How Do You Spell "Thug?"

How Do You Spell "Thug?"

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Objective News

New York: 
Guantanamo detainee and admitted "mastermind" of the 9/11/01 terrorist attacks, pardon me, "man-caused disasters" of 9/11/01,  Khalid Sheikh Mohammed will receive a makeover by mainstream media prior to his mock trial appearance.  No longer will we see this:

In order to appear "less unsavory," his new pictures will look like this:
Moe Howard was unavailable for comment.

Real Progress, D.C. Style

Homeland Security head Janet Napolitano submitted her resignation today as DHS Secretary, effective immediately, following the narrowly-averted Christmas bombing attempt.  President Obama, continuing his vacation in Hawaii, stated "You've done a heckuva job, Jannie," and immediately named her as head of the newly-created Department of Intergovernmental Medicine, or the DIM.  He clarified by saying that she will be his "go-to person" in charge of all Federal health care operations, including Medicare, Medicaid, and any future medical pogroms, that is, programs. 

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Mor(e) on Ja-No

Question of the Day

Dear Congressman Schrader:

You, I, and 80 percent of the American voters know that the proposed "health care reform" is not in the least about what is good for America, but is entirely about what is politically expedient for President Obama.
Are you quite willing to sacrifice your political future for his?

Monday, December 28, 2009

A Profile of Security in America

If you were foohardy enough to believe Janet Napolitano's statement that "the system worked" to stop the would-be Christmas airliner bomber, I have sad news: she has changed her mind, and now says that  "the system failed" to apprehend and/or comprehend one Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, a probable Finnish potato farmer, unemployed  Nigerian "student" who was known to have terroristic intententions and ties, and who was even ratted out to U.S. Embassy officials by his own father!   Action taken?  A single  report filed under  "I'm too busy for this crap." 
Meanwhile, Umar hops aboard a Detroit-bound jetliner, pantslegs stuffed with powdered explosives and a detonator,  and simultaneously your Amish grandmother gets strip-searched, my legally blind 85-year-old Irish stepfather has to remove his belt, white cane and slippers for inspection, and Sister Mary-Elizabeth's habit is patted down by a TSA inspector wearing a burqa.   Another "man-caused disaster" averted, in spite of the TSA and because of a few brave passengers.

 I feel oh, so safe, knowing that Ja-No has her eagle-eye on the basket, err, the bat, umm, that, you know, round... thingy.

"Dear Congressman:"

Dear Congressman Schrader:
So, the "reform" ball is back in your court. Notwithstanding the Machiavellian deals with Senators Landrieu, Kerry, Nelson, and Dodd; ignoring the Constitution-shredding mandates, penalties, and tradeoffs, passing over the sheer Faustian intent of the bill before you now, suffice it to say that passage of this twisted parody of the legislative process will begin the death knell of many careers in Washington, D.C.

The triumphal march will become a funereal cortege; the sounding of trumpets will become the blaring of sirens; the victory lap will become a race to find shelter from the coming catabolism.

Americans have shrugged off greater chains than this; Americans have overcome fiercer enemies than this; Americans have conquered greater threats to our God-given individual freedom than this; we SHALL overcome this insidious, odious, malevolent treachery: by hook or by crook, we shall overcome.

Pray do not stand in the doorway, Sir.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Epic Fail

As we look forward to the New Year, (and the 2010 election cycle) we take a nostalgic look at the Aministration's predictions for the ACTUAL "new jobs" which the 800-plus-billion-dollar "economic stimulus" package created since its passage in January 2009, with all due thanks to Mme. Pelosevich, Commisar Reid, and Teh One for our continuing financial recovery by increasing debt load, taxes, and entitlements, and for creating NO non-governmental (i.e.-tax-supported) jobs.

The Rosy Outlook and the Harsh Reality are presented in an easy-to-understand format, so you can have the fun of seeing where your state ranks, courtesy of American Thinker blog.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

The Reason for the Season

He was born in an obscure village, the son of a peasant woman.
He grew up in another village, where He worked in a carpenter's shop until He was about thirty. Then for three years He became a wandering preacher.
He never wrote a book. He never sought an office. He never had a family nor owned a house. He didn't go to college. He never visited a big city. He never travelled two hundred miles from the place where He was born. He did none of those things one usually associates with greatness.

He had no credentials but Himself.

He was only thirty-three when the tide of public opinion turned against Him. His friends all ran away. He was turned over to His enemies and went through a mockery of a trial. He was executed by the state. While He was dying, His executioners gambled for His clothing, the only property He had on earth. When He was dead, He was laid in a borrowed grave through the pity of a friend.

