How Do You Spell "Thug?"

How Do You Spell "Thug?"

Saturday, August 6, 2011

"Jobs, Jobs, Jobs, Jobs!"

This is from Randall Hoven at American Thinker dot com.  Just in case you don't yet believe that the former "community agitator" now occupying the White House is intent upon destroying capitalism in America, and then ushering in his Socialist "Nirvana:"  Of course, He would be holding all the reins....

"With everything else he has on his plate, his laser focus has been jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs."  Vice President Joe Biden, December 2009
"I think we are past the crisis point in the economy, but we now have to pivot and focus on jobs and growth." President Obama, December 2010.
"I want to announce that the leaders of both parties in both chambers have reached an agreement that will reduce the deficit and will avoid default. It will allow us to turn to the very important business of doing everything we can to create jobs."  President Obama, July 31, 2011.
"The White House doesn't create jobs." White House Spokesman Jay Carney, August 4, 2011.
"Just left the Presidents birthday party at the White House. Herbie Hancock played, Stevie Wonder sang and yes they did the electric slide. A great night." Chris Rock, August 5, 2011.
Sources:  Geoff via AoSHQ, and the St. Louis Fed/FRED.

Hoven's Index for August 6, 2011

Average unemployment rate during Clinton presidency (Jan 93 through Dec 00):  5.20%
Average during Bush presidency (Jan 01 through Dec 08):  5.27%
Average during Obama presidency (Jan 09 through Jul 11):  9.35%
Unemployment rate as of July 2011:  9.1%
Maximum number unemployed over 26 weeks during Bush:  2.6 million
During Obama:  6.7 million
Number unemployed over 26 weeks as of July 2011:  6.2 million

Source:  St. Louis Fed/FRED: UNRATEUEMP27OV series.

Please do not be misled,  as if a sheep to the abattoir.  This is the INTENTIONAL destruction of America, the "hope and change" he sold us during his first campaign.  You received NO "HOPE," and catastrophic "CHANGE" of America to a Marxist dictatorship right before your very eyes.  
Have a nice day.

Thank You, Mr. Hoven, 
And Thank You, A.T.

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