How Do You Spell "Thug?"

How Do You Spell "Thug?"

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Copy and Paste

Dear (Congressman):

Doggedly adhering to the Party platform, you have voted in favor of the most blatantly unconstitutional bill in history, the alleged health care "reform" bill, and its addenda.
Congress has no Constitutional authority to mandate insurance of any sort, yet you voted in favor of that mandate.
Federal tax revenues will now be used to fund cosmetic abortions, and you voted in favor.
States' rights have been usurped by this bill, and you voted in favor.
Individuals are to be scrutinized by the IRS at every turn, and you voted in favor.
The vast majority of Oregonians opposed Federal health care mandates, and you voted in favor.

If you had plans for another term in elective office, you had best revise them.

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