Twenty centuries have come and gone, and today He is still the central figure of the human race and the leader of mankind's progress. All the armies that ever marched, all the navies that ever sailed, all the parliaments that ever sat, all the kings that ever reigned, put together, have not affected the life of mankind on this earth as much as that One Solitary Life.

"For God so completely loved the world of mankind that He gave up His uniquely-begotten Son, in order that whoever trusts in Him should not perish like rubbish, but rather be having everlasting Life."

Merry Christmas, one and all!

Merry Xmas from Your Senators

Just when I wa looking forward to a wonderful Christmas with family and friends, at 4:00 am PST, the Senate passed the largest swindle in the history of shell games and three-card Monte.
Sure, it's called "Patient Protection and Affordable Care" act, or, as it actually reads:
"To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to modify the first-time homebuyers credit in the case of members of the Armed Forces and certain other Federal employees, and for other purposes."
An accurate descriptive title, is it not? And every word thereafter is pure and unmitigated, ummm, Bovine Substance. Only the dullest tool in the shed actually believes that this monstrosity is about "healthcare reform." It is NOT "reform," unless you also believe that Dr. Frankenstein's creature was intended to "reform" the medicine of his day. It is about controlling YOU!!
You will now be forced by law to obtain medical insurance "acceptable" to a Federal commission, or pay a rather hefty fine on threat of imprisonment.
This law can neither be amended nor abolished by future Legislatures. I particularly like that particular Reid-inserted, Constitution-shredding paragraph more than the ones guaranteeing $300 million of YOUR money to Louisiana, $500 million to Massachussetts, $100 million of YOUR money to both Nebraska and Connecticut. You have such a generous nature! An egomaniacal slimeball running a den of thieves.
Best of all, after you pay the $7,500 annual premiums, you'll have to WAIT FOUR YEARS to get a dime's worth of "benefit." And your state taxes will balloon upward faster than the Federal taxes which will be added on at a more deceptive rate.
So, Merry Christmas, American Taxpayer, Obama-Reid-Pelosi just ho-ho-hosed you, and your kids, and their kids, and their kids, and their kids, and....
Welcome, comrades, to the new UNITED SOVIET STATES OF AMERIKA, the USSA!!
Here's your brown shirt and your shovel, and we HOPE you weren't expecting anything more than chump-CHANGE as take-home pay.

Tar, check. Feathers, check. 4x4 wooden rail, check. Senators, check. E-Z assembly required.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas in D.C.

To Senators Wyden and Merkley:

You guys just aren't getting with the program: Ms. Landrieu got $300 million for her vote, Mr. Lincoln (no, definitely NOT Abe) got $100 million for his vote, even Mr. Dodd got another hundred million, and you guys got zip-zilch-nada, not so much as a lump of carbon-intensive coal, even though you consistently follow Party dogma. Surely you two can do better. After all, it's not really a "bribe" if it's called a "request for bipartisan unity."

Oregon could sure use a few hundred million BarryBucks (so called since the Dollar's demise appears all but imminent) for "healthcare:" think of all the "healthy" things some of that cash could do: the "green" bicycle paths (that would be paved with recycled asphalt, of course, and painted with recycled, eco-friendly paint), or the eco-friendly pedestrian bridges across the Columbia and Willamette rivers (using recycled pieces from the apparently antiquated I-5 and obviously dilapidated Sellwood bridges which are only a few billion dollars short of being "improved," or some gilt-edged "eco-exercise facility" which could be added onto every state office building, thus insuring health and longevity for our public servants, and thereby saving excessive recruitment and training costs to the taxpayers, or perhaps even more BarryBucks for the "greening" of all Federal buildings in Oregon by covering the exteriors with moss and ivy, you know, the local biota formerly regarded as "invasive" and "destructive," but now regarded as "eco-chic," and it all could be built by a cadre of "BarryOBots," the all-volunteer domestic security force propounded by the Great and Terrible Oz, er, Mr. Obama during one of his seemingly endless campaign appearances.

So, Gentlemen, Senators, as we approach this Post-Christian Winter Holiday Break from your Solonic duties, put aside your personal ethics and send Oregon a little multi-million-dollar gift in the spirit of the season, keeping the "X" in "Xmas" of course, and remember, it's the "little things" that count.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Will Rogers' Thought for Today

"There ought to be one day - just one - when there is open season on senators." ~Will Rogers

What's in a Word?

