How Do You Spell "Thug?"

How Do You Spell "Thug?"

Saturday, November 12, 2011


Democrats:  Teaching uppity blacks proper respect since 1865.

-neon leon

Thursday, November 10, 2011


Robbing Peter to pay Paul seems to be an unwritten tenet in Portland's City Code Book:  yesterday, the Bureau of Development Services served two "Notice of Code Violations." One was served to both  Michael J. and Linda M.Wright, and  Daniel and Donna L. Cossette regarding the "Recreational Campground" (read: homeless refuge)  established by them in NW Portland at 4th and W. Burnside, of which they are co-owners.

The second Notice of Violations is way more interesting, since the City Bureau of Development Services has notified...the City Bureau of Parks and Recreation, "owners" of Lownsdale Square, the two park blocks directly across 4th avenue from City Hall!  At least the service of notice was convenient:  just "two doors down," as Dolly Parton has sung.  We have not only a new definition of "irony," but a wonderful insight into how governments function.   If the seven blatant and serious violations of Oregon State Building Code, Portland City Code, Oregon Revised Statutes, Oregon Structural Specialty Code,  Property Maintenance Regulations, and the National Electrical Code existing at Lownsdale Square are not corrected within 30 days, the City will fine the City, and the fees double if uncorrected for 90 days.  Oh, and since there are more than 20 "units" in the Occupy Portland Anarchistic Campground, the fees are scheduled as $583 per unit.  For those who attended Portland Public Schools, that amounts to "a buncha money."  A buncha money in addition to the quarter-million dollar cost of restoring what used to be a beautiful Public Park.  Of course, nobody from "Occupy Portland" will be held accountable for defacing public property.  Such is the fruit of allowing the namby-pamby treatment of mindless zombies who claim a "cause."

You can call  Michael Liefeld, Section Manager of Neighborhood Inspections and Compliance Services, 
at 503-823-7332 
to congratulate him for using common sense and courage in this situation, which attributes seem to be sorely lacking in both the Mayor's and City Commissioner's offices.  
Read the full text of the Notices at the Portland Tribune site:

-neon leon

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Unable to entirely quash the sale of Christmas Trees (and, no, they are NOT "holiday trees, winter fest trees," nor any other sophomoric/moronic politically-correct descriptive) the O administration has levied a "fee" (dare not call it a tax) upon retail Christmas Tree sales.  The purpose of this forced "transaction-fee-not-a-tax" is:
"To pay for the new Federal Christmas tree image improvement and marketing program."  Say WHAT?  Christmas Tree sales need Federal "help?" 
Just peachy.  Of course, this necessitates the creation of:  a "Christmas Tree Promotion Board" comprised of meddling bureaucrats hand-selected by the Secretary of Agriculture.  What could possibly go wrong with a gaggle of newly-minted Federal rules and regulations being "overseen" by clueless bureaucratic drones?  After all, Christmas Trees sales are in danger and must be "protected" by the Federal Department of Bureaucratic Meddling in Already-Successful Commerce.  I suppose, since Christmas Trees don't sell well from January through October, that is enough to trigger the obvious "need" for Federal interference.  After all, look at how well the government "fixed" non-existent health care problems by screwing seniors who have been forced to contribute to Medicare since 1964, but will now see that prepaid program sliced and diced into uselessness.  Or the "War on Poverty." Or the "War on Drugs."  Or "Medicaid."  Or "Fast and Furious." You get my drift.

The entire regulation, already in force and in just the nick of time, is one more shining example of this Administration's Statist zealotry to impinge itself into every aspect of American life, cradle to grave, and, in some cases, beyond:  refusing FDR's D-Day prayer from the WWII Memorial is one more example of its politically-correct-yet-imbecilic actions.   This so typifies the Liberal mindset:  avoid dealing with the obvious scandals within its own Administration, such as flagrantly inappropriate and anarchic actions by Attorney General Eric Holder, by launching countermeasures to distract attention from otherwise embarrassing conduct. As Americans go slouching mutely toward a new Socialist tyranny, most citizens seem content to ignore the proverbial "handwriting on the wall." 

Tax Christmas Trees. What else could so perfectly describe the O's disdain for you?

-neon leon

Monday, November 7, 2011


Herman Cain has become the focus of left-leaning media outlets, formerly called news reporters, due to three or four unsubstantiated reports of "sexual harassment" which may or may not have occurred twenty years ago.  That alone should qualify him for either a Senate or Congressional seat, based upon recent history, and puts him on a par with FDR, JFK, WJC, Edward M. Kennedy, and John Edwards, just to mention a few, oh, wait.  Never mind, those guys are all Democrats and therefore choir boys in the eyes of the leftist "news" media.  Move along, nothing to see here;  nope, nope, no media bias here, none at all.

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