How Do You Spell "Thug?"

How Do You Spell "Thug?"

Friday, November 19, 2010


CNN's (formerly known as the Clinton News Network) "objective and unbiased" reporting is revealed here:
CNN's Kathleen Parker, while stressing the need for "comprehensive immigration reform," rather bizarrely and disturbingly inaccurately claimed that Alexander Hamilton came to the United States illegally: "Let's remember..(She said)..a lot of Americans did "come through the back door" such as Alexander Hamilton. He got off the boat from the West Indies, and all he did was write the Constitution and become the first Secretary of the Treasury."
An absolutely brilliant and revealing statement, Kathleen. Perhaps you could be so kind as to elucidate for us, the unwashed masses, precisely how Mr. Hamilton could "illegally" enter into the United States of America  a mere FOUR YEARS prior to the signing of the Declaration of Independence, and a full  NINE YEARS before the Constitution, which, by your own acknowledgement, he himself  helped compose and which was finally ratified by the 13 member states of the newly-created United States.  I'd love you hear your explanation and/or timeline. I'm certain that it will be as charming as your anecdotal pleas for amnesty for today's illegals.
Apparently Ms. Parker confounds bloviation for information.  Too much Wiki, Kath?
Perhaps one ought not sleep through high school Journalism and U.S. History classes, eh Kat?
   Who is the PINHEAD?                                                                                    And who the PATRIOT!

11/19/10  courtesy of

To My Favorite Radio Host, Lars Larson

'Morning Lars,
As you can see from the time stamp, I have insomnia due to this "lame-duck" session of Congress resurrecting what they deceitfully call "comprehensive immigration reform:" the DREAM Act, which obviously stands for Democrats Rewarding Every Anomalous Mexican. It's their last-gasp chance to spit in the eyes of the citizenry for slamming the door on their sorry tailfeathers. After the way they "fixed" the economy with the trillion-dollar stimulus, and "fixed" the finest health care system in the world with Obamacare, and "fixed" airport security, and "fixed" Gitmo terrorist trials, why don't they stop all the nonsense and cut to the chase on this latest version of "Scamnesty for Illegals" and simply grant citizenship to every illegal who contributes $100.00 or more to B.S. Obama's re-election campaign fund? If a mere 12 million of the twenty million illegals pitch in, that would raise 1.2 billion dollars for Barry-O, enough to mollify even a most acerbic George Soros.

Then from Puerto Tierra, Oregon to Buffalo, New Yucatan;  from Detroit, Michoacan to San Jalisco, Califexico, and in Washington, Distrito Federal, we can all join hands and be happy and healthy. And safe, don't forget safe. And working. Yes, oops, my bad, I meant: si, senor.

Oh, what the h-e-double-hockeysticks. I'm off to the gun range to maim a few mallard silhouettes with either the M&P .40 or the Sig 1911.

Keep Preachin'
Neon Leon

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Another Blow to the Bill of Rights? One Step Closer to Shariah

The TSA, that friendly hands-on branch of the Department of Homeland Security, is ordered to closely inspect every airline traveller.  Even CAIR, the Muslim Brotherhood's storefront cover, is crying out for exclusions to the full-body scan and/or the full-body pat-down, which apparently violates shariah law concerning Muslim women by allowing intimate contact from, or observation by, an infidel. Thankfully, murdering one's own daughter still seems to be still OK with Allah.

"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

Nothing about airplanes in the 4th Amendment, you'll notice.  But, in all fairness to the authors of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, nothing was ever said about requiring an elected official to provide documentation of birth, degrees, or grade transcripts, either.  For that matter, the term "competence" nowhere appears in the Constitution.  Lucky for us, eh?
So, let's endure full searches of every potential airline passenger, including all elected and appointed government officials.  One never can tell what Joe Biden might be transporting in his underwear, and don't even think about Barney Frank's man thong.  Oddly, 87-year-old Granny Bess from Okanogan seems to fit the profile of a terror suspect to Sec'y Clownitano, as does little 9-year-old Timmy Swensen from Warroad, Minnesota.  You must remember, airline travel is voluntary, and if it takes scans or "touching your junk" to keep even one maniac from blowing up another three thousand innocent people, then oh, well.  It's rather like taking a pre-employment drug screen or a roadside breathylizer test:  a nuisance, to be sure, but a necessity given the tools allowable.  So take the train, drive, charter a bus or a boat.  You are free to choose your preferred method of travel, but just one lucky extremist can wreak considerable and irreparable damage upon thousands.  Personally, I'd prefer to drive:  I can "carry" and remain able to defend myself and my family, at least at close range; a box-cutter being no match for a well-kept Glock.  Gee, maybe if we were all allowed to "carry" on flights.......naahh, never happen.

The point is that jihadists are actively and resolutely seeking the means to duplicate and improve upon the attacks of 9/11/01, and they will continue relentlessly to seek new means of mass murder: ala the Terminator, they will not stop until We. Are. All. Dead.  To them, it is YOU who is deserving of a gruesome death, even if it means blowing themselves to confetti in the process.  The Muslim concept of "martyrdom" is vastly different from the Judeo-Christian concept.  But our problem lies in the hard, cold fact that the jihadists will use grannies and infants or whomever they can in order to carry out their malignant, satanic plottings, so we must endure these invasive precautions until violent jihadism is absolutely repudiated and abjured by "moderate Muslims," or until the last jihadist is sent to his just reward, which will more likely involve brimstone and pitchforks than it will 6 dozen virgins.  Ominously, one of their own has said, "You may have the watches, but we have the time."

Like so many other cancers, radiation seems to be jihadism's only cure: exceptionally high doses of radiation.  Personally, I'm tying a pork chop around my neck before I go to the airport.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Dear Senator Kay Bailey Hutchinson

Dear Senator Hutchinson:
First of all, thank you for your years of dedicated service to the United States, and to Texas, my father's homestate.

Here in Oregon, we don't face the same border issues as Texas, unless one regards the border with California as being dangerous. But we do have a state government which is virtually oblivious to illegal aliens and the damage caused by them: the taxpayer burden of providing services such as no-cost medical, subsidized food, housing, transportation, education, bi-lingual state employees and documents: the list is virtually endless. ESL is a six-year course in Oregon schools. Six Years. "Rosetta Stone" offers competent language learning in six MONTHS.

I am the child of "immigrants," French, Irish, Mexican, English, Scandanavian, and Canadian Indian. ALL LEGAL. This "open borders" nonsense is pure hypocricy from every leftist who has a lock on the front door of his/her own home or a fence around his/her own private property.

Gert Boyle, 80-year-old CEO of Columbia Sportswear, can attest to the absurdity of porous borders, since she was brutally assaulted, kidnapped and robbed by a long-term illegal alien who broke into her home last week.

As wise old Dr. J. Vernon Mcgee, a fellow Texan, often said: "Come to my front door, and I'll welcome you with open arms, but creep through my open window, and you'll meet my shotgun."

My very best to you,

Monday, November 15, 2010

Hugh 4 President in 2012 !!!

"What America needs!!"

I may have found the candidate for POTUS in 2012!!  Watch this informative video, and visit the website or Hugh's facebook page, and you, too will become a supporter.  He's
Even my most liberal friends should understand and appreciate this.  Providing, of course, that they appreciate sarcasm.  Yeah, right, that could happen.

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