The Preamble to the Constitution calls for "the more perfect Union" to "promote the general welfare" of said Union.  It does NOT say "provide the general welfare," to the entire country  as our electees in D.C. would have us believe. 
That subtle difference is going to cost even more trillions of borrowed dollars and more billions of your new tax dollars as this Congress and Adninistration continue their Disney-worldly push toward a New Soviet Union, already seen to be so successful in, umm, in, ah,err...well, in all the books my PoliSci profs made me read. 

Reid, Obama et al, check.  Tar, check.  Feathers, check  Wooden rail, check  E-Z assembly required. 

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Character vs. Chicanery

Ready for a sardonic laugh of the day?  Here it is, as YOUR Senators "debate" the establishment of the United Soviet States of Amerika (USSA) by using "Health care Reform as a hammer and sickle:

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God." -text of the Congressional Oath of Office, given by EVERY U.S. Senator and 1/3 of the House at the beginning of each new congress.
So, Mrs. Landrieu, Mr. Nelson, Mr. Reid, Mr. Merkley, Mr. Wyden, et al:  how's that oathy-sweary-by-God-y thing workin' for ya?  Especially that pesky "defend the Constitution" know, that antiquated Document signed by the founders of this country?  Darn scrap of paper keeps gettting in the way of real progress, don't it? 
I find it ironic that the Constitution uses a mere 4,400 words to establish the greatest country on earth, and Senator Reid's "Obamacare" bill needs 40,000 to destroy it.

Are there no rails, feathers and tar in D.C.?

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Open and Honest Government v. Total Recall

7:23 am PST
Senator Wyden's AND Senator Merkley's voice mail boxes are "full" and can take no more messages.  I wonder why?  Say, you don't suppose it's because thay're going to ram this Federal healthcare takeover/pork for Landrieu & friends bill through today at 7:30 Pacific time, do you?
Despite the glaring fact that NOT ONE of the Senators has fully read this 2,047-page encyclopedic treatise; Despite the fact that most American citizens realize that it is another "giant step for mankind" toward a Socialist state;
Despite the fact that most of the "negotiations" were cloakroom deals and implied payoffs ("bribes" is such an un-Senatorial term);
Despite the fact that Medicare and Medicaid, for which you and I have been paying since 1968 and will KEEP paying as long as we live, is being eviscerated in order to hide the true costs of this heinous plan which pushes the United States EVEN FURTHER into debt;
Despite the fact that only about 10-to12 PERCENT of Americans will actually benefit from this plan
YOUR ELECTED "REPRESENTATIVES" are going to vote to make this monstrosity the law of the land!!

I submit:
Dear Senators Merkley and Wyden;

Thank you again for your service to Oregon and to the United States.

Given the recent "debate" on federalizing all healthcare, I must state that it requires "cojones" the size of churchbells for ANY Senator to refer to the Karzai government in Afghanistan as being "corrupt."

By the time you read this, it is already too late to stop them. Perhaps  you can RECALL a Constitutional RECALL method RECALLING for  dealing RECALL with electees RECALL who so diligently RECALL ignore the collective voices RECALL of the people who elected RECALL them.
*SIGH* If only there was a way to get their attention...

Friday, December 18, 2009

The 4 C's: Courage, Conviction, Commitment, and Character

Lt. Col. Alan West is running for Congress from Florida.  This is the one time I could support human cloning:  we could use a few hundred more like him in D.C.

And Chris Dudley, successful Lake Oswego businessman/philanthropist (oh, yeah, and former Trailblazer) , has announced that he is running for governor of Oregon as a Republican.  Hmm: "successful," "businessman," "governor."  Works for me.
Support him at:

Let's put "Sleepy Ted" (as Lars calls him) to bed, and put a true conservative in the Governor's Mansion while we still own one. 

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Two Possible Futures

Contrary to the ploys of  Timothy "I just don't understand TurboTax" Geithner, most fourth-graders can understand that if you must use 100% of your gross income to pay your bills, you won't be able to buy food or shoes or fuel.  Today's graph at American Thinker projects where the USA is headed based on today's Federal Debt, next year's mandated spending, and where we as a nation will be financially in ten years of "Obamanomics."  I suggest learning to love Tofu Chow Don or eating Halal foods:

Or, We, the People, can purge the system of the current profligate spenders and return toward being the greatest nation on this earth, the world's breadbasket, that "shining city on a hill" of which President Reagan so eloquently spoke.  The choice is NOT Washington's to make for us:  the choice is OURS, beginning in the 2010 elections, just a few short months away, and continuing into 2012, and by 2014, the entire roster of Congressional and Executive members could be rewritten, and our country may yet escape the financial collapse being orchestrated by "Tsarina Pelosevich" in the House, " Grand Vizier Harry 'Jafar' Reid" in the Senate, and "B.S. O'Bumble" and his band of co-conspirators in the White House.  The United Socialist States of Amerika is being built right in front of our faces.  Do you really want to live like that?  Ask any Ukranian immigrant about that.

