I found these City of Portland Official policies:
PRK-1.02 - Non-Park Use of Park Property - Printable Version
Binding City Policy
In accordance with its responsibility as the park provider for the City of Portland, Portland Parks and Recreation wishes to provide the greatest degree of protection to the City's park land and its recreational users. Therefore, these policies and procedures have been developed and adopted to guide Portland Parks and Recreation in the protection, preservation and enhancement of the City's real property park assets.
- to establish and define standards for non-park use of park property
- to inform prospective users and the public in general of the expectations and intentions of Portland Parks and Recreation with respect to non-park users and activities
- to discourage unnecessary and inappropriate use of park property
- to enable Portland Parks and Recreation to recover its administrative costs when working with non-park users
- to enable Portland Parks and Recreation to receive appropriate compensation for non-park use of property and for corresponding damages
- to place legal liability with non-park users
- to minimize damage to Park land and facilities
- to allow for the fair and uniform administration of non-park property use.2. Policy Subject to Outstanding Rights:Any non-park use granted shall be considered subject to pre-existing rights and interests held by others, including but not limited to the United States government as a result of grant assistance. When required, Portland Parks and Recreation shall obtain federal government approval prior to the granting of non-park uses. Portland Parks and Recreation may, as a condition of any non-park use, require the user to obtain, at the user's expense, required federal government approval for the non-park use, or to reimburse Portland Parks and Recreation for any costs incurred by Portland Parks and Recreation in obtaining such approval.
Portland's Sympatico Mayor and self-instated Police Commisioner has obviously chosen to selectively disobey those cumbersome restrictions of law and policy with which he "morally" or politically disagrees.
Did these "99%-er" protesters pay proper fees for non-park use? (sec. 12)
Do these "99%-ers" have the required liability insurance and surety bonds? ( sec. 13 & sec. 14)
Do the "99%-ers" guarantee proper maintenance standards? (sec. 15)
Do the "99%-ers" guarantee surface restoration as required? (sec. 17)
Do the "99%-ers" guarantee tree replacement if needed? (sec. 20)
Are the "99%-ers" immune to the "No Overnight Camping in Public Parks" laws? WHY??
Is every "99%-er" carrying an Oregon Medical Marijuana Card, or they just "stoners?"
Are the "99%-ers" immune to the "No Overnight Camping in Public Parks" laws? WHY??
Is every "99%-er" carrying an Oregon Medical Marijuana Card, or they just "stoners?"
If not, WHY NOT??
Further, if they are so cash-strapped, HOW are they proposing to accomplish the fulfillment of these financial requirements that EVERY OTHER GROUP MUST PROVIDE PRIOR TO "NON-PARK" USE?
Further, if they are so cash-strapped, HOW are they proposing to accomplish the fulfillment of these financial requirements that EVERY OTHER GROUP MUST PROVIDE PRIOR TO "NON-PARK" USE?
I presume this to mean that, as Mayor/Police Commissioner/Men's Room Masher Adams is clearly elucidating, all Portlandians are now free to ignore any City Ordinance or Official Policy which seems inconvenient or burdensome or politically incorrect to them. Free Parking Wednesdays! Publicly accessible restrooms in every office building! Smoke 'em if you got 'em, wherever and whenever! Free lunch at Subway, McDonalds, Burger King, and Big Town Hero. Well, maybe not free, but you apparently can choose to not pay for your "meal" if you are morally opposed.
"Morally opposed" and "Sam Adams" in the same paragraph is a true oxymoron, is it not?
-neon leon
-neon leon
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