How Do You Spell "Thug?"

How Do You Spell "Thug?"

Saturday, October 23, 2010

"Call Me Senator..."

David Zucker, Hollywood director ("Airplane!" et. al.) is a reformed liberal.
As an apology for having supported Barbara Boxer in past elections, he offers this video:

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Clairvoyant Ad ?

The Big "O" on the Stump

President pro-tem Obama stumped for fellow liberals John Kitzhaber and Patty Murray yesterday, quoting himself over and over and over again before choirs of sycophants.  Amazingly, only one car wreck resulted from his incarn, ummmm, appearance in Portland.
"This recession started long before I took office."  Well, yes, it started in 2007, when liberals took majority control of both House and Senate.
"Sometimes HOPE fades."  Hmmmm.  Like when $800 billion of borrowed money goes down a rathole?  Or when the Speaker of the House sniggers:  "You'll just have to pass this (Obamacare) bill to see what's in it."  Or when "Cash for Clunkers" costs more to administer than it distributes? Care to buy another pig-in-a-poke?
"Republicans drove the car into the ditch, and now they want the keys back"  Ditch?  Ohh, you mean the 4.8% unemployment rate, the 12,500 Dow, the ever-increasing GDP, the lower taxes, the restricted, smaller government:  that ditch?

I did want to hear "Spread the wealth around," and "Change we can believe in," but, once again, Mr. O let me down.  The only bright spot was the absence of Kurt Schrader, who stayed away to avoid Mr. O's kiss-of-death.  You're still gonna lose, Kurt, sorry.  Buh-Bye. DLTDHYOTWO.

On November 2nd, remember:

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Detroit and Tri-Met

Here's a video I stol...ummm, redistributed from YouTube.  At every mention of "Detroit," substitute "Portland," or "Tri-Met."  This should be fun.  Oh, and the snarky politician?  "Civil Servant of the Year" for Michigan.  I rest my case.

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