How Do You Spell "Thug?"

How Do You Spell "Thug?"

Saturday, January 2, 2010

The Manchurian President, Clueless in D.C.

President and Commander-in-Chief Obumble, fresh from a relaxing vacation in Hawaii, has consistently referred to Umar Abdulmutallab as a "suspect" who "allegedly" attempted to murder 200 or so travellers on Christmas day, just as FDR called December 7th, 1941 a "rather unpleasant Sunday morning for some sailors."  But, thanks to alert TSA agents a brave Danish tourist, this most recent attempt at the mass murder of Americans by bombing was foiled.  Now, 9 days later, the President has astutely "linked" Umar to Al-Qaeda in Yemen, where four Gitmo detainees were shipped last month.  Umar remains, however, a "suspect," and definitely NOT a "terrorist" nor a "jihadist."  Perhaps Mr. Obumble will one day refer to Umar as a "Muslim extremist," but don't hold your breath.  Perhaps, since Umar , a Muslim, targeted a planeload of predominately Christian travellers, he will be charged with a "hate crime," but I repeat, don't hold your breath. 
Muppet News Flash:  Smuggling explosives onto an airliner full of passengers is a TERRORIST act, Mr. Commander-in-Chief.  While our laws protect the "suspect," once he is on American soil, there are apparently few mechanisms in place which effectively protect the American Citizens, save for Dumb Luck and Brave European Tourists.  The Dep't. of Homeland Security is now every bit as competent as Amtrak and Fannie Mae. 
On a daily basis, this current administration reveals its depths of ineptitude.  While the President may be an eloquent script-reader, his worldview reveals a strangely pro-jihadist bent.  Perhaps his Muslim schooling in Indonesia leads him to say nothing remotely anti-Muslim, and yet say everything anti-Christian:  according to him, we are a "post-Christian nation" of "bitter gun owners clinging to their religion ( Christianity),"  and unable to "read (their) bibles" accurately.  What monumental narcissism this man displays, and yet consistently demonstrates his total inability to take meaningful action beyond his voice-over talents.  Someone tie him to a chair and force him to watch "300."  Perhaps that will show him what "courage" means.
I would recommend Richard Condon's book, The Manchurian Candidate," or, for the non-reader, the 1962 film starring Frank Sinatra, (and skipping the 2004 cheesy remake starring Denzel Washington).

Our President and C-I-C does not behave as if he is on your side.  Despite his ghost-written, flowery rhetoric, his discomfiting actions speak volumes louder than his soothing, vacuous speeches. 
Mr. Obumble's incompetent Presidency and Utopian worldview will bring about a new 9/11.  You'd best prepare for it.

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