How Do You Spell "Thug?"

How Do You Spell "Thug?"

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


A preschooler was fed chicken nuggets for lunch because a state worker felt that her homemade lunch did not have "enough nutritional value."
The student was in her classroom when a state agent, who was inspecting lunch boxes, decided that the child's home-packed lunch, which consisted of a turkey and cheese sandwich, a banana, apple juice and potato chips, “did not meet U.S.D.A. 'guidelines.'"
The decision was made under consideration of a regulation put in place by the the Division of Child Development and Early Education at the Department of Health and Human Services, which requires all lunches served in pre-kindergarten programs to meet USDA "guidelines."  Note:   "By definition, following a 'guideline' is never mandatory. Guidelines are not binding and are not enforced." ( U.S. Dept. of Veterans Affairs).
“When home-packed lunches do not include all of the required items, child care providers must supplement them with the missing ones."
The student’s mother received a note from the school about the "incident" and was charged $1.25 for the cafeteria tray, from which her daughter only ate three chicken nuggets, some of the corn, none of the zucchini, lemon squash, nor the broccoli, only a single bite of watermelon, some of the muffin, and drank part of the "chocolate-y dairy drink" (WTF??)  Approximately 60% of the federally subsidized and mandated lunch went into the trash, which is an obviously sterling example of another highly successful nanny-government mandate-posing-as-a-"guideline."

The mother, who was not identified in the report, expressed concern about school officials telling her daughter that she wasn’t “packing her lunch box properly.”  Another MYOFB intrusion into a citizen's personal choice concerning raising her own child.

So, mothers everywhere, be sure to call your local food police before sending your precious snowflake off to school without "enough" broccoli, cauliflower, kale, swiss chard, and some soy nuggets or you will be charged as a food felon.

Welcome to the Dickens, 1984, and Baracktopia mashup.

-neon leon

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