How Do You Spell "Thug?"

How Do You Spell "Thug?"

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Just Another Monday

Would-be homicide bomber Mohamed O. Mohamud (how charmingly predictable) was unable to detonate a bogus bomb which he obtained from an undercover FBI agent.  Mr. Mohamud, a naturalized U.S. citizen, apparently purchased the ersatz materials in a failed attempt to murder a thousand Portlanders who were attending the Pioneer Square politically-correct "Holiday Tree Lighting Ceremony."   He seemed to believe that he would get bonus Allah-points through performing mass murder, and his contingent suicide, thereby entitling himself to 6 dozen virgins, which are now all assumed to be 45-year-old men who still endlessly play "Warcraft" while living in their parents' basements.
You and I, nevertheless, are to be treated as if we were the terrorists:  pat-downs, scanners, investigative gropings of places only our spouses and our doctors normally touch, simply in order to visit grandma's house in Philadelphia by means of air travel.  By the way, are we expected to tip for the TSA feel-up?  Meanwhile, Arizonans who attempted to persuade this Administration to actually enforce current immigration laws are  reviled as bigots, and sued by the very Administration sworn to protect them.  Our southern border remains nearly as secure as an unlocked liquor store in East Los Angeles, and we are now treated as prime suspects.

As DHS Secretary Napolitano was thought to remark:  "Terrorists come in all sizes and shapes, but you can easily spot them by noticing Irish red hair, Scandanavian blue eyes, Teutonic stout builds, Italian hot-bloodedness, Yiddish dialect, Icelandic calm, Germanic ire, Scottish temper, Spanish romanticism, and French savoir-faire.  But we do not recognize any racial or religious characteristics:  that would be profiling, which is frowned upon by our entire government."
Attorney General Eric Holder, fresh from another round of depositions against Arizona Governor Jan Brewer, was believed to say:  "Withholding civil rights from illegal aliens and Guantanamo prisoners is worse than shredding their fourth-amendment rights, which the framers of the Constitution plainly sought to confer on all the world, even white folks, except just not for all you white folks."

Obviously, the inmates are still running the asylum, and until we experience something akin to a military coup d'etat, our civil liberties will continue to disappear faster than Barack Obama's school records. Without being bigoted, ask yourself this:  
"What do ALL of the terrorists identified since 9/11/2001 have in common?"
Remember, in Final Jeopardy, spelling counts...

p.s  If you are the slack-jawed moron who set fire to the Islamic center in Corvallis, I sincerely hope you get housed in the halal section of OSP.  I'm sure they'll appreciate and reward your efforts.

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