How Do You Spell "Thug?"

How Do You Spell "Thug?"

Friday, September 3, 2010


How can the U.S best secure the Arizona-Mexico border?  Why, by suing the local sherrif, and "investigating"  Chuck E. Cheese!!

Perhaps we need more signs like this one:

How about



"Buffoons" is far too nice a word to waste on this administration.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

On Dining Out

As we prepared for the last 3-day weekend of summer and the return to "normal," my wife, son and I went out to dinner Thursday night instead of our usual Friday night out.  We habitually seek out new restaurants, some good; some, well, let's just say less than impressive.

Macadam's Bar and Grill , cleverly named, I'm certain, due to being located on S.W. Macadam Avenue, unfortunately falls into that latter category.  We arrived at 7pm, and were seated quickly as the place was less than half occupied.  Even though the evening was quite balmy, we opted to eat indoors due to the noisome traffic sounds on Macadam Avenue and the noxious gases emanating from the cigarette smokers.  Our waiter arrived at 7:10 or so:  I suppose it was shift change.  At any rate, I ordered my usual Arnold Palmer, my spouse her usual, and our son, a diet coke.  The soft drinks arrived by 7:15, but my wife's bar order took an extra 5 or six minutes, I do not know why.  Waiting for the vodka to age, perhaps.
By 7:40, I was getting a bit testy, peckish really, and had lost all semblance of interest in both the boisterous conversation which one patron insisted upon broadcasting to the entire establishment, and in the charming decor:  LCD-TV's every square foot or so along all the walls, providing more ESPN than one should consume in an entire month.  At last, our rather uncomplicated sandwich orders arrived (please, how tough can it be?) sans the customary condiments, which I obtained from the bartender (together with a straw to replace the one removed but not replaced by our waiter when he brought the refill to my A-P).
The lettuce wedge salad was crisp, and, I suspect but cannot prove, washed,  but the bleu cheese dressing was mystifying: bland, almost straight yet watery mayonnaise.  Even the cheese itself was noticeably insipid and remarkably flavorless, which I  heretofore had never even imagined as achievable.  My sandwich was passable.  Period.  Turkey, bread, and what I assume was intended to be an au jus.  I saved 46 cents by not writing home about it.
My wife had ordered the Bacon-Turkey-Avocado which was scrumptiously described in the menu, yet frumpishly served, minus the bacon.  A slight oversight, to be sure, but a fundamental one nevertheless, n'est pas?  The waiter graciously comp'ed her sandwich after grovelling at the chef's feet for an actual slice of bacon.  "More?  You want MORE?" seemed to resound from the galley, but it could merely have been the chef giving the waiter the dickens... 
At least the check arrived with all dispatch, matching our exit.

All said, we shan't return to Macadam's Bar and Grill unless I can lock down that sno-cone franchise in Gehennah :  the overall experience was quite disappointing, the prices somewhat unjustified, the service tepid at best, and the food was tedious, unstimulating, and altogether avoidable.  Save yourselves the trip:  try a Subway instead.

And enjoy your weekend!  Congress won't be back in session until the 13th, so we all can afford gas and groceries.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

"Could Happen...Yeah, It Could!"

In its never-ending campaign against Thoughtcrime, this current Administration has banned the sale of some 850,000 rifles which the South Korean government wanted to sell to U.S. gun collectors. I guess they're having a garage sale.  The reason for the ban was given as  "concerns that the guns could fall into the wrong hands," even though the semi-automatic M-1 rifles and carbines are perfectly legal to own, purchase, and/or sell in the U.S.A.  They are NOT machine guns nor weapons of mass destruction nor are they readily concealable by anyone other than the late Andre the Giant. Thousands of collectors already one one, or more than one. Additionally, there are literally hundreds of carbine-type rifles currently being manufactured which are far superior to the M-1.  None is "illegal"  to own.  None.  Zero.  Zilch.  Nada.
And yet this Socialist administration (refer to the DoJ website for documentation: continues its multi-pronged attacks on the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and other Amendments, and States' rights as well  (just ask Arizona's Governor Brewer) in its seemingly unending attacks against that "fundamentally flawed document" filled with your God-given rights which so obviously keeps Mr. O's granny-panties in a bunch.
I don't personally desire to own an M-1, as I believe my current weapons are far more accurate, dependable, and, in general, vastly superior to the M-1, but if some Korean War vet wants to add to his souvenir collection, Mr. "O-gee, I've never even been a freaking CUB SCOUT" should pack up his tea set and BUTT OUT.
But maybe I'm prejudiced:  you know, just another bitter gun-owner, clinging to my religion  and that "Fundamentally Flawed Document" and suspicious of anybody who doesn't "look like me."  

