How Do You Spell "Thug?"

How Do You Spell "Thug?"

Monday, March 5, 2012


One week after a campaign congratulatory speech by purported President Obama, during which he promised to buy a Chevy Volt upon retirement (hopefully a 2013 model), GM, the automaker nationalized by the stroke of a Presidential Bic, announced the "temporary" stoppage of production on the Volt and the subsequent layoff of 1,300 GM shareholders assembly line workers. Given Mr. O's penchant for golf, I can understand his desire for a Volt, as it serves no useful purpose as an automobile, nor ever shall it.

The closest thing to a truly "green economy" vehicle is GM's proposed Silverado pickup which can run on natural gas, of which some 98% of available supply is produced right here in the USA, not Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, nor Iran.  Having driven a commercial truck which ran on propane, I think the CNG is a grand idea:  low CO2 output, cleaner-burning than gasoline or diesel, and available in all 57 states, unlike Obama's birth records.

WithThat in mind, expect gasoline prices to remain at record highs near the $5-per-gallon goal of the Obama DOE until Labor Day, when prices should drop to about $1-to-$1.50-per-gallon.  Oddly, the Democratic National Convention will commence the following day, but I fact, I don't care, my best-performing stock is CVX (ChevronTexaco).

Hat Tip:  Glen Foden
-neon leon

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