How Do You Spell "Thug?"

How Do You Spell "Thug?"

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Occupied Portland

As I observe the "Occupy Portland" demonstrators, the self-named "99 percent," who are apparently protesting everything from "corporate greed" to a shortage of Jif Crunchy at Walmart, several things came to my mind.  Yeah here we go again, looking at the obvious.
First in mind was the number of "greed" protesters wearing Nike shoes, North Face jackets and caps, some in Patagonia branded sweaters, a number of logo-adorned shirts: Polo, Carhartt, and others, and, of course, a lot of Columbia Sportswear.  On people "outraged" by "Corporate Greed."  Reminds me of the rabid anti-fur protester in front of the late Schumaker Furs who confronted me for shopping there.  Actually, the only 'fur' that I could afford to buy was a full-length mink...
keychain, but she was livid, nevertheless, apparently because mink are so cute and cuddly.  As she spewed her anti-whatever venom at me, I asked her, "If you are opposed to people wearing fur coats, why are you wearing leather shoes and a leather belt, and why is there a "Burger King" bag under your display? Which one of us is the hypocrite?"  She responded so badly that I needed to rinse my ears with Drano.

The second thing which came to me was "Don't you think it's time to move out of your parents' basements, stop playing Dungeons and Dragons or Warcraft, and do something productive with your life?  Of course, that's not directed at the union members who simply want to divert public attention from their own greed; nor at the illegal aliens wanting everything except taxation and the the tedium of learning of that wearisome English language:  nor at the college students, simply because they have yet to own anything more substantial than an i-phone, which was very likely a gift anyway, and can't possibly comprehend why no one wants to give them a "free lunch," which, try as I might, I cannot find written as a Constitutional right; nor at the police officers who receive overtime pay for schmoozing with the terminally mentally myopic.

Portland Occupiers, throw off your chains!  Smash your iPhones and Androids!  Throw away your Nikes, your American Eagles and Levis and Doc Martens!  Enter December free of clothing, oil and gas heat, give your Smart Car and your Prius to the Salvation Army or to Goodwill!  Close out your 401K's and cash out your life insurance policies and give that filthy, greedy money to those who are suffering under the jackboots of the Gert Boyles and the Phil Knights and the Steve Jobs of the world!  I do believe Michael Moore is looking for funding for his next fantasy "documentary,"  throw the man a bone, for heaven's sake!  Squeaking by on ten million a year is horrifying even to me!  Perhaps he could sell his GE and Halliburton shares in order to keep bread on his table. Invite eleven of your new comrades-in-arms your "crash" at your parent's place, raid their refrigerators, and use their showers.  Please listen to me:  use their showers.
Or, you could just STFU.
photo by Kyle Helstein

-neon leon

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Thanks, Lars!

A gem from today's Lars Larson Show:

" Ten years ago, we had Johnny Cash, we had Bob Hope, and we had Steven Jobs.
   After just three years of Obama, we have No Cash, No Hope, and No Jobs." 

"If you love me, you gotta help me pass this bill!"
 -BH Obama, incumbent ex-President,
speaking about his latest half-trillion dollar spend-borrow-and-tax ponzi scheme.

Can I use the word "putz" here?

-neon leon

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Slow News Day

The Federal Fish and Wildlife unfortunately picked a "slow news day" to make public the latest brilliant announcement of just how concerned that agency is about protected and endangered sub-human species in Oregon.  No, I am not talking politicians here, I'm talking about the agency's decision to decide whether or not to list several indigenous species as Protected or Endangered, and to decide on just how large an area of land would be declared to be "off limits" to the timber industry, the recreation industry, the building industry, etc.  This is in order to provide "safe, natural habitat" for these poor creatures whose very lives are threatened by even the nearby existence of  human beings.