So it's pretty much up to you at this point.  The first "Tea Party" in Boston, 236 years ago this past Wednesday, was about the forced transfer of wealth (taxes on import profits) from America to Europe without recourse. "NO Taxation (see Tom Paine's definition in the right-hand column) Without Representation" was their battle cry.

Ever written to your Senator or Congressman?  Don't you just love to get a nice form letter/pat on the head/ political Party Line and being told that you don't "see the big picture" about our country enough to have your opinion matter in the least and "your" representative will "vote his conscience" in spite of public opinion and those of the majority of voters?  Try telling YOUR boss that, next time you're asked to work overtime, 

It's why we have the First AND Second Amendments:  to protect the rest of our rights from today's elitist tyrants in Brooks Brothers and Armani suits.

Fannie Mae Redux

Fannie Mae and "Freddie Mac," the quasi-governmental corporations which guarantee mortgage loans and have already recieved more than $500 billion in bailout funds this year, are now asking for an additional $400 billion each before year's end, purportedly in order to stave off the collapsing mortgage markets.
Sounds oddly like drilling holes in the hull of the Titanic to let all that icy water out and keep the ship afloat.
Listen closely to Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke's lucid statements in my previous post, then listen  to Arlo:

"Person of the Year"

Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke, the financial wizard.  No wonder President Obumble thinks "healthcare costs" will sink the Federal Government.  Two who apparently slept through Econ101.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Dear Senator Wyden:

Senator Wyden, most Americans are content with the healthcare plans they currently have, according to today's polls. Also, according to today's polls, the majority of Americans do not want the Federal Government to "reform" the healthcare industry at all, yet both House and Senate seem hell-bent on jumping into the depths with both feet.

So, who represents the majority? And what authorizes the Senate to "mandate" health care insurance? And, most important, if both of 'my" Senators are locked into this byzantine and labyrinthine "reform" bill, to whom shall I plea?

We don't have the money for this thing, Senator Wyden. In a Disney world, perhaps, but here on earth, we just don't have the money, sir. I'm certain that our friends, the Chinese Communists, will, for a price, float another trillion-dollar loan, but at what cost? At what cost?
Dump this thing before it sinks your career..

Get Yours Before Supplies Run Out!

Thanks, Roger!

And Now For Something Completely Different...

For a look at "climate change" from across the pond, click on:

Well Said, Dr. Halderman!

Over at American Thinker blog, Dr. Linda Halderman raises several poignant issues with Federal healthcare, even as the Senate plunges us headlong into yet another Orwellian socialistic nightmare. If the Feds say "this will cost a dollar," they REALLY mean that it will cost $100.00, and if they say, "this will cost $100," they will actually spend a million dollars, and should they say "this will cost 1.3 Trillion dollars," well, surely you grasp the concept by now.
Amtrak, Fannie Mae, Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, Cash for Clunkers: The list of Federal fiscal ineptitudes grows longer by the day.
But, don't believe me, hop on over to: and weep.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Dear, Dear Senator Wyden

Dear, Dear Senator Wyden,

Thank you for your service to Oregon and to the United States, and thank you for your expeditious reply to my previous email concerning "climate change" and whether or not it is anthropogenic in nature. That Co2 levels have increased dramatically over the past century is moot, considering that even today CO2 levels are measured in thousandths of one percent of our nitrogen/oxygen atmosphere; indeed, levels of CO2 must increase by more than 300 percent in order to achieve the status of outweighing xenon or krypton as part of our atmosphere.
Nonetheless, the average temperature is trending upward, save for the past decade, and we may in time approach an epoch when once again grapes will grow in Greenland, and the grassy tundras of Antarctica will once again turn verdant and lush.

Tell you what: figure out how to stop time, then we can tinker with the weather, since both are equally above the grasp of human thought. Mr. Gore's diatribe is laughably incorrect; climatic "computer models" exemplify the GIGO adage: "garbage In, Garbage Out," inasmuch as these "models" cannot accurately demonstrate historic weather patterns such as the Medieval "Little Ice Age," nor the "Interglacial" warming periods which we know to have occurred by forensic evidence as well as written eyewitness accounts.

