How Do You Spell "Thug?"

How Do You Spell "Thug?"

Monday, September 26, 2011

Operation False and Spurious

This morning, FOX News reported that your  Department of "Justice," led by Eric Holder, an "honorable man" in every Shakespearean sense of the word (read his "Julius Caesar" for Marc Antony's soliloquy) not only used taxpayer money to buy and sell some 2,000 weapons to Sinaloa drug cartel gangsters, but that these sales were directly approved at every level of the BATFE and the DOJ, as well as other germane Federal agencies.  Previous to these revelations, Eric Holder & Co. swore ignorance and innocence at every inquiry, verbally washing innocent blood from all hands in a manner eerily reminiscent of Pontius Pilate.  However, the blood of murdered Border Patrol agent, 40-year old Brian Terry, a member of the Department of Homeland Security (headed by  the recollection-challenged and somnolent Janet Napolitano), remains on many, many Federal hands, perhaps even to the apex of the chain of command, the incompetent former community agitator who now occupies the White House.  If Lady Macbeth was unable to cleanse her stains, those responsible for the arguably most ill-conceived and wretchedly executed "sting" operation in recorded history shall also be held responsible.
Border Agent Killed
Brian Terry, R.I.P.

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