How Do You Spell "Thug?"

How Do You Spell "Thug?"

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Bugdet "Shortfall," part 999,999,993

Oregon's government faces a "shortfall" of only $540 million dollars this coming fiscal year, which is about $142 per resident.  And that's AFTER Oregon voters got suckered into passing tax boondoggles, I mean,  measures 66 and 67:  after all, "It's for the CHILDREN," remember?

Over one-half-billion-dollars is slated to be spent over and above tax revenues, and  finally, finally, Governor Kulongoski calls for an across-the-board 9% reduction in all state agencies. Of course, true to form, SEIU leadership is screaming how "unfair" it is to curtail wage increases, pension padding, and requiring more "unpaid furlough days." Those "furlough days," by the way,  only lead to excessive overtime payments at a net added cost to taxpayers: another giant leap toward fiscal responsibility. 

Look, any sixth-grader can tell you that fewer tax PAYERS leads to lower tax REVENUES, and that should lead to REDUCED TAX SPENDING.  Period.  Not in Oregon's looney legislature, though. It's spend-and-tax as usual in Salem, never mind the giant whooshing sound of more and more jobs disappearing, except in the marbled halls of government.  But where, oh, where to cut spending?

Well, since you ask:  do we truly need OLCC-controlled liquor outlets and the neccessary logistics to run them, or could we license retailers like Safeway and Walgreens to dispense liquor?  Let the OLCC be a licensing and policing agency, and leave the trucking and warehousing to private, but regulated carriers.  Banks do that very thing with cash and securities, so why not booze?

Do we truly need a fleet of state-owned automobiles, and the neccessary teams of mechanics, garages, parts warehouses, and the like,  or could a leasing agreement be put out for bid to Alamo, Enterprise, and Hertz?   Hundereds of private industries do just that, and they save millions of dollars annually.

Publishing every blessed state document in ten or more languages is idiotic.  Period.  If I need an interpreter in order to take my driver's license test, or if I need to have the  operator's manual printed in Urdu or Inuit, why are not all street signs printed in ten languages?  Thank goodness my concealed handgun license test was in English ONLY. 

These are only a few suggestions as to how to tighten the state's Brobdingnagian belt a few paltry notches.  Don't get me started on the Federal budget, but, since there is now movement to Federally regulate your salt, sugar, and fat intakes, let me just ask this:  If what I choose to put in my mouth is so dadblasted important to Congress, why isn't Barney Frank being investigated?

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