Dear Congressman Grijalva:
"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same;"
Do those words sound vaguely familiar to you? They were the words you uttered as an oath when you were first elected to Congress. So, here we are, eight or so years later, and you are calling for an embargo on the very state which elected you to Congress.
Have you no shame? Your resume indicates that you have some 40 years' experience on the public payroll, yet you call for a trade blockade of the private industries which pay the very taxes from which you receive your salary.
In view of your call for a boycott, I must ask you, sir: Do you represent the citizens of Arizona, and of the United States, or do you represent the citizens of Mexico? I do not care a whit for your ancestral tree, nor your "gut feelings," nor for your "best instincts;" I expect you to keep your promise to this country, and to uphold the law, even those laws with which you take issue! But, perhaps you prefer anarchy, wherein "every man does what is right in his own sight."
If so, you have that right as an American, but you must then resign your elective office since you thus have quite publicly forsaken your solemn oath.
I eagerly await your reply.
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