How Do You Spell "Thug?"

How Do You Spell "Thug?"

Saturday, December 18, 2010

You Can't Make this Stuff up, Folks

On Thursday, December 16, 2010,  Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano announced that her department is creating a new task force to battle the effects of climate change on domestic security operations.

Speaking at the "first" (of many, many more) White House Forum on Environmental Justice (insert WTF here)  on Thursday, Secretary Napolitano discussed the initial findings of the department's recently created "Climate Change and Adaptation Task Force." 
Oh, goodie, another rathole down which to pour even more of the taxpayers' money, as if we did not have far too many jefe's already..  No sense in fighting terrorists (that's the FBI's job, apparently) nor in stopping drug-smuggling and murders along our southern border (again, "Not my job."  Oh, wait...yes, here it is, on page 2,196.  My bad.)  Let's have the Coast Guard saving the polar bears, and the TSA capturing breast implant and ostomy-bag patients, but NOT ONE would-be bomber to date, as long as we can save the planet from BIG OIL and the ee-vil Bush empire.

And you wonder why I think she's a clown?

Friday, December 17, 2010

"Affordable Housing" Plan Revealed

Rep. Barney Frank (D.- Ben Dover) and Senator Chris Dodd (D.-Funct) today revealed their "Affordable housing Creation, Restructuring, And Provision" ( Ah-CRAP) bill late Thursday as the House was passing the "Bush Tax Cuts" bill which effectively re-named the ee-vil "Bush Tax Cuts" to become the new "Obama Benificence Program" which allows the top 50% of wage-earners to keep part of what they earn rather than "re-distribute" it to the bottom 35% of welfare recipients.  Unemployment benefits will be extended for another year, guaranteeing that fewer than 2% of benefit recipients will stop playing Wii and pot-smoking long enough to actually look for a job. Funding for the additional year of unemployment benefits will now be paid in Yuans, as the American Dollar is currently virtually worth about as much as a Kleenex tissue.
Which brings us to the housing plan:  Your new home, courtesy of the Democrat-controlled Congress' last-gasp proposal, awaits.  Live long and Prosper:


Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Texas Says It Best, But Berkeley Is , Well, Berkeley

hat tip: JOG

Hmmmm.  "Old-Growth Desert?"  I need a minute to digest that one...nnnnope.  Still no clue.  You?

hat tip:  TL, at AT

Monday, December 13, 2010

Keeping the 'X' in Xmas

A gem from National Review Online:

AP Afflicted with PMS

PMS has indeed afflicted the Associated Press.  Not that PMS, I mean Palin Malevolence Syndrome.  I am confident that none of my readers waste time reading the Huffington Post, inasmuch as one gasbag a day is enough, so I'll show you the pics from AP which got HuffPo's pantyhose in a knot:

Palin has hair "done" in Haiti.
 Palin family on bench next to Rev. Franklin Graham.  The "hairdresser" second from right is Bristol Palin, not Kenneth of Beverly Hills.

I can hardly wait for MSLSD's take on this one.  Betcha see it on tonight's Diane Sawyer and Katie Couric, too.

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