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How Do You Spell "Thug?"

Monday, December 14, 2009

Offsetting Carbon

Senator Wyden (D-OR) assures me that:

"I respect the right of everyone to form their own opinion about global climate change. As a U.S. Senator, however, it is also my job to make decisions based on the best scientific evidence available -- the overwhelming majority of which suggests human actions do impact the world’s climate. While I am concerned about recent revelations of potential data misuse by a university in the United Kingdom, decades of peer-reviewed research has consistently shown that climate change is real and is a critical threat to our planet."

So, in my humble effort to wean myself from Canadian Natural Gas (Oooohh: bad, eh?) and hydroelectric heat ( Oooohh: fish die! Feed the Seals!) I have vowed to use only renewable energy this winter to heat my home: my woodstove. Oh, it smokes a little, but I'm proud to do my part to save mother earth. Popcorn, anyone?

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