How Do You Spell "Thug?"

How Do You Spell "Thug?"

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Congress Forbidden to Send You "Christmas" Wishes

Dear Senator Merkley, Senator Wyden, and Congressman Schrader;

It is my understanding that members of Congress are forbidden* to wish constituents neither "Merry Christmas" nor "Happy New Year" in franked (Taxpayer-funded) official messages.
It is also my understanding that both "Christmas" and "New Year's Day" are officially and lawfully recognized as Federal Holidays by name. I trust you can see where I am going with this: another contradictory message from a government legal system of paradox upon incongruity upon dichotomy: no wonder the people of America become frustrated.

So, Senators and Congressman, in closing I wish you and yours a very, very MERRY CHRISTMAS, and a PRAYER for a HAPPY (and Prosperous) NEW YEAR, courtesy of that good ol' First Amendment.

Most Sincere Regards,
Neon Leon

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