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How Do You Spell "Thug?"

Friday, February 19, 2010

The Poor Will Always Be With You

If you would like to see how Oregon is utilizing the ARRA "Economic Stimulus" funds received so far, trot on over to: 
and get a thumbnail sketch of all the jobs "saved or created" by Oregon's 2.2 Billion-dollar slice of pork pie.
Health and Human Services: 54%, or 1.197 Billion Dollars, Zero jobs created
Education:                             6%, or  497 Million  Dollars, Zero jobs created
Public Safety:                      1.8%, or   40 Million Dollars,  Zero new, a few police jobs retained

By county, an average of 2/3 of all funds went to Medicaid (gracias, muchachas!), about 20% provided food stamps (otra vez, muchas gracias), and almost 1% went to Vocational Rehab (I'll drink to that!).
Notice that not a dime went toward enabling job creation by private industry?  Nothing in the way of tax reduction, credit for payroll increase, nothing. 
When a Democrat One-Term President gets play money from a Failed Democrat Congress to "give" to a Democrat-run Leftist State, the result is: More Government Spending, ZERO private-sector jobs, and a tanking economy fueled by record unemployment, zero new home construction, and lots and lots of new State Government Employees and their $55,000 average salaries and their $20,000 annual benefits packages for you to support. 
Feeling Stimulated Yet? 

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