How Do You Spell "Thug?"

How Do You Spell "Thug?"

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Resolutions For The New Year

1. I Resolve to let ObamaMama correct my diet, and to follow her example.  Oh, dear. 
Can you say: "Thunder-thighs?"
2. I Resolve to explain the Constitution to Ezra Klein, even though it is "more than 100 years old."
This from a kid born in 1985 and who attended public schools. (Please note:  I did NOT say "snot-nosed.")
3. I Resolve to write  to my Congressman and Senators more often, and to not laugh out loud at their pitiable, party-line responses.  So far, so good, but the "day ain't over yet."
4.  I Resolve to "pay my share" of onerous taxes to support the wild-eyed Ponzi schemes of a leftist, statist government whose policies are blatantly extra-Constitutional and which pose a genuine threat to the American way of life.  Can I pay the IRS with Food Stamps?  Why not?
5.  I Resolve to embrace "Obamacare," "Obamanomics," "Obamagasn'oil," "Obamacars," "Obamacap'nTax," and "Obama-lama-ding-dong."  After all, Marxism is so beneficial, is it not?
6.  I Resolve to be less sarcastic when writing about Portland's monoclinous Mayor Sam Adams, even if I have to suck it up and swallow his agenda, or bend over to receive his point of view.. Ri-i-ight.
7.  I Resolve to support the Portland Public Schools' constant requests for more and more money, even when the levels of scholastic achievement are morbidly declining, and teachers' pay-packages are constantly inflating.  Why Johny kan't balunce him's chexbook?  Don't axe me.
8.  I Resolve to refrain from questioning the Government's right to systematically remove our Constitutional rights "for the greater good."  More TSA, anyone? 
9.  I Resolve to refer to illegal aliens as "undocumented guests," or by whatever euphemism is acceptable to the Ministry of Truth.  DREAM on, sucka!
10.  I Resolve to refrain from references to "1984" when writing about our current political state, since we all know that the book was purely fictional.  I love Big Brother, too.

I'm feeling more optimistic about 2011 already, how about you?

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