How Do You Spell "Thug?"

How Do You Spell "Thug?"

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

"Where the treasure is, there the heart is also.".

The City of Portland's website offers the following calendar.  Notice the priorities?  I'll help:

Month Cultural Celebration
January Lunar New Year and Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (Who Cares? Too cold to do anything, anyway.)
February Black History Month (Oh, sure, give 'em the shortest month!)
March Women's History Month  (Pamprin, anyone?)
April Multi-Cultural Communication Month ( R U K M? ROFLMAO)
May Asian Pacific Heritage Month  ( Cinco de Moro?)
June LGBTQ2 Pride Month (Lesbian-Gay-BiTrans-Queer-Questioning)
Oh, this is too easy. When's Judy Garland Day?
July Independence Day Celebration  (only one lousy day?)
August Celebrating Culture Through Food: Cook-Off   ( Free Pepsid Day?)
September Hispanic Heritage Month and Racial Equality Week* (Ummm..isn't that an oxymoron?)
October Disability Employment Awareness Month (Hear that, Starbucks?)
November American Indian Heritage Month  (Enslave your neighbor day?)
December Human Rights Day (nee Pearl Harbor Day: too Asian-insensitive?)

No other "day" no other "week" no other "month" seems worth the city's time, such as, oh, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, Veteran's Day, Memorial Day, Presidents' Day, Patriots' Day (September 11) and all the rest.  Except Earth Day, of course.  Gotta celebrate Earth Day in Portlandia.  Go big green!
I may not multi-culti enough for wide-open Portland,  BUT, due to my mixed "racial" heritage, I guess I can celebrate Womens' history Month , Multi-Culti Month, Independence Day, Hispanic Heritage Month, American Indian Heritage Month, and St. Patricks Day, at the very least.

* Validating  "heritages" only encourages ethnic separatism, not American inclusivity**.  The "melting pot" has been debased to become a virtual panoply of separatism.  For example, if my grandson  happens to be the son of a black man and a non-black woman, should he celebrate Kwanzaa only every other year?  Since one of my ancestors was Mexican, one Amerind, one French, one Irish, one English, and one Norwegian, can I get a government grant to keep my insides from warring with my outsides?  And why don't I have one brown eye?  Is "gray" really a legal hair color?  In the summer, after I've tanned,  can I list my "race" as "ecru;"  or in January, when I'm cold, as "mauve?"  Why not?

One Language:   English
One Nationality: American, unhyphenated!
One Culture:      Liberty 

Don't let 'em sell you anything different.

**inclusivity  (ˌɪnkluːˈsɪvɪtɪ) -n
the fact or policy of not excluding members or participants on the grounds of gender, race, class, sexuality, disability, etc.  -World English Dictionary;

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

More Snake Oil

While Democrat Senator Ron Wyden charges at the windmill of excessive oil company profits, a company named Archer Daniels Midland (NYSE: ADM) is set to reap not only massive profits from ethanol sales to gullible greenies, but they also reap the benefits of massive federal tax reductions, crop subsidies, and other "cost offsets."  Sugar production has been receiving Billions of your dollars since 1980, and every $1 of profit which ADM makes on its corn-syrup sweetener costs the taxpayer (YOU, for those of you who went to public schools) nearly $10.00.  But wait, it gets better:  every dollar of profits which ADM earns on ethanol production costs the taxpayer, YOU, a mere $30.00.  Not a bad business to be in, and the Obama administration wants to make it bigger, at an even bigger cost to YOU, the taxpayer.


Betcha don't hear that on PBS or MSLSD.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Dear Congressman Schrader

You voted against two separate bills, namely HR 1229 and HR 1231, both of which involve reopening oil production in the Gulf of Mexico. Fortunately, both bills passed the House. I am curious, though, as to WHY you voted as you did.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Times, They Are A-Changin'

 My, my, how the news broadcasters change their tune with the political winds.

I will type this very slowly so those of you who attended public school can keep up:

The reason that everything costs more today is simple:  the Federal Government is printing new money by the truckload, creating an oversupply.  Too many dollars makes the value of those dollars dilute:  the become worth less and less as far as purchassing goes.
Of course, the plan is to pay back the gazillions (trillions just doesn't cut it anymore) of debt to our dear friends, the Communist Chinese with diluted dollars seems like a good one, until you factor in the economic chaos that hyper-inflation wreaks on a nation's economy.  Go to any coin and stamp store, and you can purchase a Zimbabwe (Africa) 100-billion dollar bill for about 50 cents.  You may even get change in ten-billion Zimbabwe "Dollar" bills.
But this administration is woefully, or perhaps willfully ignorant of history such as Hungary's hyper-inflation in the post-war 1940's, and even of American history, such as the Carter era's skyrocketed prices which took us decades of restricted spending to overcome.  "Jimmah" is a fine, honorable man, but was worse than a cardboard carrot as President.

Only in the collective mindset of this current administration is it possible to borrow the nation's way out of debt.  It doesn't work in your home, it doesn't work in your business, and it doesn't work period.

Invest in precious metals, such as gold, silver, brass and copper-jacketed lead.  You'll need the first two to buy a loaf of bread, and you'll need the latter two to keep your bread.

Hat tip: L.C.N.

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