How Do You Spell "Thug?"

How Do You Spell "Thug?"

Thursday, May 17, 2012


Thanks to the Oregon Dept. of Education, twenty Oregon schools will have to rename their "mascot" and/or school graphics in order to no longer denigrate the three Native Americans who objected to the "warrior, brave, or Indian" designations.
Without further ado, I offer the following suggested name changes:
Amity High School: Warriors to become the Amity Sharks
Banks High School: Braves to become the Banks Tellers
Lebanon High School: Warriors to become the Lebanon Bedouins
Mohawk High School: Indians to become the Mowhawk Hairstylists
Molalla High School: Indians to become the Molalla Buckaroos
North Douglas High School: Warriors to become the North Douglas Firs
Oakridge High School: Warriors to become the Oakridge Boys
Philomath High School: Warriors to become the Philomath Neuromaths
Reedsport High School: Braves to become the Reedsport Light Housekeepers
Rogue River High School: Chieftains to become the Rogue River Rafters
Roseburg High School: Indians to become the Roseburg Icebergs
Scappoose High School: Indians to become Scappoose's Burnooses
Siletz Valley School: Warriors to become the Siletz Salmon Poachers
The Dalles‐Wahtonka High School: Eagle Indians to become The Dalles-Wahtonka Toys.
When will the abject, unmitigated stupidity in public office finally end?
-neon leon
p.s. Go, Beavers. And Ducks. And Pilots. And Vikings.  Trojans?  Generals?  Democrats?


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