The chief Medicare actuary* declares that “overall national health expenditures under the health reform act would increase by a total of $311 billion”. But, but President Obama said on TV that we'd SAVE $10 Billion!! He wouldn't LIE to me, would he? To me? Would he?
Moreover, within five years of implementation, the plan will cost employers $87 billion in penalties for failing to provide government-approved insurance. At least Pelosi's jet fuel will be paid for. And possibly her bar tab.
Despite crushing costs, and the likelihood of Medicare cuts “jeopardizing access to care,” 23 million Americans will still be uninsured nine years from now. Well, that's a lot better than the current "30 million uninsured" we heard about on CNN. I'll let you do the cost-per-person math on that one, but you won't like the answer.
I must again ask: "How's that whole hopey-changey thingy workin' out for ya?"
*For those of you who attended public school, an actuary is a statistician, intensely trained and educated in finance, probability, and cost analysis. Actuarial reports determine the cost of your life insurance, your auto insurance, your mortgage terms, your retirement plan, tire warranties, and health insurance, among others. Add a 16-year-old son to your auto policy, and guess which direction your rates will have to go: that's what an actuary figures out. Add twenty million newly documented formerly illegal aliens to healthcare costs, and I'll bet that even you Public School prodigies can guess which direction costs will go...Oh, OK, here's a story problem for you:
Mr. Sheeple wants to be patriotic and buy Government-approved healthcare insurance for his family of four from a Government-managed "Federal Healthcare Insurance Exchange," or Fed-HEX. His policy must also cover 2.3 newly documented former illegal aliens,(surprisingly, every one registered as a Democrat). Will the cost of his new Federal Successful Citizen Kindness and Excellent Resource Plan, or SUCKER Plan, go:
a. Up
b. Up substantially
c Up exponentially
d. Pssst! Dude? Du-ude..?
How Do You Spell "Thug?"

Thursday, April 29, 2010
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
According to the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative, finally passed as law in 2007 as a Federal response to 9/11, passports are required for travel between Canada, the US, Bermuda, and Mexico. If you, as an American citizen, travel to either Mexico or Canada, you can not re-enter the United States without a passport or other Federally-approved documentation. PERIOD. "Papers, please."
"Papers, please" is heard by every US Citizen attempting to re-enter this country legally. Why is there no outcry from the pro-amnesty-for-illegals crowd? Why are we hearing no cries of: "NAZI, NAZI, NAZI!" at this intrusion into the privacy of AMERICAN CITIZENS?? Well, because it's the LAW, correct? It's a law enacted to protect Americans from terrorists, so it must be a good law, right?
It is a Federal crime to enter the United States of America without proper "papers."
It is a Federal crime to attempt to re-enter the US without proof of US citizenship.
It is a Federal crime to falsify a Social Security account, or to use another person's SSA card or number.
It is a Federal crime to reside in this country without express "permission:" a current visa and passport, for example. Staying in this country after a visa has expired is also a Federal crime.
It is a Federal crime to remain in the United States after a court-ordered deportation,
no matter who your nephew is, nor what office he holds.
It is a Federal crime to re-enter the United States after having been deported.
If the Federal Government can't deal with "12 million illegals," particularly when the number is closer to TWENTY MILLION, how in God's green earth do you expect them to handle the physical wellbeing of 330 million citizens? If there is no accurate method of checking a Social Security Card's validity, how can you expect to expect the Government to determine what "adequate" healthcare insurance is? You can be certain that thousands of taxpayers will receive hefty "fines" for "inadequate" insurance, and equally certain that no illegal alien will be turned away from any clinic or hospital, because YOU are going to pick up their tabs, all 12-or-20 million of them!
Oregon's government is teetering on bankruptcy, not so much from the massive influx of illegals, but moreso due to moronic fiscal policies in general. Arizona's economy is in a shambles due to the flood of illegal aliens using up medical, police, fire, housing, food programs and other resources far faster than taxpayers can provide them. The only way to stem the flood is to make illegal entry into this country painful, and to make staying in this country illegally extremely painful. Since the Federal Government won't enforce the border, the states must take it upon themselves to secure their own borders, and to provide for the general welfare and safety of their citizens.
The Arizona state government is simply upholding the laws already enacted by the Federal Government, but which laws said Federal Government refuses to enforce in much the same way that the Chicago city government allowed Al Capone to sell liquor flagrantly during the times of the Volstead Act.
Both political parties look at the tide of illegal aliens as if they are "undocumented voters," the keys to political power for decades to come: schmooze up to the Latino today, secure his vote tomorrow via another "shamnesty." POWER. It's always about MONEY, or political POWER, or BOTH.
