How Do You Spell "Thug?"

How Do You Spell "Thug?"

Saturday, October 1, 2011

"If You Love Me,...Pass This Bill"

( – Vice President Joe Biden said Congress should pass the $450-billion American Jobs Act even if the economy were growing at 8 percent and unemployment were as low as 3 percent.
“Look, we should be doing all of this stuff even if we were growing by 8 percent, even if there was a 3 percent unemployment rate in America,” Biden said at an event on Thursday to promote the legislation. “We need better roads, we need better bridges, we need safer streets. We need... enough qualified teachers, where they are in fact in classes where they are safe, “We’ve got to kick start this economy that’s stalled,” Biden said of the $450 -billion proposed "American Jobs Act," (so-named because "Kickbacks" has so many unpleasant negative connotations, and, as every economist on the Obama team will tell you, government squandering is the only sure way to improve a nation's economy).  The vice president made his remarks at the Police Department headquarters in Alexandria, Va., where he also announced that the agency was one of the recipients of a federal grant to fund the hiring of new officers.
The Alexandria Police Department will hire four officers with the almost $859,000 it received.
OK, Joe,  we may "need better roads," particularly because "green" cars lack the abilities of gasoline and diesel engines.  We may "need safer streets," such as ones where drunken illegal alien drivers, even Uncle Omar, aren't allowed to keep killing American citizens.  We may "need better bridges," particularly to Alaskan islands and for that "inter-continental railroad" which your boss mentioned.
As to the Alexandria Police recruits, has anyone noticed that $859,000 divided by four jobs is only $214,750 per job?  At least that's better than now-bankrupt Solyndra's $6-million-plus per job.  Well done, Dr. Chu.  Perhaps no one in D.C. has learned that a nuclear scientist is not necessarily a good administrator, such as was Jimmy Carter, pictured above, now having become only the second-most incompetent President in history.  That puts Slow Joe in a tie with Spiro T. Agnew for "most willingly dishonest V.P."

Ummm, Joe?  We're all not that stupid.  You, and your boss, are about to be "downsized."  Nothing personal, we just can't afford to keep either of you.

Just FYI.
-neon leon

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