How Do You Spell "Thug?"

How Do You Spell "Thug?"

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Orwellian "Doublespeak" at its Finest

"I’m absolutely convinced, and the vast majority of economists are convinced, that the steps we took in the Recovery Act saved millions of people their jobs or created a whole bunch of jobs,” Obama said.
Yes, yes.  Don't look at the 9.2% unemployment rate, don't look at the 14 million jobs which have vanished since the January, 2009 inauguration, according to the Federal Bureau of Labor Statistics.  It's all recovery based on the "stimulus." 

Somebody please tell me, is he still high on cocaine or pot, or is it just the LSD talking?

"Mr. President, Is what you just said really true?"
"Well, maybe just this much is."

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