Is "climate change" anthropogenic? And, if the opinions of those who believe that we have gone past the point of no return are correct, what sort of treaty or set of laws will do a nickel's worth of slowing to this vast climatic juggernaut, rather like trying to stop a speeding locomotive by putting a coin on the track?

But, what if this is simply another warming period identical to the ones in the past, when the Sahara blossomed and Alaska was subtropical rather than frozen tundra? We burn the oil which was once "biomass" in areas which now can barely support life: the Persian Gulf states, the arctic north, beneath the Gulf of Mexico, off the coastlines of Ireland and Brazil. The earth and everything on, above, and under it is subject to change, dramatic, cataclysmic, and global and no human engineering nor legislation nor treaty will alter the course of change.

Do you not remember King Canute, who dared resist the tides of the sea?
Perhaps you recall the tale of Babel, whose denizens attempted to "make a name for themselves" and became instead a towering laughingstock for all time?
Surely, the pride of the White Star Line tells you of human arrogance and of human frailty in the face of nature and under the hand of nature's God.

Hey, fix it, if you can. Knock yourself out; make a name for yourself. With my blessing.

Letter to Senator Wyden

Dear Senator Wyden;

Thank you for your service to Oregon and the United States.

Federal healthcare is rapidly becoming a toxic career move. Are you certain that you want to rearrange the deck chairs on the Titanic?


P-P-P-Public eecha-eeecha S'Kool

Ah, Portland's Hip-Hop High School, where our students learn the finer points of rap "music," grafitti, "ebonics" and bling. As parents and taxpayers, what more could we axe?


Perfect. "Official" unemployment stands at 15.4 million Americans, while the "real" number of unemployed is above 26.4 million. Once your Unemployment Insurance benefits run out, or if you don't qualify, you are not counted as "officially" unemployed. So, what could be a better time to resurrect Amnesty for Illegals? Bull's, ummm, Eye!
Congressman Luis Guiterrez of Illinois (you'll have to guess his party affiliation: it's easy)plans to introduce Amnesty 6.0.1 (beta), which bill includes details such as opposition to strengthening our border patrol along the, well, let's just say that the Atlantic coastline is already pretty secure, and so is the Kenai Peninsula; and ending local/federal cooperation in immigration deportation.

Here's a thought: Move into David Wu's or Jeff Merkley's or Ron Wyden's or Earl Blumenauer's house. Bring the whole family, even little Elvis who has the "sniffles." Eat his food, use his phone, write checks if you can find his checkbook or box of checks, charge stuff on his Nordstrom's account if you can't. Drive his car whether or not you know how or have a license: he's probably got lots of insurance. Call his doctor for advice about little Elvis's sniffles, and charge any prescriptions to the owner of the house. How long do you think it would be before the Men in Black rather undaintily haul the lot of you off to the "Ironbar Hotel?" It'll be even more fun if you pretend to be unable to speak nor understand English.

Oh, all right, take the sissy way out and just write an e-mail to your congressman and Senators
explaining why you think this proposed "amnesty" will benefit anyone other than the SEIU.

Monday, December 14, 2009



Then fire something off to your Congressman.

Offsetting Carbon

Senator Wyden (D-OR) assures me that:

"I respect the right of everyone to form their own opinion about global climate change. As a U.S. Senator, however, it is also my job to make decisions based on the best scientific evidence available -- the overwhelming majority of which suggests human actions do impact the world’s climate. While I am concerned about recent revelations of potential data misuse by a university in the United Kingdom, decades of peer-reviewed research has consistently shown that climate change is real and is a critical threat to our planet."

So, in my humble effort to wean myself from Canadian Natural Gas (Oooohh: bad, eh?) and hydroelectric heat ( Oooohh: fish die! Feed the Seals!) I have vowed to use only renewable energy this winter to heat my home: my woodstove. Oh, it smokes a little, but I'm proud to do my part to save mother earth. Popcorn, anyone?

Like Sands Through an Hourglass...

Click over (in a new tab, of course) to:

and watch your livelihood go up in smoke. BTW, you may notice in the right hand column, the "official unemployed/ actual unemployed" numbers: the ratio of unemployed to taxpayers is now at 24.3%.


Thank you, Mister President, may I have another?

