How Do You Spell "Thug?"

How Do You Spell "Thug?"

Saturday, January 2, 2010

The Manchurian President, Clueless in D.C.

President and Commander-in-Chief Obumble, fresh from a relaxing vacation in Hawaii, has consistently referred to Umar Abdulmutallab as a "suspect" who "allegedly" attempted to murder 200 or so travellers on Christmas day, just as FDR called December 7th, 1941 a "rather unpleasant Sunday morning for some sailors."  But, thanks to alert TSA agents a brave Danish tourist, this most recent attempt at the mass murder of Americans by bombing was foiled.  Now, 9 days later, the President has astutely "linked" Umar to Al-Qaeda in Yemen, where four Gitmo detainees were shipped last month.  Umar remains, however, a "suspect," and definitely NOT a "terrorist" nor a "jihadist."  Perhaps Mr. Obumble will one day refer to Umar as a "Muslim extremist," but don't hold your breath.  Perhaps, since Umar , a Muslim, targeted a planeload of predominately Christian travellers, he will be charged with a "hate crime," but I repeat, don't hold your breath. 
Muppet News Flash:  Smuggling explosives onto an airliner full of passengers is a TERRORIST act, Mr. Commander-in-Chief.  While our laws protect the "suspect," once he is on American soil, there are apparently few mechanisms in place which effectively protect the American Citizens, save for Dumb Luck and Brave European Tourists.  The Dep't. of Homeland Security is now every bit as competent as Amtrak and Fannie Mae. 
On a daily basis, this current administration reveals its depths of ineptitude.  While the President may be an eloquent script-reader, his worldview reveals a strangely pro-jihadist bent.  Perhaps his Muslim schooling in Indonesia leads him to say nothing remotely anti-Muslim, and yet say everything anti-Christian:  according to him, we are a "post-Christian nation" of "bitter gun owners clinging to their religion ( Christianity),"  and unable to "read (their) bibles" accurately.  What monumental narcissism this man displays, and yet consistently demonstrates his total inability to take meaningful action beyond his voice-over talents.  Someone tie him to a chair and force him to watch "300."  Perhaps that will show him what "courage" means.
I would recommend Richard Condon's book, The Manchurian Candidate," or, for the non-reader, the 1962 film starring Frank Sinatra, (and skipping the 2004 cheesy remake starring Denzel Washington).

Our President and C-I-C does not behave as if he is on your side.  Despite his ghost-written, flowery rhetoric, his discomfiting actions speak volumes louder than his soothing, vacuous speeches. 
Mr. Obumble's incompetent Presidency and Utopian worldview will bring about a new 9/11.  You'd best prepare for it.

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Objective News

New York: 
Guantanamo detainee and admitted "mastermind" of the 9/11/01 terrorist attacks, pardon me, "man-caused disasters" of 9/11/01,  Khalid Sheikh Mohammed will receive a makeover by mainstream media prior to his mock trial appearance.  No longer will we see this:

In order to appear "less unsavory," his new pictures will look like this:
Moe Howard was unavailable for comment.

Real Progress, D.C. Style

Homeland Security head Janet Napolitano submitted her resignation today as DHS Secretary, effective immediately, following the narrowly-averted Christmas bombing attempt.  President Obama, continuing his vacation in Hawaii, stated "You've done a heckuva job, Jannie," and immediately named her as head of the newly-created Department of Intergovernmental Medicine, or the DIM.  He clarified by saying that she will be his "go-to person" in charge of all Federal health care operations, including Medicare, Medicaid, and any future medical pogroms, that is, programs. 

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Mor(e) on Ja-No

Question of the Day

Dear Congressman Schrader:

You, I, and 80 percent of the American voters know that the proposed "health care reform" is not in the least about what is good for America, but is entirely about what is politically expedient for President Obama.
Are you quite willing to sacrifice your political future for his?

Monday, December 28, 2009

A Profile of Security in America

If you were foohardy enough to believe Janet Napolitano's statement that "the system worked" to stop the would-be Christmas airliner bomber, I have sad news: she has changed her mind, and now says that  "the system failed" to apprehend and/or comprehend one Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, a probable Finnish potato farmer, unemployed  Nigerian "student" who was known to have terroristic intententions and ties, and who was even ratted out to U.S. Embassy officials by his own father!   Action taken?  A single  report filed under  "I'm too busy for this crap." 
Meanwhile, Umar hops aboard a Detroit-bound jetliner, pantslegs stuffed with powdered explosives and a detonator,  and simultaneously your Amish grandmother gets strip-searched, my legally blind 85-year-old Irish stepfather has to remove his belt, white cane and slippers for inspection, and Sister Mary-Elizabeth's habit is patted down by a TSA inspector wearing a burqa.   Another "man-caused disaster" averted, in spite of the TSA and because of a few brave passengers.

 I feel oh, so safe, knowing that Ja-No has her eagle-eye on the basket, err, the bat, umm, that, you know, round... thingy.

"Dear Congressman:"

Dear Congressman Schrader:
So, the "reform" ball is back in your court. Notwithstanding the Machiavellian deals with Senators Landrieu, Kerry, Nelson, and Dodd; ignoring the Constitution-shredding mandates, penalties, and tradeoffs, passing over the sheer Faustian intent of the bill before you now, suffice it to say that passage of this twisted parody of the legislative process will begin the death knell of many careers in Washington, D.C.

The triumphal march will become a funereal cortege; the sounding of trumpets will become the blaring of sirens; the victory lap will become a race to find shelter from the coming catabolism.

Americans have shrugged off greater chains than this; Americans have overcome fiercer enemies than this; Americans have conquered greater threats to our God-given individual freedom than this; we SHALL overcome this insidious, odious, malevolent treachery: by hook or by crook, we shall overcome.

Pray do not stand in the doorway, Sir.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Epic Fail

As we look forward to the New Year, (and the 2010 election cycle) we take a nostalgic look at the Aministration's predictions for the ACTUAL "new jobs" which the 800-plus-billion-dollar "economic stimulus" package created since its passage in January 2009, with all due thanks to Mme. Pelosevich, Commisar Reid, and Teh One for our continuing financial recovery by increasing debt load, taxes, and entitlements, and for creating NO non-governmental (i.e.-tax-supported) jobs.

The Rosy Outlook and the Harsh Reality are presented in an easy-to-understand format, so you can have the fun of seeing where your state ranks, courtesy of American Thinker blog.

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