.C.
remain utterly clueless or virulently dishonest.
Why does $300 million ring a bell? Oh, yeah: Evergreen Solar got their $300 million taxpayer dollars, and moved immediately to China. The cash went elsewhere, by the way
Act surprised, just like the Infiltrator-in-Chief vis-a-vis the Muslim Brotherhood's coup-d-etat in Egypt.
Monday, February 14, 2011
From Americans for Tax Reform website
Taxes, taxes, and, yes, MORE taxes
President Obama released his budget this morning, Feb 14. Rather than focusing on Washington’s over-spending problem, the budget calls for higher taxes on families and small businesses to pay for even more government spending. Under the Obama budget, tax revenues will grow from 14.4% of GDP in 2011 to 20% of GDP in 2021. By comparison, the historical average is only 18% of GDP.
Tax hike lowlights include:
- Raising the top marginal income tax rate (at which a majority of small business profits face taxation) from 35% to 39.6%. This is a $709 billion/10 year tax hike
- Raising the capital gains and dividends rate from 15% to 20%
- Raising the death tax rate from 35% to 45% and lowering the death tax exemption amount from $5 million ($10 million for couples) to $3.5 million. This is a $98 billion/ten year tax hike
- Capping the value of itemized deductions at the 28% bracket rate. This will effectively cut tax deductions for mortgage interest, charitable contributions, property taxes, state and local income or sales taxes, out-of-pocket medical expenses, and unreimbursed employee business expenses. A new means-tested phaseout of itemized deductions limits them even more. This is a $321 billion/ten year tax hike
- New bank taxes totaling $33 billion over ten years
- New international corporate tax hikes totaling $129 billion over ten years
- New life insurance company taxes totaling $14 billion over ten years
- Massive new taxes on energy, including LIFO repeal, Superfund, domestic energy manufacturing, and many others totaling $120 billion over ten years
- Increasing unemployment payroll taxes by $15 billion over ten years
- Taxing management capital gains in an investment partnership (“carried interest”) as ordinary income. This is a tax hike of $15 billion over ten years
- A giveaway to the trial lawyers—not letting companies deduct the cost of punitive damages from a lawsuit settlement. This is a tax hike of $300 million over ten years
- Increasing tax penalties, information reporting, and IRS information sharing. This is a ten-year tax hike of $20 billion.
Add it all together, and this budget is a ten-year, $1.5 trillion tax hike over present law. That’s $1.5 trillion taken out of the economy and spent on government instead of being used to create jobs.
The “tax relief” in the budget is mostly just an extension of present law, and also some refundable credit outlay spending in the tax code.
There is virtually no new tax relief relative to present law in the President’s budget.
Gee, Wally, I guess we all make too much money now. That's right, Beav. It must be our obligation to "spread the wealth around" so little Muhammad can attend Harvard and get his IED. Community college or trade school should be enough for my kids, after all. And if Esperanza drops her "anchor" in El Paso it must be my privilege to pay for that, plus bringiong all her relatives into the country, too. Or say if "Jane Roe" wants to murder her unborn baby (and you know that she's not pregnant with a cow or a dolphin) then I guess I can pay for that too: it's only a million dollars a day to keep Planned Parenthood "honest," And those poor, poor GM employees, you know: the ones who got the company handed to them as a "courtesy?" And that includes the UAW and The Head Union Guys for supporting Commander O's election race, I'm certain that they have earned their $8,000 "production bonus." That's only a bump of $3.84 per hour for a work year. And when you're scraping by on $84.00 per hour, every little crumb from Uncle O really helps.
Wait, what? Gee, Wally, does that mean they'll be able to repay the billions of dollars owed to us taxpayers? Yeah, right, Beav. Get real, will ya?
Was it good for you? I need a cigarette.
Read more: http://www.atr.org/obamas-fy-budgetbr-taxes-more-a5844##ixzz1E0Gi3g2x
p.s. Mental Note: Someone please explain to the stealth imam in the White House that companies don't pay taxes, they simply collect taxes from their customers and pass along those receipts to the IRS. YOU and I are the only tax Payers.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Still in the "O-Zone"
First, it was near-blasphemously comparing himself to Jesus, the Christ. Remember "Pilate was a Governor, Jesus was a Community Organizer?" Then came the comparison to FDR and HST, with the "Shovel-ready (and non-existent) jobs. Then came the various reincarnations of JFK, MLK,Jr., Jimmy Carter, Mother Teresa, and Ghandi.
Now, doubtlessly the most ludicrous of all, his comparison of himself to Ronald Reagan*, who embodied the very antithesis of Socialist governance.
Vanity, thy name is Obama.
*hat tip: WaPo Friday, 02/11/2011
Now, doubtlessly the most ludicrous of all, his comparison of himself to Ronald Reagan*, who embodied the very antithesis of Socialist governance.
Vanity, thy name is Obama.
*hat tip: WaPo Friday, 02/11/2011
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