CNN's Kathleen Parker, while stressing the need for "comprehensive immigration reform," rather bizarrely and disturbingly inaccurately claimed that Alexander Hamilton came to the United States illegally: "Let's remember..(She said)..a lot of Americans did "come through the back door" such as Alexander Hamilton. He got off the boat from the West Indies, and all he did was write the Constitution and become the first Secretary of the Treasury."
An absolutely brilliant and revealing statement, Kathleen. Perhaps you could be so kind as to elucidate for us, the unwashed masses, precisely how Mr. Hamilton could "illegally" enter into the United States of America a mere FOUR YEARS prior to the signing of the Declaration of Independence, and a full NINE YEARS before the Constitution, which, by your own acknowledgement, he himself helped compose and which was finally ratified by the 13 member states of the newly-created United States. I'd love you hear your explanation and/or timeline. I'm certain that it will be as charming as your anecdotal pleas for amnesty for today's illegals.
Apparently Ms. Parker confounds bloviation for information. Too much Wiki, Kath?
Perhaps one ought not sleep through high school Journalism and U.S. History classes, eh Kat?
Who is the PINHEAD? And who the PATRIOT!
11/19/10 courtesy of
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