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How Do You Spell "Thug?"

Saturday, June 11, 2011

A Gem from Herman Cain

As Herman Cain said, "Obama couldn't run a pizza joint." ( "And All God's People Said: 'Amen!'")

How much evidence does one need to figure out that Obama doesn't know whether to scratch his watch or wind his butt?  Obama won't create jobs because socialism creates victims.  And Obama has a list of strategies:
  1. Blame Bush.
  2. Sell the concept of "enjoy unemployment; it's really not that bad."
  3. Lower expectations of life as an American.
  4. Live like a third-world nation, go green, and sacrifice.
  5. Help each other out -- just don't blame Obama
  6. Our policies need more time.
  7. Blame Bush again.
  8. Blame the Japanese tsunami.
  9. Just get over it.
As a result of his (and the Democratic party's) fiscal foolishness,  Dagong Global Credit Rating Co. Ltd., the only Chinese agency that gives sovereign ratings, was quoted by the Global Times saying.
"Washington had already defaulted on its loans by allowing the dollar to weaken against other currencies -- eroding the wealth of creditors including China."  U.S.Ratings agency Fitch on Wednesday joined Moody's and Standard & Poor's to warn that the United States could lose its first-class credit rating if it fails to raise its debt ceiling to avoid defaulting on loans. yet one more demonstration of the insanity of attempting to apply Keynesian economics to the real world:  see the Dangerfield clip below.
In just three years, Mr. Obama's financial viewpoint, abetted by four years of a Democrat-controlled House and Senate, have brought to the United States true "Hope and Change:" Americans now "hope" they will not lose their jobs, their homes, and their country to creditors, and America has been "changed" from a world power, and an economic flagship to the world, to an impoverished debtor nation bent on borrowing money to pay the interest on debts already acquired, like a compulsive gambler borrowing from his Visa card to make minimum payments to the Mastercard bill which was put over the credit limit by paying the Discover card's minimum payment which was brought on by transferring the balance from the American Express card:  they have created a true "house of cards," with predictable results.

Muppet news flash to Geithner, Gooslbee, Obama et al:  No individual, no company, no country, NOBODY can get out of debt by borrowing or printing more money!!!  Any high-schooler knows that.  I repeat, for those of you who attended public school:  "Obama couldn't run a pizza joint." 

Courtesy: American Thinker bloggers Kevin Jackson and Rick Moran

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