Is "Pinhead" an ethnic slur?

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

"Slip-Slidin' Away......"

Do you feel your Constitutional Rights slip-slidin' away, as the poet Paul Simon said?  If not, look at the newly revised US Department of Justice website, in Espanol if needed:

The newly redesigned header motto reads:  "The common law is the will of mankind issuing from the life of the people" and appears on virtually every page of the site.  Sound unfamiliar?  Didn't read that in American History 101?  Perhaps it's because it is a quote from an English Socialist named
C. Wilfred Jenks.  Google him, and you'll discover that he was a founder of the ILO:  the International Labor Organization, a 1940's socialist movement fostering worldwide labor unionization and the defeat of "evil capitalism."  And that's the good news concerning Mr. Jenks.

Can homages to Chairman Mao or Vladimir Lenin be far behind?  Is that the American future envisioned by Messr.s Holder, Obama, et al?  It certainly appears so.  A little here, a little there, and, like the unsuspecting frog being slowly boiled to death, our Constitution gets burned alive, and our freedoms and recourse are burned alive as well.  The Advocate for Freedom and Justice has become the Adversary of the very doctrines it was created to protect and defend.  Watch for Roosevelt-style "detention camps" to be created, not for any ethnicity such as Japanese or Germanic, but for those who dare to speak the truth about this government.  Any day now, any day soon,  the "protective aggregation" of outspoken dissidents will begin, and America's gulags will be open for business.

Why do I say that?  Remember, your President views the Constitution as "a fundamentally flawed document"  and "a charter of negative liberties" for the Federal Government, and  not as a document protecting the God-given rights of the People.  His myopic and distorted interpretation of our Foundational Document regards your freedom and your personal wealth as being dispensed  by  government, as a license, and not as being granted by "Nature's God,"  to be preserved by the elective republican government described and delineated within the Constitution.
Lock and Load, citizen.  Lock and Load.  Your Federal Government is fast becoming your enemy, and the enemy of free men everywhere.  Resistance is not yet futile.  As Ronald Reagan reminded us:  "If we lose freedom here, there's no place to escape to. This is the last stand on earth."  WE, you and I,  are Freedom's last militia,  and this current administration, like ravening sharks, is carving out fatal chunks from our Constitution  before our very eyes.  Lock and load.

Lemme Axe You a Question...

Today, I received a glowing e-mail from the superintendent of Portland Public Schools with this good news:  by utilizing 22 MILLION Dollars of "reserves," we can expect a continuance of the same high caliber of education our school kiddies deserve.  For example, and according to their own website:

A full 85% of Portland Public School students exceed state averages in grade-level competencies in math!  At least, they do in 3rd grade.  By 10th grade, however, a mere 56% can meet or exceed state "benchmarks."  Now, if you got a test score of 56% on your driver's license exam,  what result would you expect?  Hint:  the correct answer involves the words "public transportation" or "pedestrian."

It gets better, fellow taxpayer: In the area of  reading,  a full 85% of third-graders exceed the state benchmarks!!  Tenth graders, ehhh,  not so much:  a modest 67% manage to meet state standards.   For those of you who learned math in a Portland Public School, that means that one third of Portland tenth graders cannot read at a tenth grade level.  They prefer to watch Jon Stewart and Southpark.

How about science?  Well, the 5th-graders are doing well, at 73% meeting state goals.  We used to call that a "C," back in the good ol' letter-grade days. By the time they get to 10th grade, however, nearly HALF ( 48%)  are unable to meet state standards.  These are your future pharmacists, engineers,  and heart surgeons.  And DMV workers, City Hall employees, Politicians, and even Governors, I might add.

The good news, fellow taxpayer, is that in writing, that chimeral ability to pen a cohesive, cogent, intelligible  paragraph, remains relatively even throughout the whole school experience:  50% of 4th graders cannot meet state requirements, whereas merely 46% of tenth-graders are unable to write anything more comprehensive than gang graffiti.

So, pony up, taxpayer!  Our schools are in desperate need of newer buildings, more and better free lunches, improved retirement perks, more administrative staff, and shorter school years.  Am I missing anything?  Oh, yes:  let's simply lower the state standards, so more students can feel good about their high-school experience. 
Oh, and Dr. Kitzhaber claims to have a plan to "repair" our state's educationa;l system, if, and only if, he can "find the money."

Problem Solved.

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