Re: the "99%"
Why are you wilfully ignoring the rights of the 99% of Portland citizens who are NOT illegally camping in Lownsdale square, harrassing and endangering our police forces (whom you have shackled) and our business community; the 99% who abide by Portland's laws, even the ones considered to be impositional or ill-conceived; the 99% who PAY YOUR SALARY through exhorbitant taxation. This is truly a case of taxation without representation due largely to your own inadequacy as an executive and impotence as a decision-maker.
Get up, grow or borrow a pair, and end this nonsense NOW! My business is suffering, my city is a laughingstock, I have no access to the "public" property which has been commandeered by a few unwashed, unsanitary, unlawful, anarchistic, hypocritical, ill-informed, bigoted zealots-without-a-cause, and you SIT. Do your damn job or get a job!
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-neon leon
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