Square Dancing in Afghanistan

According to news sources, the "rules of engagement," for our troops in the Afghanistan war, which, by the way, President Obumble has described as "a neccessary war" have been altered ummmm, slightly to be more PC:

"The actual ROEs are said to be classified U.S. and NATO secrets, but based on individual soldier accounts, those restrictions include the following:

No night or surprise searches

Villagers are to be warned prior to searches

Afghan National Army, or ANA, or Afghan National Police, or ANP, must accompany U.S. units on searches

U.S. soldiers may not fire at insurgents unless they are preparing to fire first

U.S. forces cannot engage insurgents if civilians are present

Only women can search women

Troops can fire on insurgents if they catch them placing an IED but not if insurgents walk away from where the explosives are."

Alamand left, and away we go, suhwing your partner to and fro...

Somebody tie Obumble to a chair and force him to watch him to watch "300."

Sunday, December 13, 2009

The Stimulus Works!!

From the American Thinker Blog, the stimulus works, as long as you want to be employed by the Federal Government: the gray bars are the "recessionary periods," you know, when businesses close and workers lose their jobs.

Christmas Fieplace

If you don't have, or don't want, a fireplace, meander on over to:

and listen to some music and warm your tootsies without fear of an adverse carbon footprint.

Cool Sunday Morning

It is definitely a coool Sunday morning, 28 degrees on my back porch, but that's a heat wave compared to last week.  Getting ready for the "Pineapple Express," that stream of warm and unceasing rain sent to us with Aloha from the Pacific Isles.

Listened to Roger Hedgecock on KXL last night while on a mad dash to Freddie's/Kroger's because "we forgot to get (fill in the blank)?"

In 1994, during the, ahem, historic Clinton administration, Medicare and Medicaid would reimburse hospitals and providers (docs, therapists, etc.) at a rate of 104%.  Meaning a doctor or hospital would get repaid by these two systems for the actual cost of service, plus 4%.  That's called profit, and Congress abhors profits by anyone other than themselves, so laws limiting repayment were enacted.

Currently, M&M (how sweet, but they're having a meltdown) pay only 81% of actual costs, 9 months or so after billing.   This means your doctor loses 19% of his actual cost to treat Medicare patients, plus the cost of "carrying" the debt interest-free, and your local hospital loses 19% for treating the various illegals whom they are forced by law to treat, plus the same interest loss as your doctor.  Gee, I wonder who will have to cover that 19%? 

Hospitals and providers recover that 19% by upcharging the private insurance companies for services.  That means your premiums go up, your deductible goes up, and your co-pay goes up and the general "healthcare costs" go up because Congress mandated it!!   That's right, boys and girls, Congress helped "break" our current healthcare system by their inept tinkering, of which there is no equal, and now they blame "private insurance" for the mess they themselves created!!  I am shocked, I tell you, shocked that politicians would lie to us just so they can control more and more of our lives.  Of course I love Big Brother!  Don't you?

Guy Fawkes Day is Nov. 5, just in case you'd like to celebrate somehow.  I'm open to suggestions.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Welcome To My Blog!

Hi, New Readers!

And welcome to my little corner of the Internet; you know, that vast cyber-universe invented by Al Gore BEFORE he discovered "Global Warming" as a fund-raiser.

For those of you who don't remember, "Global Warming" was called "Global Cooling" in the 1970's after a publication by Rachel Carson entitled "Silent Spring" or some such. Same "science," opposite view.  So now it's called "Climate Change;" so the U.N. wins no matter what we do. 

Of course, "science" was also propounding as fact that "phlogiston" was an unseen gas only a few short decades ago, revised only shortly before exposure to radioactivity and using cocaine was considered to be healthful.
We may as well practice calling each other "Comrade" right now, as in "Welcome to the USSA (Union of Socialist States of Amerika), Comrade Velasquez!  Here's your complimentary Oregon drivers' license and Oregon Trail (food stamp) card!  Be sure to enrol little Deiter in ESL classes:  they're 'free,' after all!  And the nearest Emergency Room is only a 911 call away!!"

Perhaps you have noticed that Sarcasm is a small part of this blog, as if you would understand that.

But mostly I will be into politics and current events, with the occasional dig at societal winners and losers like Jon Edwards and Tiger Woods thrown into the mix:.equal opportunity is my creed.

Thanks for reading, and come back soon. Bookmark us if you like what you read, drink some more Kool-Aid if you don't. Actually, I will be happy to post your viewpoint as long as it remains coherent and G-rated.


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