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How Do You Spell "Thug?"

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Senator Merkley Speaks

From the Office of Jeff Merkley, U.S. Senate (D-Oh)

"Our current health care system is no longer working for far too many Americans. Too many are without insurance; too many others fear they will lose coverage when they need it most; too many families are going bankrupt and too many businesses are hampered because of spiraling health care costs."
(Could you run those numbers by me again, Sir?  Your SOLUTION, Mr. Senator? MORE government "intervention"?)
"The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (read: Obamacare) will make needed, important and immediate changes to our health care system including preventing insurance companies from denying health care because of a preexisting condition (you know, AIDS, Cancer, morbid obesity, and the like)or rescinding coverage when an individual gets sick (such as in the case of...?). It will ensure that those who are happy with their health coverage would be able to keep their insurance (providing it meets "government standards"), while improving the range of private insurance options (option 1: comply or be fined and/or imprisoned) for millions of Americans. Additionally, the legislation will provide better options to small businesses struggling with the cost of providing their employees with health insurance by allowing businesses to enter a new marketplace, called health insurance exchanges, where employers can join together to use their combined buying power to get better and more stable pricing, and the opportunity to offer their employees more choices." (You know, choices like gutting Medicare benefits, taxing the bejeezus out of everyone except illegal aliens, and instituting an "advisory panel" for those pesky life-and-death decisions which so few Americans choose...wisely.)
"Moreover, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act will rein in spiraling costs and will reform the health care system in a fiscally responsible manner. The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office reported that the bill will lower our nation's deficit by $130 billion over ten years (or, roughly 0.0000001 per cent of the deficit.)."

More Kool-Aid, anyone?

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