A.) 45.7 million Americans--about 20 percent of the population--now rely on federal "food stamps," now replaced largely by SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Plan) debit cards.. Since October 2008, the number of Americans relying on the Federal Soup Line has jumped by 48 percent (that's 14.9 million people, about equal to the number of illegal aliens still in America, now that Ubermeister O's "Auntie Zeituni" has been granted asylum; granted so she could escape mythical persecution in Kenya) and enrollment in the program has increased for 32 consecutive months. Odd that Z-meister O's inaugural stage show was 30 months ago. Gotta be the tsunami's fault. Arab spring?
Remember, these things "stimulate the economy:
B.) You may wish to ask your Congressman (or woman, depending on a number of factors, particularly in Barney Frank's district) why some $6 Billion of your money is "spread around" to corn growers/ethanol producers each and every year, and why the price of feed corn (that stuff that pigs,chickens, turkeys and cows eat, not to mention dogs, guinea pigs, and parrots) has tripled since the "E-85 ethanol mandate" was begun, and why is E-85 gasoline mix more expensive than straight gas if ethanol only costs $1.50 a gallon to produce. Only a complete and utter moron, one who would have to study diligently just to become an imbecile, would burn his food supply as fuel.
Oh, sorry, we are talking about Congress, aren't we? My bad.
C.) Look into the Obama "American jobs" tour bus, purchased from Canadian manufacturer Prevost by the Alinsky Administra, drat, I meant the OBAMA Administration for a piddling 1.1 million of YOUR tax dollars, not his campaign funds.
Expect to see it listed on e-bay November 9th, 2012.
Expect to see it listed on e-bay November 9th, 2012.
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