How Do You Spell "Thug?"

How Do You Spell "Thug?"

Thursday, July 21, 2011

To: Speaker of the House: How much is "Enough?"

Dear Mr. Boehner,
As a resident of a Democrat-controlled state, and as one who has only  Democrat Representatives, I am appealing to you:
How many broken promises, factual "misstatements" and straw-man semantic deceits are enough?  Have we not been "misled" enough?  Have we not been told enough prevaricatory stories and "dreams?"
Have we not seen enough straw men beaten down by disingenuous, if not blatantly fraudulent, rhetoric?
Do you honestly believe that the United States can tax its way out of the Democrats' and this President's maelstrom?  How much more taxes would be "enough?"  30%?  40%  How about 75%
How much will be "enough?" If you give this "worse-than-Carter" President a nickel, he will expect a dollar "tip."  You, and the rest of us in  America, have already witnessed that, time and time again.
If I desired to live in a third-world "banana republic" I could move to South America, but I live HERE, where tin-badged Socialists with delusions of grandeur are eroding every vestige of the "American Dream," from manufacturing takeovers to Wall Street "bailouts" to handcuffing coal, electric, and oil companies to purveying inadequate medical care.  This admnistration has twisted the very fabric of our nation into a throwaway grease rag, and  I want my country back!!!
No Compromise, please, Sir.  No compromise.
The nation's indebtedness is already insurmountable in our lifetimes:  
How Much is Enough?

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