How Do You Spell "Thug?"

How Do You Spell "Thug?"

Monday, February 1, 2010

O Debt, Where is Thy Sting?

President pro-tem* Obama's proposed Federal Budget for F.Y. 2011 is a whopping 3.8 TRILLION dollars. of which "only" 1/3 is more borrowed money from the bank of China, our dear friends and longtime ally.  If you tried to float a home loan with a 1-to-3 debt-to-loan ratio, you'd be run out of the lender's office on a rail, unless of course you had an ACORN representative with you to publicly scream: "PROFILING!" .
This President pro-tem*and this Democrat-run Congress (again, pro-tem) is hellbent on bankrupting this country, make no mistake. The chart here demonstrates the debt of the Eeevil Bush administration
You, Dear Reader, are financially doomed, unless you're already receiving welfare and food stamps and Medicaid and the entire list of Federal teats proffered by this Lunatic Left Congress and  their President-pro-tem*.  The only budget items noticeably underfunded are: Nuclear Power Development ( remember the campai, er State of the Union Speech/promise?)  and Homeland Security, since there are currently no viable threats to our security, at least not since last year.  38 entire days without an attack!! Teh One does marvelous work.
*Emphasis on that pro-tempore, only 3 years to go...should we survive.  And by then, we'll be just another third world banana republic ala Venezuela, wherein yet  another Obama leftist mentor presides.


  1. I agree with your stand. Our sitting president makes no sense in so many of his stances and decisions and our congress is too weak to stand up and say enough is enough. I get requests daily to write disability letters. I am refusing to write about 90 percent of those requested because they need to get out and get going and get a relationship with jesus not sit home on disability and play video games all day. Almost everyone can do something productive.



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