My position is quite simple, really: If you come to my front door, I will welcome you with open arms as a friend. However, if I catch you sneaking through the window at two in the morning, you'd best be prepared to meet Messr.s Smith & Wesson at the very least, and your Maker in all probability. Should not our national borders be as safe and as secure and as sacrosanct as the thresholds to our own homes?
If that makes me a NAZI, well then: oh, well!
"Papers, please" is heard by every US Citizen attempting to re-enter this country legally. Why is there no outcry from the pro-amnesty-for-illegals crowd? Why are we hearing no cries of: "NAZI, NAZI, NAZI!" at this intrusion into the privacy of AMERICAN CITIZENS?? Well, because it's the LAW, correct? It's a law enacted to protect Americans from terrorists, so it must be a good law, right?
It is a Federal crime to enter the United States of America without proper "papers."
It is a Federal crime to attempt to re-enter the US without proof of US citizenship.
It is a Federal crime to falsify a Social Security account, or to use another person's SSA card or number.
It is a Federal crime to reside in this country without express "permission:" a current visa and passport, for example. Staying in this country after a visa has expired is also a Federal crime.
It is a Federal crime to remain in the United States after a court-ordered deportation,
no matter who your nephew is, nor what office he holds.
It is a Federal crime to re-enter the United States after having been deported.
If the Federal Government can't deal with "12 million illegals," particularly when the number is closer to TWENTY MILLION, how in God's green earth do you expect them to handle the physical wellbeing of 330 million citizens? If there is no accurate method of checking a Social Security Card's validity, how can you expect to expect the Government to determine what "adequate" healthcare insurance is? You can be certain that thousands of taxpayers will receive hefty "fines" for "inadequate" insurance, and equally certain that no illegal alien will be turned away from any clinic or hospital, because YOU are going to pick up their tabs, all 12-or-20 million of them!
Oregon's government is teetering on bankruptcy, not so much from the massive influx of illegals, but moreso due to moronic fiscal policies in general. Arizona's economy is in a shambles due to the flood of illegal aliens using up medical, police, fire, housing, food programs and other resources far faster than taxpayers can provide them. The only way to stem the flood is to make illegal entry into this country painful, and to make staying in this country illegally extremely painful. Since the Federal Government won't enforce the border, the states must take it upon themselves to secure their own borders, and to provide for the general welfare and safety of their citizens.
The Arizona state government is simply upholding the laws already enacted by the Federal Government, but which laws said Federal Government refuses to enforce in much the same way that the Chicago city government allowed Al Capone to sell liquor flagrantly during the times of the Volstead Act.
Both political parties look at the tide of illegal aliens as if they are "undocumented voters," the keys to political power for decades to come: schmooze up to the Latino today, secure his vote tomorrow via another "shamnesty." POWER. It's always about MONEY, or political POWER, or BOTH.
My position is quite simple, really: If you come to my front door, I will welcome you with open arms as a friend. However, if I catch you sneaking through the window at two in the morning, you'd best be prepared to meet Messr.s Smith & Wesson at the very least, and your Maker in all probability. Should not our national borders be as safe and as secure and as sacrosanct as the thresholds to our own homes?
If that makes me a NAZI, well then: oh, well!
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
"Dear Congressman Grijalva:"
PHOENIX (YBH.ME) – U.S. Congressman Raul Grijalva has called for a boycott of his own state. Mr. Grijalva, an Arizona Democrat from Tucson, has called for a “boycott of Arizona goods, services and tourism” because of Arizona’s new controversial new immigration law.
Dear Congressman Grijalva:
"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same;"
Do those words sound vaguely familiar to you? They were the words you uttered as an oath when you were first elected to Congress. So, here we are, eight or so years later, and you are calling for an embargo on the very state which elected you to Congress.
Have you no shame? Your resume indicates that you have some 40 years' experience on the public payroll, yet you call for a trade blockade of the private industries which pay the very taxes from which you receive your salary.
In view of your call for a boycott, I must ask you, sir: Do you represent the citizens of Arizona, and of the United States, or do you represent the citizens of Mexico? I do not care a whit for your ancestral tree, nor your "gut feelings," nor for your "best instincts;" I expect you to keep your promise to this country, and to uphold the law, even those laws with which you take issue! But, perhaps you prefer anarchy, wherein "every man does what is right in his own sight."
If so, you have that right as an American, but you must then resign your elective office since you thus have quite publicly forsaken your solemn oath.
I eagerly await your reply.
Dear Congressman Grijalva:
"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same;"
Do those words sound vaguely familiar to you? They were the words you uttered as an oath when you were first elected to Congress. So, here we are, eight or so years later, and you are calling for an embargo on the very state which elected you to Congress.
Have you no shame? Your resume indicates that you have some 40 years' experience on the public payroll, yet you call for a trade blockade of the private industries which pay the very taxes from which you receive your salary.
