How Do You Spell "Thug?"

How Do You Spell "Thug?"

Saturday, January 14, 2012


"Section 1. The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.
Section 2. The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation."

Please note that "Reasonable Proof of Identity" does NOT appear in the above text.  Proof of identity does in no way imply racial prejudice, skin color preference, nor prior slavery, even if you count the current tax slaves in this Land of the (Formerly) Free.
As outlined in yesterday's post, Proof of Identity is required in nearly all aspects of commerce and daily transaction.  Is a valid drivers license required in order to operate a motor vehicle?  NO, as long as one does not operate said vehicle on Public Roadways or Highways: anyone may lawfully operate vehicles such as farm vehicles, go-karts, and riding mowers.  But when intercourse with the general public is apparent, licensure is a requirement, both for a) the vehicle and b) the operator of said vehicle, with appropriate civil penalties adjunct.
Voter I.D. does not effectively ask for Proof of Citizenship:  a non-citizen can obtain a drivers license or personal identification card in all 50 states.  That's how foreign students are enabled to drive lawfully.  Some state legislatures, such as the brain-damaged Oregon Legislature, are even considering licensing illegal criminal aliens, for chimeral reasons only an elected official could articulate.
Voter I.D.  in no way has racial overtones, despite whatever bile Cynthia McKinney may spew.  I don't know if you've noticed, but licensed drivers seem to be multi-racial in every state in the country.  A student body card, such as carried by every  middle-school, junior- and senior high school student is virtually always a government-issued photo i.d.  OK, some schools may forego the photo, but they constitute a mere thimbleful of issuers.
Is there a danger of a "Show me your papers" autocracy arising from requiring proof of identity at the polling place?  Perhaps, but no greater danger than already exists:  the Federal, State, and Local government agencies, as well as private agencies, which currently "keep tabs" on you are too numerous to mention here, beginning with the Postal Service, Tax Collectors, the I.R.S., the I.N.S. in a few cases, credit reporting agencies, Public Records departments, Real Estate records;  the list is boundless.
And Not One of those agencies interferes with your right to vote.  That job is left to the Black Panthers and Eric Holder, the man who, in 1999, engineered the pardons for no fewer than sixteen FALN murders without so much as a telephone interview with the victims' descendents, not to mention  Marc Rich, in which case Mr. Holder later testified before Congress that he "wished that the Justice Department had been 'more fully informed' about the case."   Habitual  lack of information seems to be a pattern on on Mr. Holder's part, doesn't it?  FALN, Rich,  Black Panthers with clubs, Brian Terry, Fast-and-Furious:  Mr. Holder habitually demonstrates his "Uh-oh, Better Call Saul" approach to law enforcement. 
Because of that approach, and given this Administration's abhorrence of common sense and decency, there will be no Voter I.D. requirement for the 2012 election.  Otherwise, none of Mr. Obama's legions of  demised supporters will be able to cast their multiple votes for his reelection. 
You saw this coming, didn't you?

-neon leon

Thursday, January 12, 2012


At least in the New Hampshire primary election.  Watch live as dead people vote:!

Now do you understand why the Dem's object to "Voter I.D.?"  Without "Government-Issued I.D.," you cannot buy cough syrup, fertilizers, spray paint, cold meds, beer, wine, cigarettes, "chew," a handgun, rifle or shotgun, a car, a house; you cannot obtain a bank account, borrow money, cash a check, rent a motel room or campsite anywhere in New Hampshire, Oregon and most other states, but you can vote with no I.D. proof whatsoever!
That's right, Nancy, your vote counts!  And counts, and counts, and counts, and counts and counts and counts and counts and counts and counts.... just as long as you can read the obituaries and look up registered voter addresses in your county's public records.  Yes, Barry, there is a Santa Claus!

Only in the U.S.S.A.

H.T. Godfather Politics

-neon leon

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


As the 2012 election races heat up, this handy guide will help you understand what various newscasters mean when you hear them use these key phrases during debates:

LIBERAL NEWS:                                        CONSERVATIVES: 

Arsenal of Weapons                                                   Gun Collection
Delicate Wetlands                                                         Fetid Swamp Undocumented Worker                                    Illegal Criminal Alien Unregistered Voter                                           Illegal Criminal Alien
Cruelty-Free Material                                  Chinese Synthetic Fiber
Assault and Battery                                            Attitude Adjustment
Heavily Armed                                                           Well-protected
Narrow-minded                                                       Has Solid Morals
Taxes or Your Fair Share                                             Coerced Theft
Commonsense Gun Control                            Gun Confiscation Plot
Illegal Hazardous Explosives                                              Fireworks
Non-viable Tissue Mass                                                Unborn Baby
Equal Access to Opportunity                                              Socialism
Multicultural Community                                        High Crime Area
Fairness or Social Progress                                                   Marxism
Upper Class or "The Rich "                                         Self-Employed
Progressive, Change                                     Big Government Scheme
Homeless or Disadvantaged                        Bums or Welfare Leeches
Sniper Rifle                                                      Deer Rifle with scope
Investment For the Future                                              Higher Taxes
Healthcare Reform                                             Socialized Medicine
Extremist, Judgmental, or Hater                                     Conservative
Truants                                                                       Homeschoolers
Victim or Oppressed                                     Criminal or Lazy Loafer
High Capacity Magazine                        Standard Capacity Magazine
Religious Zealot                                                       Church Member
Fair Trade Coffee                                      Overpriced Yuppie Coffee
Exploiters or "The Rich "                         Employed, or Land Owner
The Pro-Gun Lobby                                                   NRA Members
Assault Weapon                                         Semi-Automatic handgun
Fiscal Stimulus                                               New and Higher Taxes
Same Sex Marriage                                            Legalized Perversion
Mandated Eco-Friendly Lighting          Chinese Mercury-Laden CFL
Accepted Fact                                                              Horse manure

Hat Tip:  Dr. GOG
-neon leon

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