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How Do You Spell "Thug?"

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Two Possible Futures

Contrary to the ploys of  Timothy "I just don't understand TurboTax" Geithner, most fourth-graders can understand that if you must use 100% of your gross income to pay your bills, you won't be able to buy food or shoes or fuel.  Today's graph at American Thinker projects where the USA is headed based on today's Federal Debt, next year's mandated spending, and where we as a nation will be financially in ten years of "Obamanomics."  I suggest learning to love Tofu Chow Don or eating Halal foods:

Or, We, the People, can purge the system of the current profligate spenders and return toward being the greatest nation on this earth, the world's breadbasket, that "shining city on a hill" of which President Reagan so eloquently spoke.  The choice is NOT Washington's to make for us:  the choice is OURS, beginning in the 2010 elections, just a few short months away, and continuing into 2012, and by 2014, the entire roster of Congressional and Executive members could be rewritten, and our country may yet escape the financial collapse being orchestrated by "Tsarina Pelosevich" in the House, " Grand Vizier Harry 'Jafar' Reid" in the Senate, and "B.S. O'Bumble" and his band of co-conspirators in the White House.  The United Socialist States of Amerika is being built right in front of our faces.  Do you really want to live like that?  Ask any Ukranian immigrant about that.

So it's pretty much up to you at this point.  The first "Tea Party" in Boston, 236 years ago this past Wednesday, was about the forced transfer of wealth (taxes on import profits) from America to Europe without recourse. "NO Taxation (see Tom Paine's definition in the right-hand column) Without Representation" was their battle cry.

Ever written to your Senator or Congressman?  Don't you just love to get a nice form letter/pat on the head/ political Party Line and being told that you don't "see the big picture" about our country enough to have your opinion matter in the least and "your" representative will "vote his conscience" in spite of public opinion and those of the majority of voters?  Try telling YOUR boss that, next time you're asked to work overtime, 

It's why we have the First AND Second Amendments:  to protect the rest of our rights from today's elitist tyrants in Brooks Brothers and Armani suits.

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