In view of your call for a boycott, I must ask you, sir: Do you represent the citizens of Arizona, and of the United States, or do you represent the citizens of Mexico? I do not care a whit for your ancestral tree, nor your "gut feelings," nor for your "best instincts;" I expect you to keep your promise to this country, and to uphold the law, even those laws with which you take issue! But, perhaps you prefer anarchy, wherein "every man does what is right in his own sight."
If so, you have that right as an American, but you must then resign your elective office since you thus have quite publicly forsaken your solemn oath.
I eagerly await your reply.
No Comment Needed. Right, Sen. McCain?
Victoria, Texas... I thought it better to copy the actual newspaper article.

Hat Tip: Cosmo
Hat Tip: Cosmo
Monday, April 26, 2010
The Wheels on the Bike Go 'Round and 'Round....
Responding to a recent letter asking the City of Portland exactly why bicyclists are not required to carry any sort of:
1. Operator's License;
2. Proof of Insurance;
3. Adequate Head and Taillights;
4. Adequate Turn Signals/Stop Signals;
5. Adequate Fnders;
6. High-Visibility Clothing;
7. "Fair Share" of Road Costs.
The response from the mid-level bureaucrat is priceless: "Our study shows that 85per cent of bicyclists have motor vehicles which do pay their "fair share" of road-use taxes."
Isn't that perfectly typical of the mindset? Did he forget that 99% of all motorcyclists also own cars, but are required by law to have separate insurance, and an endorsement on their driver's license, "adequate" head- and taillights, "adequate" turn signals/ brake lights, "adequate" fenders, and "adequate" safety clothing. "Fair?"
My RV trailer costs $96.00 per year to license. It burns NO gas, has all lights, brakes, and safety gear. But it still contributes nearly a hundred dollars a year to road use, even though it is actually parked 353 out of 365 days each year. So the contribution to the DOT coffers is $8.00 per each of the 12 days of actual road use. Hmmmm. "Fair?"
But the bicycle is Portland City Government's sacred cow. Why else would Mayor Adams embezzle $20 Million of taxpayer funds from the "Big Pipe" sewer project in order to fund his pet project: the creation of a Bicycle Nirvannah of the Northwest? Never mind that you or I would be summarily fired and probably jailed for such a bit of bookkeeping legerdemain. Nevertheless, our Mayor is resolute to make Portland the Copenhagen of the Americas, never mind that Copenhagen is an islandic city and is flatter than Juan Colorado's tortillas, whose ancient streets are navigable by only the tiniest of autos and handcarts. Our leadership seems hell-bent on pushing us headlong into the 19th Century as far as transportation is concerned.
Perhaps I'll just ride my horse, which the City is providing free-of-charge to all motorists. YES, I said FREE!! How do I know? Simple: wherever there's this much horsesh*t, there just HAS to be a pony!
1. Operator's License;
2. Proof of Insurance;
3. Adequate Head and Taillights;
4. Adequate Turn Signals/Stop Signals;
5. Adequate Fnders;
6. High-Visibility Clothing;
7. "Fair Share" of Road Costs.
The response from the mid-level bureaucrat is priceless: "Our study shows that 85per cent of bicyclists have motor vehicles which do pay their "fair share" of road-use taxes."
Isn't that perfectly typical of the mindset? Did he forget that 99% of all motorcyclists also own cars, but are required by law to have separate insurance, and an endorsement on their driver's license, "adequate" head- and taillights, "adequate" turn signals/ brake lights, "adequate" fenders, and "adequate" safety clothing. "Fair?"
My RV trailer costs $96.00 per year to license. It burns NO gas, has all lights, brakes, and safety gear. But it still contributes nearly a hundred dollars a year to road use, even though it is actually parked 353 out of 365 days each year. So the contribution to the DOT coffers is $8.00 per each of the 12 days of actual road use. Hmmmm. "Fair?"
But the bicycle is Portland City Government's sacred cow. Why else would Mayor Adams embezzle $20 Million of taxpayer funds from the "Big Pipe" sewer project in order to fund his pet project: the creation of a Bicycle Nirvannah of the Northwest? Never mind that you or I would be summarily fired and probably jailed for such a bit of bookkeeping legerdemain. Nevertheless, our Mayor is resolute to make Portland the Copenhagen of the Americas, never mind that Copenhagen is an islandic city and is flatter than Juan Colorado's tortillas, whose ancient streets are navigable by only the tiniest of autos and handcarts. Our leadership seems hell-bent on pushing us headlong into the 19th Century as far as transportation is concerned.
Perhaps I'll just ride my horse, which the City is providing free-of-charge to all motorists. YES, I said FREE!! How do I know? Simple: wherever there's this much horsesh*t, there just HAS to be a pony!
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