The creatures which will possibly receive Federal Protection are "susceptible to harm from logging, mining, grazing, pesticide and fertilizer use and water diversion," according to a DFW spokesman.  "They're part of the food web, they're important for nutrient cycling, they eat decaying matter."  These creatures obviously need the same levels of protection from rampant humanity as the Northern Spotted Owl, whose "protection" virtually ended Oregon's chief industry, timber harvesting; and the Marbled Murrelet, whose Federally-provided protection zones have placed miles and miles of Oregon and California shores off-limits to human presence.  By the way, the Northern Spotted Owl population in Oregon is still threatened.  It is not, however, threatened by loggers.  It is driven out of its native habitat, those millions of acres of now-unharvestable forests, by the Barred Owl, which species has virtually taken over the protected lands and harrasses the smaller Spotted Owl out from the common forest.  You know, that Darwinian "survival of the fittest" thing that most tree-huggers and other eco-nazis spout.

This season's victimized wildlife?  Drumroll please....:

26 "rare" slugs and snails!!  I for one would love to know just how well-paid are the Federal Mollusk Census Takers, Collators, Data Interpreters,and Expositors.  "I'm From the Government, and I'm Here to Help" are still the nine most terrifying words in the English Language.
Best to sell your 30.06 and your ATV while the market still exists.
-neon leon

Go, Granny, GO !

 Story allegedly from a Kansas State Highway Patrol officer:

"I made a traffic stop on an elderly lady the other day for speeding on U.S. 166 Eastbound at Mile Marker 73 just East of Sedan, KS.  I asked for her driver's license, registration, and proof of insurance.
The lady took out the required information and handed it to me.
In with the cards I was somewhat surprised (due to her advanced age) to see she had a concealed carry permit. I looked at her and asked if she had a weapon in her possession at this time.

"She responded that she indeed had a .45 automatic in her glove box.
Something---body language, or the way she said it---made me want to ask if she had any other firearms. She did admit to also having a 9mm Glock in her center console. Now I had to ask one more time if that was all. She responded once again that she did have just one more, a .38 special in her purse. I then asked her what was she so afraid of.

"She looked me right in the eye and said, "Not a damn thing!'"

Go, Granny, Go!!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

What Do I Do When My Lawyer Is A Liar??

Attorney General Eric Himpton Holder Jr. is a bald-faced liar.  When first confronted by Congress about Operation Fast and Furious, he claimed ignorance.  Ignorance of an operation involving illegal sales of some 2,000  firearms by Federal (BATFE) employees under his aegis?  Pish-tosh!  According to the LA Times,

On March 10, Holder testified before a Senate subcommittee that he had just learned about the Fast and Furious gun-walking allegations and had asked for the inspector general's investigation. "We cannot have a situation where guns are allowed to walk," he said.
On May 3, he was asked by Issa when he first learned about Fast and Furious. "I'm not sure of the exact date," Holder testified. "But I probably heard about Fast and Furious for the first time over the last few weeks."

Today, a number of recently unearthed e-mails and other communication documents say otherwise.

Agents for the BATFE (Bureaucrats Always Touting Foolhardy Endeavors) have "blown the whistle" on the Justice Department's moronic program to unlawfully purchase semi-automatic weapons and to unlawfully sell those weapons to known drug-cartel gangsters in order to unlawfully transport and allegedly track those weapons throughout Mexico.  What could possibly go wrong?  Ask the survivors of murdered Border Patrol Officer Brian Terry, slaughtered by at least three of the BATFE-brokered weapons. 

Holder would need to study intensely for years just to become incompetent.  Indeed, this entire administration of "Typhoid Barry" is rife with incompetent, dishonest miscreants who hold little or no regard for the Law, the Constitution, nor the rights of the Citizens of the United States, you know, their employers.  This is purely because the Cabinet reflects the ideals of "the one" who hand-selected them:  Typhoid Barry, the anti-American.  He is truly "fundamentally changing the way things are done in America."  Are you better off than you were four trillion dollars ago?

Impeachment proceedings can not, and indeed must not, be long in coming, and not merely against Holder:  he's just the lackey. 

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